Question for the Anti-Trump Folks

Let's pretend for a moment that this video detailing the series of events leading up to today the explicitly describes everything the Obama Administration, FBI, DOJ, CIA, and many in the Democratic Party allegedly did against Trump the candidate and eventually Trump the president is true.

How does this info affect your views on Trump? How would your feelings about the Democratic Party change, if at all? Ho will it affect your vote during mid terms? How about during Trump's re-election bid in 2020?

I'm not trolling or picking a fight; just genuinely curious about your outlook, politically speaking, regarding the actions of those affiliated with your choice political party and how it would have tarnished its image.

Other urls found in this thread:

Can you tarnish dog shit?

What a well informed post, kudos to you feel well Resistor!

>implying the Democratic party isn't a pile of shit

Oh shit, I was confused, I thought you were calling Trump dogshit like the shills have been since the FISA Revelations began

>le deep state hates Trump maymay

they love Trump since he is the same generic neocon who's gagging to bomb Iran they've always had

I don't think you know what that word means

Oh no, just saying that it would be really hard to make me see the dems any worse then I already do, nothing they do surprises me anymore. Pic related

Agreed, I can't believe I actually supported these fuckers before

Politics is kosher theater. The democrats are the Bolsheviks and the republicans are the Zionists and you're in the middle getting ass fucked.

I'd be disturbed but glad it was done. Dude is terrible.


This woman should have been bayonetted on the spot

In all seriousness. I realize there are already quite a few former Democrats that are "pedes" or whatever. This post, mostly, was to ask about current Democrats.

I know what it's like to pick a side you most ardently agree with. It's like picking denomination in church or religion in general. I'm talking about die hard Democratic Party supporters. I want to know what these revelations meant to them.

Obama was a symbol of "progress" in our nation. Undisputed 2-term president. Regardless of hype, we're finding out he was, indeed, quite a busy man. Just not in the regards we believed him to be. This has to be devastating to their views of him.

Looking for input/discussion.

Keep in min, I have family members that are too old to absorb any of what's going on and probably won't likely vote anymore but will swear "Democrat" to their dying day. This question isn't really aimed towards them. I'm talking future prospective voters.

Yeah, with my dick.

But would you consider for a second that your belief that 'dude (Trump) is terrible' was wholly formed by an intense smear and propaganda campaign orchestrated in tandem by Dems, Deep State, and mainstream media?

Did you have such hate for Trump prior to 2016?

You probably won't get an honest discussion from Hardline Dems, they tow the party line so hard they will mentally bendover backwards to make a case for them regardless of the amount of evidence presented


No, I just have to listen to the things he says to know he's awful. No media or FBI can make him say the things he says. And yes, i've always thought he was a douche.

This is interesting. Let's do a metaphor:

Let's say there's this kid in school that's a bit rough around the edges. There's only a few people in school that hang out with him, but they all seem (at least on the outside) to come from a fairly well-to-do background.

The school district decides they don't like this kid or his family anymore, so they gang up on him and start spreading rumors in an attempt to shame them into moving somewhere else. You and your friends support this because you think this person is "terrible".

Does this make sense? Why would you do this to someone simply because you don't like them? Specifically, what is it about Trump you do not like?

Thanks for the reply. I'm really curious here.

Treason it is then

It's not treason when the president is a literally Russian plant.

Once again, the things he says. No one can create that. It comes out his mouth. I'm not listing all the douchy stuff he says it's well documented. "They're rapists, grab em by the pussy, etc etc"

Except he's not and you actually believe a false narrative pushed by literal agitators who were trying there best to overthrow the democratically elected POTUS, that's treason

OK, again. With all the revelations of the FACTUAL information, this is abhorrently false. So, having said all that (read the OP), how do you feel?

I suppose you could say I'm talking to the Share Blue folks here.

When are you dipshit Dems going to realize you can't make policy based on feelings?

It's not false. The US govt just created more sanctions on Russia for exactly this. It literally happened and we have proof.

So you're saying ignore the presidents thoughts and beliefs? What else is there?


No, I'm saying stop placing your bullshit policies, like DACA and chain migration, in the media as a humanities matter when preventing them is strictly an issue of upholding the laws already in place, also sanctuary cities where you stupid Dems just plug your fingers into your ears while giving the middle finger to the federal government while breaking it's rules, everyone looking at California politics knows whats up with that pathetic state

>They're rapists, grab em by the pussy, etc etc
They're rapists is statistically backed. Check your openly published fbi statistics. Also, pic related is how they try to lie about it.

