Fire Punch 53

>When your little sister is so cute, that you forget the years of pain spent burning alive, and the urge to kill her...

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This manga is everything Evangelion wishes it was.

Are they still immortal? WTF even happened?

Please don't make yourself appear dumber than you really are.










Too bad she died.

The fuck

>tfw Togata is ash

her death was kind of dull

like this new chapters

I guess I should catch up. I thought his sister was long dead.

His sister's perfectly fine

Next chapter WHEN

chapter 54 raws

>that fucking thumbnail

You're a good egg kid

Left page is fucking top tier,slut and school girl alone shit all over the left page.

so I guess everyone lost their blessing? If so, does that mean the world will stop being covered in ice?

If his sister looks exactly like Judas and the treelady, who in turn are part of the superhuman/aryan master race in space, does that mean that his sister is too? Would that mean they're NBR since he's not blonde haired and blue eyed? Can wincest win in the end after all?

In waht way
