Her name is Signum. Today 7 years ago she jobbed hard on Nanoha FORCE. Say something nice about her.
Her name is Signum. Today 7 years ago she jobbed hard on Nanoha FORCE. Say something nice about her
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I like that she's trying to reach out to other professions just in case.
Man, remember when Signum was the fucking juggernaut of the franchise?
Good times.
She can't job in a universe that doesn't exist.
>Force got cancelled just a few chapters after she made Cypha run away like a bitch
Ha ha.
She used to be so badass, what happened?
She's still badass in my heart.
>7 years
Sadly it seems the good fan art of the comedic duo has stopped for good.
Don't insult my wife.
No lies on that comment, though.
>it's been 7 years since that abomination
>no lies
Yeah okay Fate.
I remember being massively butthurt. Nowadays I'm still are but I also look back to it with nostalgia.
Vita has the dumbest name in a franchise where dumb names are rampant, what an amazing feat.
I can't think about anything else from the day I met her.
Reminder best doujin ever.
Vita sacrificed some str for con, unlike Signum.
Reminder that you are literally subhuman.
Monkey see; monkey do levels of intelligence.
And yes, it's obvious who you are.
It's absolutely amazing how pathetically stupid you are. Just seeing you reminds me that I'm drastically smarter than other people. You honestly think that if anyone can see what subhuman shit you are that they must be mad or mentally impaired in some way.
Signum is awesome. I wish I could be her rival.
I think your samefag detector is pretty off-mark there, autist. Please kill yourself you cock-sucking mongoloid troglodyte turbo-faggot.
Selfinsert NTR shit. The art was good though.
I want to rub my face on her thighs.
i don't watch her (particular)series because it's season after season, but i liked fapping to her
It's never off the mark with you, !Akemi.
And just one of the many reasons it's obvious who you are is that you OBSESS over samefagging and refuse to address anything else. Tell me, why does that one specific issue set you off so badly? Do you really think if you can fool people into thinking you're more than one person than you're objectively correct about whatever you say? If you actually were multiple people, there is a zero percent chance that "all" of them would react to getting called out on samefagging the same way.
What the fuck are you babbling about
That's another thing only you. Try insanely hard to play dumb. Because you think if you pretend obvious self explanatory posts hard to understand that everyone else will think they are hard to understand as well. Which is really stupid.
Instead of addressing how you are shitposting and your posts are objectively bad, you jumped to crying about samefagging right away. You always do this.
See? Literally all you know how to do is give non-answers and samefag to try and make it look like your view point is the common one. But it's not, and even if it was, you're not correct for having the majority vote.
The fact you refuse to address what's actually said in the posts is the biggest tell of who you are.
Fuck no, though the series as a whole is easily the best fap of any Nanoha doujin.