"Grab 'em by the pussy" was taken out of context. He was telling the reporter, IN SHOCK AND DISBELIEF, the types of things these desperate women in the industry will let you do to them. Take a look at the Weinstein shit.

You actually think Trump would --do-- these things? Context folks.

Most illegals aren't rapists. That's what he said.

When are you going to understand you can't make policies off of emotions?

To add to this Dems forcing migration, which we all know is just a Dem tool for increasing their ballot numbers, is actually having more of a negative economical impact on this country and the states they flee to than any Republican tax cut for the rich

>It literally happened and we have proof.
What literally happened? Do you have links to support what you are saying? What is it, exactly, that you are saying? That Trump is a Russian plant? I have seen zero stories, even from the most left-leaning news sources, to say this.

It's almost like you don't read the news.

But of course you'll ignore my points because you know this is true, and you support this like a damn fool

OK, I realize there are a few of you out there, but coming to Sup Forums and quoting NPR is desperation. The house voting on it doesn't make it factual. The house voted to go to war on the pretense that Saddam Hussein had WMDs, and look how that turned out.

Remember, CIA used tools to do things and put the fingerprint on the hashes to point back to Russia. This information was made freely available months before all the revelations of everything out there.

This isn't fiction. It's not even conspiracy. This is the factual information.

The hardcore haters are just gonna say Trump deserved it and Obama was trying to save us.

I really don't have time to educate all you deeply uninformed people but put " Russian interference 2016 election" in Google and read. Bye.

Google is part of the problem you moron, they are biased, why don't you look up James Damore

Are you going to direct us to CNN next, you retard? Do you even know where you are?

Yes the land of alternative facts. Hence why think this never happened.

He knows and doesn't care. This is the absolute state of American politics. You're going to have to fight harder than posts on a fucking basket weaving forum to slay the Bolshevik menace in the United States. People are going to have to die.

Facts are bolshivism. Mkay

The Democrat party is infested at the grass-roots level by communist sympathizers. They've infested Hollywood, Academia and Washington. If you don't see this than you're bluepilled as fuck.

Is that bad? Sounds good to me.

Dirty commie. Have fun being a fucking traitor.

See this Americans? This guy is openly flaunting his communism. In the 50's he might have been arrested. Now he is able to infect others with his disgusting, murderous ideology. It's going to take blood.

Goy slave is that better

That would be you, shill

I pointed this out at the top of the thread
None of them, let alone the retard in this thread, are going to give up pushing the narrative because they are literally brainwashed
I personally blame social media

All his kids are married to jews his mentor jewish his pastor a 33 degree freemason norman vincent peel bombs assad for bullshit wants to go to war for israel in iran ect

So this is what happens when a bot goes haywire

Trump is shifting the overton window in the US. Hes also changing the republican party. The future is bright.

Trump will destroy himself, dont worry about it too much tards.

Yeah I'm not. Dude is heading towards self destruct.

I agree. """Social""" media (the most ridiculous oxymoron) is a more powerful tool than (((they))) could have possibly imagined it would be. It has changed everything for the worst. The minute you stop visiting facebook is the minute you realise that not everyone is a fucking liberal lunatic cunt.

The last time I logged onto facebook was 2 weeks ago and my feed was chocked to the rafters with posts welcoming immigrants and calling for mass anarcho-socialism. People used to grow out of these wacko beliefs as they grew up and got a job and learnt the value of money.

Now they log onto facebook where they can be barraged by liberal brainwashing day in day out. It's pretty terrifying. I shudder to think of how post-millennials are going to turn out.

Im not a democrat so my feelings about them wouldnt change. They will always and forever be the party that was asleep during the 08-09 crash for their refusal to prosecute anyone.

As far as your propaganda from and other equally unaccredited news organizations, if you havent figured you are being played by now there is no hope you and thus no reason to try to change your perspective. Let idiots lie in their own filth, the country is going to collapse in 30 years anyway.

The pastor that spoke at his inauguration the biggest jewish shill to ever call himself a christian said muslims celebrated in nj on 911 when it was jews

Stopping Drumpf is like stopping Hitla, you employ whatever means you can, even murdering children is okay

Except when you look at data you find that there is no major statistical difference between illegal immigrants and the rest of the population in crimes rates.

Please do me a favor and actually look at the statistics. But you’ve already cited a source and then explained you can’t use that source because it’s a “lie”

The issue is you start with a conclusion “Trump is good and white people are better” and then look st evidence to support your theory .

If you start with “I don’t know how to feel about trump “. You see a sea of lies, statistics that directly contradict his points and a long list of shitty behavior.

You act on faith and a will disregard facts opposing your beliefs, it’s like arguing evolution with a creationist, you are literally too stupid to see how wrong you are.

