Is Haruhi still a respected series...

Is Haruhi still a respected series? It seems like conversation has died off completely on pretty much any board and generally the sentiment is hate or indifference nowadays. What do you guys think?

Just give up, man.

There's no hope for the series ever making a comeback

she's still a bitch

That's what happens when literally every possible aspect of a show has been discussed to death in every way. There's just nothing to talk about anymore. Just be thankful the conversation hasn't just devolved into waifu wars like what's happened to some shows...


Tried to re watch the thing
Fuck I remembered why I dropped it by episode 13

>conversation has died off completely
Periodically, there's a Haruhi thread every so often. That's because the faithful remain.

Satelight killed this shit

It's more than 10 years old.
But I did rewatch it recently.

Episode 6 was such a perfect ending and I was thinking that Haruhi probably didn't need to be a series. Melancholy was the only one with a compelling story, the rest is just random stuff until Disassociation, which I don't really like. Disassociation started introducing more plot probably because the author realized his story had to go somewhere, but it took the simple brilliant premise and mythology and made it really convoluted, which makes it less fun.

Also Yuki is the best girl.

is Haruhi a dancing anime? Yes I'm talking that anime The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. It fucking sucks. Now it's pretty popular among the anime circles, and yet this poor excuse for an animated feature is the worst thing ever produced by a human being if you except Plan 9 from Outer Space, and I'm being generous.

First you gotta admit you hated the first episode. It made no sense, sucked as shit, wasn't funny, edgy or new. Or original. Animation sucked dead dogs' balls. Characters sucked dead dogs' balls. Voice actiong sucked dead dogs' balls. But you managed to make it through the whole pile of steaming poo just to see the ED. BEcause that's what this anime is about. It's about the ED. Those 1 minute and a half. There's nothing else to it. You went like "OMG ANIMATION LIEK" you freaking retards and now everyone likes it. Yet it's shit. It's complete shit with no redeeming qualities. There's fucking nothing to it. Just the dance at the end. It's a dancing anime. A fucking retarded danxcing anime with no story and nothing and no characters it sucks. You shouldn't like it you morons seriously. Just download the ED and loop it on your WMP you cockass faggot asses. DAMN I wish all those threads about HARUHI OMG YEAH would go one and everyone in them die FUCK YOU for polluting my forums HARUHI FUCK YOU.

What the fuck do you expect people to still be talking about 11 years later?

>Is Haruhi still a respected series
Look up some fucking stats before you open your mouth holy hell.

but but there was the spinoff just a few years ago

Did Aya Hirano come to your house and punch you in the dick or something?

She probably sucked it

Unless he's a bassist.

> Glad
ly will kill all of you and Sacrifice to author san to have a chance to see it extended past the flower viewing part


But we did have waifu wars back in the day more than discussing spoilers.


I'll add this bat shit

Can we kill all the heathens first though? Most of those fuckers jumped off the bandwagon years ago.

>Collect more souls were doing this shit tonight user
Hope for the best.

I still I still I love her

Enjoyed endless eight
>Likes Haruhi's different swimsuits in eight episodes

Has there been any news at all from Tanigawa recently? Even Ito doesn't seem to have any news about the franchise, at least since I tweeted her a few years ago.

>tfw Shana and Haruhi were illustrated by the same artist
>tfw the careers of the OP singers of both Shana and Haruhi are both dead

This. It's been years since anything new came out. I still like it, but what is there to talk about at this point, beyond "S3/next LN never"?

Not recently
The author maybe doesn't like money anymore sad

>Sadly both the of singers retired
>Really loved mami kawada song in to aru majutsu no index
>If season 3 will not be the same

I'm with you, 4th episode was the best.

KOTOKO is still around, though, and so is Maon. But yeah, Index 3 won't be the same when it comes out.

The doujins are still great. Especially that gangbang video one

Nice choice 5/5

>that's the one

Caught a severe case of the lazies.

My Choice will be this
>From the first episode of endless eight

Overrated garbage
I can't stand anyone taking this LN adaptation seriously

Haruhi a cute.

No, he's busy writing a manga to not finish the manga he is writing

Everything will be left unfinished like a true great artist

The qtest
I like the orange side-tie one from the Remote Island episodes and the last EE episode

In the pile it goes
>We need more SOULS

I'm waiting waiting forever

I'll dump some Haruhi pics I collected back when we used to talk about her show here.

