Why are lolis so verboten?
Why are lolis so verboten?
Other urls found in this thread:
Because they are a danger to onii-chans everywhere.
Because they're too sexy
Because they're a class A planetary danger.
>someone posted a very cute Yayoi picture
>thread got deleted before I could save it
>the archive didn't catch either
Here's an angry Nanoha.
Because you keep making this thread
As long as it's Sup Forums lolis and what's posted is within the confines of a blue board, why not?
I don't think he understands that these threads are only made in response to a loli thread getting nuked for no reason
loli strippers are great.
Lolicons are the real jews
Please don't sexualize my daughteru
lolis are for turning into daughters
>for turning into mothers
Lolis are for turning into mothers.
Daughters are for turning into mothers
sorry for jpeg artifacts
it was the only way to get it below 4mb
Remove 774, he's garbage
>Sup Forums
At least the title is correct now, calling it "essential artists" when half of them are seldom mentioned in these threads would be just wrong.
But lolis are already someone's daughter.
Because loli aren't old enough to bare children, you sick fuck.
You take that back this instant you son of a bastard bitch.
They are old enough to be impregnated.
>No Salad
shit list.
Why do you ask questions you already know the answers to? Some user reported it, easy peasy lemon squeezy, and then death.
Pedos are very dumb.
old hags cant stand the competition
Lolis get bullied like this because it's so fun to see how they react.
No bullying.
the best part is when they stop reacting
More bullying pls.
Seeing lolis get bullied is not fun.
Bullies need to get wrecked.
Komichan is the most bullyable, she has the best reactions.
Fuck off back to your circlejerk for your shit show.
Post more amputee.
damaged lolis are extra cute. They make me want to protect them more.
>implying she needs protection
Good for her. I still want to care for her though.
Why is she such a bitch?
Because is funny.
Because they're dangerous little critters than belong in the abyss. Don't let them roam free on the surface.
I don't care about loli. But I wish lolicon would just admit they're pedos. Nothing to be ashamed of.
stop shitposting
It is only natural that she'd be that way. Can you imagine all the shit you could get away with if you were a cute armless loli?
>All this loli bullying
Alright, which one of you let Sleety out of his cage?
This only goes to show that the people who draw loli guro are jealous old hags who hates perfection.
Drink acid.
But she loves lolis user, guro is the purest form of love after all!
Found the old hag.
No, it isn't. Marrying a loli is the purest form of love.
No, she knows that destroying perfection is the highest form of expressing love. She knows from experience.
But user, marrying a loli is good because it's taking the purity away from her, physically destroying the lolis is the same but taken to a higher degree with even more love.
Old women raped the sleety?
Would you like if someone did the same to you?
Its a cycle
Bap this man.
Lolicon is just Japanese for pedophile, it's not like we're in denial or anything.
I'm more of a hebephile. Nothing sexier than a little girl with tiny tits and hips.
But user, I'm not a loli.
A wonderful cycle of love and pain.
sauce? reverse search gives nothing
At any rate, an amazing van
Would you fail this test?
That bikini is not nearly micro enough.
Whats in your van, loli?
I'll tell you what isn't on the van: Rock and beer.
Stay alert, user. Don't fall for their lies.
sakurafubuki nel
Lolis deserve bullying for their own good.
For our own good as well user, if we don't bully them they'll bully us, it's us or them!
I want to be bullied by a loli. Several, if possible.
i want a goburin to step on me
Are you in any way involved with this: 4taba.net
I tried my hardest to escape, but the sound of rock music is getting louder. If you see this post maybe there is still hope for (You)...
>shit shading
Female lolicons are the worst lolicons, you heard it here first folks.
I agree
Your taste is shit user, abuse is the best and that shading is fine. Female lolicons like Second Cry are the ones who keep the whole industry from being composed of shitty tracers like Show.
just imagine compressing those tummies!
>lolis suffering
>not fun
>a bath
>no tap
>weak and incomplete lines that make everything look like a crude scetch
>probably has fucked up depth perception since she cant align the bottom of the bathtub with the adjacent floor
>janky shading on top of that
You're not making a convincing point user. It's time to stop posting and just admit that Cry a shit.
Also lolis are for men and other lolis only, not some old useless hags.
Purple power?
These lolis can't trick me. I know there are no rock CDs inside. No one uses CDs in this day and age.
How the hell did this get the okay for publishing. What was the editor thinking?
Are you new to reading manga?
Just wondering what kind of goes through people's heads when they work on this. Kinda imagine it would be similar to being an editor to Shindol or something
Why wouldn't it get the okay for publishing? It's very well written and ecchi sells, the magazine it was in sold on its back so much that the other authors begged watashiya not to leave.
"So this is the female version of me when I was 10 and liked my maths teacher"
KnJ is very tame compared to Shindol's works. There are no sex scenes or violence in it. It's a typical comedy/drama/coming-of-age story that happens to include loli main characters. And loli fanservice is nothing unusual in anime/manga.