>hurr durr im a shill

This is all projection, by the way. You come in here and start bashing Trump for no reason other than the fact that he's Trump and is 'bad' for some reason (muh feels). You post no sources. When asked for some your other shill friend literally said bye and than stayed to shit up the thread anyway. You're a leftist and your worst nightmare has to come to pass and now you're going to spend the next 3 years (and probably 7) shilling for whoever the fuck opposes him because you're a) dense as fuck and b) brainwashed as fuck.

You lost. Get over it.

Trump will always be enemy #1 and the greatest threat to liberal utopia. The IC & DNC are totally justified in their actions.

The ends justify the means.

Sure thing bud

Leave it to a Brit to be completely retarded.

My “bashing” was saying crime statistics do not show immigrants having higher rates of crime. I was replying to someone who said read FBI data, and said to ignore it. But hey I’ll give you sources even though the prior person didn’t

But now you’ll say these sites are wrong. You start with a conclusion and refuse to see facts.

Trump has said horrible shit over and over again, you will ignore that and try to explain away any incident.

Trump called Obama out for playing golf and Trump has played more golf than Obama, making him a hypocrite. You will say “he’s doing business” or some such shit,

Trump said any president during a shutdown should be fired, he had a shutdown and this time “it’s not his fault”

You don’t allow for facts to distract you from your special little worldview

But these sites ARE wrong. Jesus christ liberals are fucking stupid. Do you honestly think that the fucking jew media gives a solitary shit if they decieve you? You're a fucking retard and should go back to plebbit.

Also I couldn't a give a FUCK if he plays golf, if he is racist, if he grabs every woman by the pussy every time he fucking sees one. The mainstream demagogues all hate him. All media rails against him. He's a universal pariah. This means he is legitimate. He is acting on his policies. He is a fucking legend. He will save your country and you will continue to be an ungrateful little liberal cunt. You should be hanged.

>oh shit facts! Better insult and claim victory

You need to turn off the computer and go for a walk or something, pal.


I can't go a walk I might be jihaded

You link to politifact and expect to be taken seriously smfh

Google is part of the problem. Still not answering my question about whether if OP is true, what will you do/think/feel?

>I personally blame social media
Same. How to infiltrate and present the facts, though? Keep meme'ing?

Let me guess, facts are racist? How many "whites" in this graph are actually from below the border? See post here for clarification...

You're asking Liberals to think outside of their preconceived notions. They can't be bothered with reflection and hypotheticals that challenge their world view. They are the most close minded group of people on the planet charading around as the opposite. You're time would be better spent pointing out their hypocrisies, blatant lies, and overall fuckery.

You used a whole lot of words to say these "news" site and "fact checker" sites are shilling incorrect/assumptive data. Look at the ACTUAL data.

Illegals put "Caucasian" on their rap sheets. Again; pay attention to my posts. This data is CITED from ACTUAL GOVERNMENT RESOURCES. Your "news" sites have ZERO factual data to back their claims.

Open your eyes, please.

Yep, it's the only way to pierce the intellect of the normie in the least aggressive manner

You are in such deep denial.

Notice your lack of sources because they all require a huge Jewish conspiracy, You have two options, either every major news source, government statistics and branches of the government are part of a conspiracy that only fringe sites can find, or you are wrong . Which sounds more likely?

You don’t care that Trump is a liar, hypocrite and racist, what do you care about? You live in a fantasy land where the only facts that are real are those that support your opinion.

Keep rejecting facts and working on faith.

Who mentioned the Jews? No one, and no one has mentioned Jews in the FISA revelations

What all has Trump lied about?

Um, nope? I'm replete with sources. As a matter of fact, everyone single one of my posts include either sources or pretty women. Usually pretty women, though.

No facts aren’t.

We have a problem with black people committing crimes. That doesn’t make illegals criminals.

You say look at these stats, now ignore the parts I don’t like because those are lies. You can’t have it both ways, either the stats you cite are true or not.

Also my “source less” sites, are using the FBIs data and national crime databases, you how they say they do in the article.

This. I learnt a lot in the last year about liberals. I used to be one, than Muslims killed a load of kids in Manchester and for me it was such a fucking huge redpill. I went on social media to join in with the inevitable fomenting rage, and what did I find? People virtue signalling. Nobody was especially angry. Nobody seemed to care who perpetrated the act. People wanted to be seen to seem to care but they quickly forgot about it. I didn't. I was furious. I started researching about the muslim problem, immigration numbers, wahabbi-funded mosques etc.

