Random memory

Just remembered a conversation I had with my grandfather who died a few years ago, I was 10 at the time, we just learned about world war 2 at the time, I asked him "why did world war 2 happen?" He replied with "because the Jews controlled the banks," he also said something else, but I have forgotten it
I still miss him sometimes

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Yeah, people used to tell it like it is back in the day. I miss that too.

We used to go to some lake to picnic and swim and we had to pay to get in. I asked my dad one time why we had to pay and he said matter of factly 'that's to keep the niggers out'.

The old days were good, I wish they were brought back desu, then we wouldn't have this shitty excuse of a generation, it sickens me that I'm actually part of this generation (born in 1997) almost everyone I went to school with is either on drugs, pregnant, an asshole or facing various mental illnesses

When things looked too difficult for me, my grandfather said "well, if it was easy, little nigger girls would be doing it."

Why the fuck did I type desu?
The curse of the jew is turning me into a weeb ffs

Grandfathers are truly the strongest race

cuckchan auto corrects t b h to that.

>have grandfather who fought in WW1
>died before I was born but I've read his war diary a couple times and it feel like I know him well
>my dad told me he was devastated when WW2 happened because WW1 was supposed to "end all wars"
>never marched in ANZAC parades because he thought glorifying soldiers is how they trick the next generation to run off and die for their wars
>dad also told me he used to rant about the Jews often

Feels good man.

>when you get gaslighted by gook moot

>>never marched in ANZAC parades because he thought glorifying soldiers is how they trick the next generation to run off and die for their wars

He is kind of right, it's a giant pysop to divert peoples attention from asking why wars are constantly fought with sub-standard equipment

That war diary sounds like a pretty good read.

Our grandfathers unfortunately were unable to stop the Jews, maybe our children and grandchildren will rise up and destroy them.

>who died a few years ago, I was 10 at the time
>I was 10 at the time
>a few years ago

How long is “a few years ago”? I interpret that to be no more than 5 years, and that’s even pushing it. Underaged faggot, get out of here or quit it with your lies.

Missed a comma
The conversation was when I was ten
He died a few years ago
I'm 20 and fucking hate my life

Well he was absolutely right in regards to shaming non-participants, my grandfather on the other side (forgot to mention WW1 guy was great grandfather) was alive during WW2 and he DIDN'T go off to fight because his mother didn't let him - apparently he just got shat on by everyone asking him "why aren't you helping our boys out on the front line, are you a coward" etc....
It's disgusting the tactics they tricked ordinary people into using to shame young men to run off and die in their useless wars.

It's a great read - he even talks about "whipping lazy niggers" at a pump station in Egypt.

I think 9/11 was the last batch of retards that are going to fall for that "patriotic" bullshit. Unless someone is PHYSICALLY invading mainland America, I can honestly say fuck America's wars.

I'm not getting my ass shot off and coming back on stumps (if at all) while some Goldman Sachs fucker Jews my family out of their house and life's savings. Even if "someone" nukes a US city, I'm 100% sure it will be the CIA that did it and NOT some foreign government.

This is what a nation becomes when it reaches "Peak Kike".

I hope that one day that there's a war diary thread, I would love to read them all

My great grandfather he told me he fought in Okinawa, when I was 19. He said he felt great about the war in the years following, but as he got older, he realized the world was worse off. Whenever he spoke against it, people would pretty much say, “lol, you’re crazy old man, ecksdee, don’t forget the six gorillion, you served your country, be proud”, he told me.

I asked him to explain and he said, “you’ll figure it out when you grow up”

Wars are a Jewish invention, the world started to go to pot when the first Jew came into riches

I feel bad for your great grandfather, he had to watch the world become shittier

>never marched in ANZAC parades because he thought glorifying soldiers is how they trick the next generation to run off and die for their wars
Military worship. Also, a big part of (((Hollywood))). The whole "I support our troops" mantra, as well. They don't give a fuck about soldiers.

