Made in Abyss

Will you watch her anime?

Other urls found in this thread:!E9MnjK4C!7gKmhJmW9sZvzVYxjAjmJQ

It will end right before they introduce her.

No, I'm watching his.

You don't need to make a new thread every single day.

No, but I will read her manga.

Embrace the cancer, user. We're now a general. Literally no new discussions. Only circlejerking and shitposts.

So what are the chances this PV is a bait and switch and the actual anime will be budget as fuck and hot garbage for the majority of episodes?

I don't usually watch PVs so I don't know how accurate they are, but my experience with other Japanese media makes me wary.

>full of guro, shota, loli, and furry
>getting an anime

Incredible. It will probably be night-block obscure and get no sales. I'm just looking forward to scenery porn.

>full of guro, shota, loli, and furry
Truly the author is a man of refined tastes.

I kind of wish that this is an anime original or the manga hasn't been translated,
so nobody on Sup Forums knows what they get themselves into.

Even if the anime is hot ass, I would still watch it. And even if it had great graphics all the way through, people would still find ways to shit on it.
There's nothing to do but just take it as it is and hope there's enough sales that they get good stuff for comiket.

What happened to the mega and the translation effort?

drama happened, as usual with scanlators.


Mega is kill for some reason, translation effort is still on track despite drama, I think they are uploading the chapters to batoto one per day but might put stuff on madokami but I'm not sure since I left the thread because ofa ll the drama.

For now here's a mega a very kind user put together by combing the archives and putting everything into zips. Don't forget to thank this user if you ever run into him.!E9MnjK4C!7gKmhJmW9sZvzVYxjAjmJQ

I will give him a very warm and wet lewd cuddling and smelling

Thank you kind user, and the other kind user who put it all together.

Oh shit, so the other user compiled all of them into one link, that's pretty nice. Guess I'll take down mine.

You guys relize the chapters ended up on the Goddess, right?

do you think nanachi can still have children

where can i find more of these?

Me and Nanachi are going to breed like rabbits!

Only way to find out is to try.


It's shit.

For what purpose did they make reg have a fully functional penis?

/ss/ reasons.
MIA is actually just the lengthy buildup of a H-manga

For what purpose would you make a cute shota robot who could feel and act like a human, and then not include a functional penis? That would just be cruel.


Volume 6 when?


It's not necessary

stop this heresy IMMEDIATELY

are you autistic? vol 5 came out pretty recently and it doesnt matter anyway, you can just read the chapters on their site

Sir, i would like to slide my peenus between nanachi's furry armpits.

>anime won't reach best dad unless it's 2 cour
What's the point?

Yeah you and everyone else. Get in line and wait your turn.

>What happened to the mega
Last I heard, some redditors that actually found the MiA threads here brought their finds back to their site, and shared the link with as many people they could spoonfeed. It started getting a lot of downloads obviously, and it got taken down due to some matter related to it.


I want to EAT this bunny (out)

and let mitty join in on the fun

Mitty makes me sad

When is chapter 42 coming out?

Anons, tell me. Explain to me of the character that is Bondrewd. How is his personality? Is he a antagonist? Is he a good antagonist if he is? Is he cartoonish to the point you can't consider him to be a good character? Also, will we even meet him in the anime or are we just going to have Ozen and bunch of abyss monsters?

He is a man who is driven to his experiments solely for their own sake, he is not so much evil as a sociopath who doesn't care how his methods are reducing lolis to soup, and he talks like George Tekei.

Me no like clowns. Child's worst nightmare?
So he is not really cartoonish to the point you can't take him seriously as a villain?

No, he is bombastic sure, but the little details like how he remembers offhand and remarks at the end results of his labor make him an incredible villain. It's more a question now of whether the series peaked with him or if the further chapters will have other characters with such personality.

