That one guy who reads all the source material before the animu even airs and starts spoiling it for everyone

>That one guy who reads all the source material before the animu even airs and starts spoiling it for everyone

why do you do this?

>that one guy who speed reads an entire manga just to pretend that he was following it since the beginning

>Waiting to watch anime when there is superior source material that you could enjoy instead
Why do YOU do THIS!?

>Implying marathoning manga isn't the best way to experience it

>be a whiny bitch that expects everyone else to stop talking about the source material to save their precious innocence

>read spoilers of a light novel as they come but never bother reading the actual source material yet claim to be a fan of said series
what the fuck

Welcome to every LN/WN thread now

This triggers me more than it should

The reason people do this is because you are a faggot and should read the source material yourself.

Light novels are garbage though, even if they aren't garbage to start with they will be once the translators are done with them. May as well wait for the anime.

>Not an anime picture


because "animeonly" is another glorified word for say that you are a fucking normalfag

>that one guy who comes to Sup Forums and expect that his special needs will be catered to

why do you do this?

Why are you here if you don't want to be spoiled? It's not fucking Reddit. Of course the source material is discussed.

we are not going to wait for you to catch up to discuss shit

>no one cares about our shit LN series with writing fit for a 5th grader
>let's go to the anime thread and discuss the LN there to shit on new people

Can't even be honest and say it's because you want to feel superior and ruin things for others.

The fact that you think that is the reason why we ARE superior to you.

Sure kid, they're doing it just to spite you. If you don't like it leave, Sup Forums is not going to adjust to you.

>implying that was the problem at all
its a good way to experience manga, sure, but if you pick up a show and read its manga and pretend you knew about it before its show then your a fucking moron

>That guy who reads the source material of an airing anime two episodes in and starts calling everyone animeonlyfags and secondaries

i do this if the characters look cute enough

>being a filthy secondary

>That faggot that comes on Sup Forums for the first time and makes a garbage thread

>being a faggot bothered by spoilers

Just to be clear. Spike dies.

While you're at it, get off the fucking Internet, if you can't handle spoilers.

I consider it a duty to spoil pleps like you op.

Better yet people make threads about raw manga pages that no one can understand, everyone spoils the story to themselves and when the manga is translated no one dumps it and you cant have that kind of threads anymore.
Fuck raw manga spoilers.

>ESLfags stare at Korean raws or read ESL "translations" of LNs and then pretend to be experts on the source material
Literally the worst posters on this board.

And half the time the spoilers are inaccurate and fabricated so that guy ends up spouting bullshit in every thread.

ESLfags are actually capable of learning other languages. The term you're looking for is EOP.

>spike dies

No it was ambiguous.

>make threads for trying to get people to pick up manga with a single page
>try as hard as possible to obscure the sources, even going so far as to crop images

Yeah Ive never understood the logic of OPT.
Why do mods allow the thread if theyre then going to ban people asking source. Its literally "read this manga" the thread except without people knowing what the manga theyre supposed to read is called.

No, it's definitely ESLfags. No one else can stomach the broken English garbage they sift through to pretend to be primaries. Here's a tip: if you can't actually read moon, then you'll always be a secondary.


He's right you know.

No, he's a pleb, as are you. Please die.

>raws are 30-40 chapters ahead
>that fucking faggot that can't even read japanese yet goes through them to spoil them

>Translating a series
>Someone who doesn't know moon starts to argue with you about events from the raws that you've read and he literally can't read
Spoilerfags are cancer and should all be gassed.

No, he's fucking right. Provide the source in the fucking filename or get the fuck out.

>That one guy who reads

I always find it hilarious that there are actually faggots who act elitist over Japanese comics and porn games

>I Can't Help Reading Spoilers of a Light Novel as They Come But Never Bother Reading the Actual Source Material Yet Claim To Be a Fan of Said Series?!

You can write this one, OP. That way you will be the ultimate sourcefag.

>Provide the source in the fucking filename or get the fuck out.
Learn to google, check the archive, or take it to /wsr/. Spoon feeding should not be welcomed here and we shouldn't enable a culture of dependency.

Light novel are garbage nobody reads them

What is the point of sharing manga if you are not going to provide the name fucking idiot

>I'm too Stupid to Learn Japanese, so I Read Machine Translations of Novels with Anime Adaptations so I can Pretend to be Cool, but I Don't Actually Know what Happens in the Novels because the Translations are Always Wrong!
The average ESL LNfag could write a 15 volume series with this title, and a sequel called
>N-No Trust me, it gets a Super Awesome 8 Volumes in and then You'll See why X is Actually Best Girl and Y gets BTFO'd!

Because I can.

>hurr durr fucking secondary im so much better than you
You are so fucking insecure it's sad

why are you such an idiot who wants every little thing on a silver plate?
did your mommy birdfeed you too?

Kill yourself. OPT weren't sauce threads and should never be. Anyone asking for source should be reported and banned.

>learning Japanese just so you can read shitty YA fiction and porn games
Kek at least read something actually valuable

>Light novel continues beyond the anime and is actually translated.
>It fucking sucks because it's just a more in depth and expanded anime manuscript and anime stories are pretty boring without the anime/manga art.