This one


The fact that it is free from shitposting and boring 'memes' is a good thing. Nothing sadder than watching threads devolve into generals, then devolve into anonymous discord channels with no discussion other than the same meta bullshit and unfunny jokes.

Pool day Haruhi

Does she still sings?
I know she compose some songs for vn
>Mami kawada is like fripside to to railgun

Season 2 when?

What's the deal with The Surprise of Haruhi Suzumiya
>Her shock in college couldn't be the end of all it
>Tanigawa could timeskip to graduation in his return to writing just to tie things up as a final volume for Haruhi's full reaction

No, she retired from singing completely. While for now she's still writing lyrics for other artists on occassion, I assume that's only a part-time thing that will end eventually. Unless she decides to become a music producer.

Fantasies but could happen due to Haruhi's personality

Happy to hear it ^-^

I went to her final concert last year. I'll treasure that moment forever. Now if Aya could come to my country...

>tfw Aya was my original idol

Envy here
>Aya? is it Aya Hirano
>if too bad they didn't gave her a second chance
>got sick of it all and decided to change course in life

I will always love Haruhi.

Feels same bro
>too bad feels man won't appear

Post more ponytails, please

Here catch


Happy to support a fellow in Haruhiism

Its an oldfag show now.

Respected? Not especially.

Considering people have gone so far as to reframe the whole story because the idea of a female MC was so troubling to their fragile egos, respect isn't quite the right word.

Die, you disgusting unbeliever

They come here now go back to the pile
It grows

Newfags can like oldfags things too

Stop fapping to me.

I wonder how Haruhi would react if she saw the metric fuckton of her smut online. The whole universe would probably get a lot lewder.

She'd accept it as normal
>100/10 IGN

I guess this one is okay
>With blessing

I tried watching the show the first episodes were funny when she molested the ginger girl, but then the sci fi stupid shit came and I dropped it
did I do the right thing?

No, First of all
>Not ginger girl
>Not much scifi
>w8 it out boring at first then becames addictive as meth
What order did you watched?

Nigger my parents watched that show when it came out, what is there left to talk about for something that old?

I quess your parents died now cuz here
>my nigga

Newfags haven't watch it yet
>Sharing the Treasure to mankind
>Series not yet ened until it does it is still alive

Koizumi is best girl(male).

If only Yuki looks at Kyon like Koizumi does
>He have new best girl

It's old as shit and everything past the first season is not worth watching or discussing. KyoAni wasn't a one trick pony and kept making other shows that people like to talk about instead of living in the past. I don't understand what kind of conversation do you expect about this.

You're gonna die someday
>better share things you like to the young
>some are classics to others


We seek

To the compose pit

That's main girl in some countries

It's almost like the books ended six years ago, and the anime ended 8 years ago.

There's a lot talk about
>The gap in the LN timeline is huge they are still
do speculations and stories in between

Not over yet user
>Nice Try

>fuking rekt
That's what you get for being a bitch all the time

Anime is a live medium, it's what I like the most about it. I've been watching since the 80s, saw Lupin, Heidi, Magical Emi and all that on TV, and yet if I have to recommend something to someone younger I'll go for recent shows mostly. There are very few shows that are unique enough to keep focusing on them so long after they aired, and Haruhi is not one of them. It's a dime a dozen LN adaptation that's historically relevant for the industry but nothing more than that.

Same argument but different results for others in end there
Irrelevant what to pass to others

Thanking you for Playing user

Boom of the net
>That dance in the end became a craze

>Dime a dozen
One of the first to be known in that category

>Is Haruhi still a respected series?

What historical?
>Moon landing
>Berlin Wall
>Birth of Some Endangered animal
Some parts of its contribution might be small to you but in pop culture it became part of history

I guess it is because not everything is really truly "respected"

There is no anime series really immune to shitposting, user

Fan base means respect

>That's your LAND MINE

The Club room thing.
>THAT"S a Template
Give an anime before Haruhi is written that became a hit globally? maybe well known as well
Anime Industry? With said template

I'm 34 yrs old
What's Heidi?
I know other two
What's That?
>Whore in German?

If nothing else, I really started to appreciate ponytails and tsunderes because of TMoHS, so for that I'm grateful.

Heidi, the classic story cute little optimistic girl sent to live in the Swiss Alps.