>War is a Racket by Smedley Butler

I'm a Finnish reserve officer (ignore the flag) and I always feel weird when I see someone discuss war the way you have in this thread. I'm not saying you're wrong about the futility for an american or for an australian. Of course it's different for our nations and obviously each war is different. It feels so strange that when I hear the word 'war', I usually think of the wars where my grandfather fought a just war against the soviets. Whereas some people think about some useless conflict with sandniggers nobody cares about.

Some wars are necessary
Most are unneeded, like the sandnigger wars

I suppose it's fair to say war has a completely different meaning for Euros as it does for those of us who are safe and secure on our Island continents.

Quit lying you sack off shit, 10 years is not “a few years ago” LARPing ass motherfucker

Obviously you fail to understand that you're a fucking idiot

>- apparently he just got shat on by everyone asking him "why aren't you helping our boys out on the front line, are you a coward"
And that's the other side of the coin. Even if the war itself is total bullshit, you are either a part of your 'herd' or you are not. I bet he suffered for that all his life.

Jesus, stop reading like a dumb burger ya stupid teenager. He said he died a few years ago, doesn't imply he had the conversation at the moment of death you idiotic cunt.

Damn, your grandpa was based like a cement foundation. Too bad he ain’t alive; dude could bring the bantz here

Apparently he hated his mother for it so I'd say that's a yes.
But it could be worse, there's all sorts of stories of yankees killing themselves for not fighting.

Commies suck, but war is the jew's harvest. They finance both sides. It's a meat grinder for the goyim.

We had wars against russians before we had jews


The shills are amassing and organizing against the memo and wave of secret society news

>being this new

Been here for a while, just never encountered that before

Dude, there's no way you're this stupid

He's probably the same user who says pineapple goes on pizza

He never lived during the age of the internet, AOL had barely become a thing when he passed, so I didn't get to redpill him on the jews. With that said, he served during WWII, but I'm relieved that he never left the country and instead just did a bit of tinkering on planes somewhere in Nevada.

>We had wars against russians before we had jews
When was that? I don't know swedish history prior to the 1800s. Also, I thought we were talking about soviets, ie. commies, not russians. Fun fact: Churchill was a swedish jew.

>Churchill was a swedish jew.
I hate Churchill now

I don't think there were really any jews in Sweden before 1770's. Not that many in Russia either.
Soviet, russian, who gives a shit.

so your gramps was a raving lunatic, great

no wonder his grandson turned out to be a fucking failure as well


*laughs in brexit*

That's pretty sad mate.

That's a pretty sad story, I hope those "nazi hunters" receive retribution

I'll concede to your point, but times have changed since the 17th century. Don't get your balls blown off. The foreign invaders are already inside Sweden.

>t.Bela Kun

The feels are too real
Same. What the fuck is wrong with those kikes hunting down 90 year old guys to put on show trials where a kike is the judge, kikes are the jury, and a kike is the executioner? All because they fought for their country

Someone should hunt the hunters, and the world should accept that the 6 million was a lie

>What the fuck is wrong with those kikes hunting down 90 year old guys to put on show trials where a kike is the judge, kikes are the jury, and a kike is the executioner?
They're just struggling to keep the crumbling narrative of the Holohoax alive and to preserve their status as history's most persecuted, lest they become known as the persecutors.

How do we fix modern women, Sup Forums?

For example, look at this slut in public (pic related)iRF

can you believe she goes out dressed like that?
I'm pretty sure there's a video of this too. Why are women so slutty?

We cannot fix them, they are too slutty

>When things looked too difficult for me, my grandfather said "well, if it was easy, little nigger girls would be doing it."

I'm adding that to my files under shit talking.

Omg. That is amazing. Three cheers to your grandpa

I think he'd get a kick out of me telling this story. I don't think he ever said things like this around the women in the family. They swear he wasn't racist at all. He treated blacks very kindly, but no way in hell, he considered them his equal.