I was abstaining from the manga as much as possible so I can experience this ghibli tier shit in all its glory, which is dumb because the threads are going to be a spoilerfest anyway.
Now I shall partake.

how many layers do you think will be there until the bottom?

its already turned into bioshock with big daddies and little ghost sisters


Bkub sure nailed Nanachi's cuteness right even in his style.


Yes, I will. I am prepared to cry bitch tears though.

Her needing glasses is actually quite an important point, user

many things are important, just like Reg's penis and Nanachi's fluffy and nice smelly smelly.

It's hard to believe MiA is the mangaka's first major project

He did the art for the Elebits/Eldees games and he did the original character design for the Otogi-Juushi Akazukin anime.

Mega is killed but it is finally up on madoka.
Discussion was killed because people just can't get their hand on the chapters since the mega folder just went MIA 2days back.

Nanachi is actually exceptionally popular.

I really like how he doesn't see anything wrong with the things he's doing despite his actions being really extreme. He really is a fantastic man of science who will congratulate great accomplishments even if the said accomplishment is his defeat, we also see he's not some arrogant retard when he acknowledge their will to push forward is stronger than his.
This beautiful bastard is really going to be hard to top.

Also this is going to be a weird question but did Bondrewd gender ever got confirmed? Who knows maybe he was a female before he separated his soul.






I'm guessing eveyone who was interested saw the pictures from pixiv already

but i have to post this at least

Will you watch her anime?

The author's pinterest album if anyone haven't seen it.

>One of the image is the hunter
So he does draw influences from soulborne as you would have guessed


No shit, I forgot all about that series. Neat

You sound like a gullible idiot.

silly question!

they die before reaching the bottom

I got starwars flashbacks from this

What the hell, that level of detail is astounding. How can this guy with so much talent be so obscure?

>no Reg x Ozen /ss/

I didn't realize i saved the scan, the detail is really incredible.

>Can you find all seven in the lower left?

Just upload all the chapters on proper manga reading sites
Fuckng autism

I sure hope he doesn't trip.

They're mostly up on mangapark and stuff, it just takes a few days to filter though.

People have up to 27 I think all ready to upload but refuse to do so because some random reason
In theo ld threads they were saying they are uploading 1 chapter a day on batoto and kissmanga I think to get the series more attention, what is fucking stupid to begin with

>and kissmanga

Just upload it
Fucking drama queens

No. The only place where there's drama is here. "Scanlation drama" you guys say. Please, the scanlation group is fine. Everybody's chill and just doing their job.
Go read it on Batoto and then go to Madokami for the missing chapters.

Must rub bunny

>we are not drama queens!

Please stop this

All fields, my man. This thread has no reason for existing. Stop trying to make /miag/ - Made in Abyss General. If there's no new stuff to talk about, then just go read something else.

Not that user, but isn't saging the opposite of asking for attention? Well, he didn't need to put it in the name field too, but you know.

>he didn't need to put it in the name field
Times have changed, indeed.

I agree, I'd hate for the threads to self-destruct even before the bloody anime airs.

I can't believe this shit
We were better off last year with only 4 horribly typesetted chapters than all this shit that is going on right now
>gets an anime adaptation and the discussion threads turns into shit
I fucking hate it

Monkey's paw. At least the PV looks nice

Courtesy of user from previous thread, all 26 typeset chapters:!E9MnjK4C!7gKmhJmW9sZvzVYxjAjmJQ

Announcing sage is against the point.

We're fine. Personally I think discussing this extremely mild 'drama' is more detrimental than it is.

It is going to be worse once the anime aired.
It is going to get the furfag stigma that are plaguing shows like Magic Shimakaze and Kemofure.

>Announcing sage is against the point.
I was trying to avoid using this word, but you really are a newfag, aren't you?

brace yourself. it will be way worse, when the anime will air

I'm still sad.

Wasn't everything fine until someone deleted the Mega?

It was, even though a new mega link has been made and now the chapters are also on Goddess retards still sperg about it for some reason. See
user is just overreacting, he would probably be right after the anime though.

>"Our next scheduled event, "Skinchange we can believe in"..."