>user, whatcha doin' there?
User, whatcha doin' there?
Fuck you. That anime made me rage so fucking hard. I'm still salty.
>Tsundere loses
The best.
Why? Best girl won.
>Sana route only in the PSP version that is almost impossible to find and also because of which means no ero-scence either.
Liking Sana is suffering.
Best girl. I knew she was gonna win since episode 1 too, because of the prolonged introduction.
Oh hey there cutie, what that thing over your head haha *nervous*
Just buy the game faggot.
The anime was a complete success. Look at these sales.
I honestly thought that one girl had it in the bag after that bath scene but purple hair girl is good too she was really nice but i honestly didn't see it coming that she would win since at the beginning it felt like the main girl was the brown haired tsundere girl
Well she is technically the main girl
Shingo was a pretty cool MC.
ah this takes me back to when i liked watching harem anime and always picked a girl i would root for
Straight-forward harem VN adaptations are pretty much non-existent nowadays. It's all just LNs now. It's kind of sad in a way.
Director must have been trolling. The show literally does a 360 turn away from Airi's route.
The entire second half is just sana getting crushed
The first half of the show is the "common route" and the second half goes full into the Miu route because it's the route with the most Sana suffering which goes right into You people seem to forget that adaptations are nothing but glorified commercials.
I'm glad someone took my meme thread from years ago, thanks OP for reminding me to make these threads.
I read both Imouto and Maid routes.
Imouto's route is rough on the step-sibling prejudice.
i felt really bad for the red head like why did they decide to just crush her soul like that
>6 years ago
Jesus Christ it's been a while.
How so? Can you write a summary for both routes?
>tfw these have been my wallpapers for 6 years already
I'll never replace them.
Probably not remembering all that well but Sakuno (Imouto) route is mostly teasing and hinting by others until due to a confession from another random girl to Shingo, Sakuno realizes that she doesn't want anyone talking the Onii-chan that sacrificed so much for her away. Lots of flashbacks including Shingo treating a sick Sakuno. End of the route is mostly Shingo feeling a little regret due to the fact that their relationship might be out in the open to their peers and Sakuno will/is being chastised for it. If I remember correctly I think Sakuno thinks of breaking it off but after some thought Shingo decided that Sakuno is the most important girl in the world to him and they stay together. Honestly I think the Imouto route has a Yasuga No Sora vibe to it.
Gonna need a minute to remember Maid.
thats not supposed to be a school uniform is it?
ribbons and suffering: the anime
I tried watching the anime since I like Miu's design, but nothing happened in the anime. I stopped at episode 4.
then I played the game instead. I struggled thru the first 2 routes before I gave up and fast forward the rest of the routes (The imouto route is so boring.)
As far as i can tell, i didn't miss much of the story. How can a galgame be so bland? At that point in life I've played 30+ of galgames, but I struggled with this game.
Miu is still best girl though. I actually slowed down the fast forward just to see her working part-time.
Say what you want but this scene was really well done. Seeing Sana break like this was heart-wrenching.
finally ending it
I made sure I deleted this anime from my archive of animus
notsundere nolife
just skip to episode 7
the second half of the show is really well done
Airi should have won
>Sanafags STILL crying after all these years
your tears are delicious.png
At least use the proper picture next time.
Pretty lewd for a PSP CG.
fuck you
I always felt bad for this girl. She never did anything in the anime besides these random cameos. Forever PSP-only.