So I redpilled myself and I learnt a lot. The biggest thing I've learnt is that you can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink. It takes a serious, road-to-damascus style event to break years of brainwashing. Most liberals are so comfortable and complacent that they actually think that """White privilege""" is real, or that diversity is somehow good.

These ignorant cunts will learn soon enough.

Hispanics are ~17% of the population. Look at these crime rates!


Hispanic and immigrants are not the exact demographic. The issue isn’t new Hispanics, it’s those that are here. Please read.

>but nyt is a shill!

Every one is sourced and cited.

>You say look at these stats, now ignore the parts I don’t like because those are lies
You are LITERALLY projecting right now. Go back and pay attention to the hyperbole in your news sources.

Take a look , , and pic related.

I'm putting the data IN THIS THREAD, and you're still in denial because of feelings. Educate yourself! Nothing I'm posting is fiction. It's all factual data!

>OH NO HE'S A RACIST. THE HORROR! Every fucking president until Obongo was probably a racist and your country has fucking prospered under them.

And you're right. It's a conspiracy. So what? If you trust MSM or the government implicitly than I have no words. I just don't. You're just insane.

>Hispanic and immigrants are not the exact demographic
This is EXACTLY what the wall is attempting to fix. Now you're moving goal posts. Read the sticky.
This is ad hominem -- READ THE FUCKING STICKY.

No answer to my OP, by the way, still. Just senseless shilling.

People think the deep state, the entity of billionaires that own entire or parts of hundreds of companies, would hate a president that just lowered the corporate tax rate by 15%.

They think the deep state conspires against the party that literally bends over backward to put money in their pocket.

These Amerimutt memes couldn't be more true about Trump fans. Literally zero critical thinking skills. This place makes me feel like I'm smart af.

I seriously doubt they would change their minds.
The biggest reason people hate trump is that he is simultaneously white, male, and he has the attitude of giving absolutely no fucks so they cannot cow him the way they can with most white male politicians. It doesn't matter what else he does.
Fortunately, the coming young generation doesn't see it that way at all, even the young white girls like Trump because they're not weird roastie cat ladies. They want to see men that BTFO shitskins all day, not get down on their knees and cuck for them like past generations.

How do we fix modern women, Sup Forums?

For example, look at this slut in public (pic related)Ozo

can you believe she goes out dressed like that?
I'm pretty sure there's a video of this too. Why are women so slutty?

The first two posts were those arguing against Trump, and the third is stating the obvious, if you don't think the Jews control/run the media you're an idiot

>Let's pretend for a moment that this video
what video, retard?

No, I lost faith in Dems when they tried to put Killary Klinton in office. Honestly, Dems never evolved passed identity politics, still the same shit.

Remember, blue states pay for everything in this country. Don't bite the hand that feeds you. You think you know what dems are, but you don't. I watch conservative news just like you to see what they have to say and I simply cannot believe people don't realize how fake it is. You have to be seriously uneducated to believe conservative news.

The blue states pay for everything, show us some respect or start paying for your own services and military.

I was wondering if you'd be able to cite them yourself or need to rely on a Liberal newspaper. You answered that. Interesting how you cite a media source thats been caught lying multiple times to cite a supposed liar.

Go away faggot.

It doesn't necessarily. My opinion on Trump is that he's a tasteless rapey dumbass who did ok in a strong real estate market of the 80s with daddys money and connections. He fucks a lot of people over (investors, contractors, etc).

He lies constantly and talks like a 5th grader giving a book report.

He's one of those sniveling douches who talks shit on other people but gets triggered when people respond in kind

The majority of his current wealth is in < 10 buildings in manhattan - the few good deals he made years ago. None of them were particularly brilliant deals. You can look at a lot of the deals in his career where he made completely stupid moves (casinos, etc).

His current income is divided between being a dancing tv clown and shady ass deals with china and ex-ussr "businessmen". If you look at his published net worth figures they haven't beaten the market.

My opinion was formed years ago...

If Obama & co acted against him that doesn't necessarily mean he's innocent.

I've seen nothing that shows some horrible conspiracy against him as opposed to just the fact that not everyone likes him. Half the voting population are democrats. Some of them are FBI.

It's possible some people in the investigation were too biased or didn't act in good faith. It's possible some regulations weren't followed.

That all is serious and should be investigated but happens literally all the time in the govt by people in all parties.

The reality is a senior member of his campaign pled guilty to meeting with the russians during the campaign, as a representative of the campaign, for the purpose of collecting dirt on an opponent.

Regardless of whether he knew about it at the time or not his reaction when it came out was to try and shut it down & refuse to investigate.

No sane well-educated person could argue he doesn't warrant some investigation...he's already been investigated multiple times in his life & plead down.