Get your stick out of your ass
You are so fucking retarded holy shit
Do you also share music with your friends without telling them the artist name and expect them to find it just by remembering some random lyrics

EOP faggot

>Doubling down on your stupidity
You're always going to be a worthless secondary. Shitposting with spoilers you read on animesuki won't ever change that.

Except for the part where I know moon, and your subhuman monkey language is worthless here. Try again, ESLfag.

Just read the manga, Chris. There's never going to be a new season of Bleach!

So what's the point of these threads then fucking retard
You could have just give it in filename instead of sperging out like a retarded manchild

To piss off you animeonly fags. Fuck you, read the damn manga.

>Amerifats bitching about ESL when most of them don't know any other language except Butchered English
Hahaha pathetic
In Europe most educated people know at least 3

To share single cool, funny, or memorable pages.
It's not a recommendation thread.

>Do you also share music with your friends without telling them the artist name and expect them to find it just by remembering some random lyrics
We're not friends, kiddo. and you can find the source for a song just a googling a snippet of the lyrics.

The point of the threads are to share pages, stupid fuck. If you wanted sauce you'd research it yourself or go to where it belongs. Lurk for 2 years before posting.

死ねええ ゴキブリ


Wouldn't the writing in the LN be on the same level as the writing in the anime adaption? It's not gonna be any less childish in a visual medium.

>I'm going to share a random part of a book but I'm not going to tell anyone where it is from if he's interested because I'm an autistic raging faggot
Kill yourselves

The second part is so true it's scary. No matter how shitty the battle harem, there is always one fag who says this
>It totally gets good later, they just didn't adapt the exciting part.

I know how to reverse imagesearch, it only works 50% of the time. Sometimes faggots even purposely crop pages to prevent people finding the source. It's a level of faggotry that has gone too far.

Holy fuck now this is Sup Forumsutism


Friendly reminder main girl is shit and best girl died for her sins.

>Yeah you may think the series is complete shit now, but there's an awesome twist and suffering later on!
>The shitty writing and characters? No, that doesn't change, but the MC is a badass later on!
Literally every fucking series.

>That one guy who actually cares about spoilers
Why is this allowed? Just enjoy the show for what it is, regardless of what you already know. It's the journey not the stops or the destination.

>share pages
What are people doing with the fucking page if not read the rest of the manga?

Because it's already available and the anime is filled with filler. Plus the manga is way ahead of the show usually. You only have yourself to blame if you get spoiled by something that was in the manga 1-2 years before it happened in the anime.

>there's an awesome twist and suffering later on!
Bonus points if the anime has enough episodes to potentially cover this, but goes anime original and cuts it.
Further points if the twist is awful shit.

I don't know why I let the first one pass, but analogies aren't arguments.

Yandex is better about it, google has been shit for a couple years now, also checking the archive to see if it's been posted before, people at times give sources or you find a thread about the series.
In the event of crops people are willing to give you the source or at least the artist so you can do the rest.

>implying I only knew about google
Holy shit you're such a faggot.

>ESLfag defending ruining a story with random spoilers
You're right, it's crazy that some people just want to experience the story as it was created and feel suspense and build up and anticipation the way the author intended it.

go back to pleddit if you dont want to be spoiled


Then further points are always awarded. Literally never have ESL LNfags talked up an "awesome" development and then said development was anything close to how they talked it up.

>the way the author intended
If that were the case, you'd be reading the source material.

Fair enough.

No, I'd be watching the anime and then reading the source material afterwards, or I'd just watch the anime if it adapted the whole thing correctly.

This is going to blow your mind, but try reading Sup Forums's rules. You don't get to redirect if you don't actually know how this board was conceived.

Sharing the art of the page? Sharing how it's funny? No thread on Sup Forums should be spoonfeeding newfag cancer like you degenerates. If you can't find the source yourself go to the board created for spoonfeeding or fuck off back to your hugbox website where you belong.

Fuck off tripshit
Fuck off idiot

>no one will never watch JC Staff animate and butcher Battle Royal, English Civil War, WW3, Almighty Thor, Magic God Othinus, Flower Shop Girl Othinus, Touma vs. the World for the sake of a single girl's smile
Fuck LN adaptations for only animating a few volumes to promote the source.

Rules are just suggestions you turbonigger.

In practice that rule is rarely enforced, though. And when it is, it was more due to trolling than actually spoiling.

Well arent you degenerate for wanting to share something funny Arent you meant to keep it to yourself instead of participating in that hugbox behaviour?

Making an image unsauceable should be a bannable offense then.

>I'd just watch the anime
>actually wanting to be a secondary, and defending being a secondary

I can tell that you are a complete failure at life so you have to act like tough elite guy on the Internet because that's the most you will achieve in your pathetic life

You are so fucking stupid you keep missing the point

That is not even a little bit true.

The current wave of ESL spoilerfags was not around when the administration actually gave a shit.

Remember, if you can't read the novels in moon, you're not a primarie, you're just a shitposting retard.

Yeah the no spoonfeeding rule has sure helped making this board elite, now almost all threads are full of newfags circlejerking seasonal shit and waifu shit, generals, masturbation and template threads

who is everyone quoting?

>rules should only apply if I agree with them

The only reason I'm learning Japanese is to read stuff before it is translated and ruin it for pseudo-primaries.

Your mom

You sure aren't proving anyone otherwise.