Has anyone else lost hope for this country?

Am I the only American on here who thinks that this country if fucked beyond repair? I don’t even think that it’s worth saving anymore. Just let it all burn.

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Not all hope. But something horrible has to happen to save the country.
I don't see that happening. We're in the crab pot and they're turning up the heat really fast to finish us off.

The only thing that cures America is a civil war.

There's just a fool's hope.

I feel the same way about Canada but at least we're not as bad as Europe, yet...

no, the country is fucked

permanent radical leftist government in 2024 at the latest

when SJeWs tell me to educate myself youtube.com/watch?v=9b6xkfToB50

Racial nationalism is the future. We should try to preserve what we can while still in this system though. We especially need to try and preserve the free speech and the 2nd amendment as long as possible.

Once beaner turn Texas blue from amnesty we are done.

spanish civil war 2: the new world
history doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme
who will be our franco?
hi spooks :)

>permanent radical leftist government in 2024 at the latest
retard, wtf do you think that's going to solve?

I'm pretty black pilled at this point op. Here's a crazy idea I've been mulling over.... What if we pull the olllle switcheroo on them. We just say, we've had a change of heart, all shit holers and mehicans are allowed to come to America no questions asked. We don't give race traitors and democrats the memo that its the ole switcheroo. Then, we sneak in the back door to their shithole countries as they flood in here, take our military and businesses with us, and then immediately begin constructing a wall and gentrifying our new ethno state, and enslaving the remaining natives... Having learned from all of our past mistakes we will never repeat history again.

never give up never surrender
or do you want to be eaten?

What’s the least cucked European country to move to? I need to get out this shithole before I turn insane.


Quit being a pussy.

I'm with you.
Balkanize the union.

protip: position yourself for the Thermidorian Reaction period. there is always a purge and a slight dialing-back in a full leftist takeover and people of merit can rise quickly. when the takeover is unavoidable just quietly join the leading org (jacobin club, etc.), build a rep for getting shit done and steer clear of the power struggle.

What are you talking about? We have shittons of guns. We have lots of land. All the infrastructure and food grown in America is managed by Right Wing patriots. We even managed to elect Trump which shows a lot of Americans are not going to just let the Left destroy the idea of a nation state. America is where the most hope for the West exists.

it's not going to solve anything, check the demographic trends

what is your point?


Purging the old system does not = lost beyond repair. It means you know that the tree of liberty needs its rotten roots removed so a new sapling of freedom can be planted in its stead.

Fight till the end and, more importantly, take the lead when the shit needs to be rebuilt

It is them moving in on the second amendment that will start the civil war. They will go after the cities first and I suspect that will go smoothly and be championed by the kike media. But then they are inevitably going to mess up and go for a smaller white centric town where people aren't glued to their jewphone or CNN all day. These people talk, and will develope plans to not hand over their weapons. Either the government will try and seize the weapons and there will be a shoot out, or they will go after a ringleader, kill him, and face a retaliatory strike.

Check em.


Your wrong. Any balkanization will have what I call the Great Lake States. All states(provinces) surrounding the great lakes will tell the rest of North America to fuck off. WE control the fresh water.

The only thing that will save the nation at this point are rivers of blood.

That is not going to happen to it is over.

This 100%.

The demographics are locked in.

It is darkest. Before the light brother . Our culture and race has not prospered for hundreds if not thousands of years by giving up

dont worry you'll be saved by based generation zambo, they're all race realists and ethnonationalists despite being 1/4 amerindian and 1/4 black

Seething liberals
>op is one
We are winning and the greatest country ON EARTH , sage and die

Not just the country, the world. We're either going to be enslaved by governments once everybody gives up all their rights and property for 'safety' and 'equality' and/or we're going to be outbred by feral Islamists and Africans who are piling into developed countries only to shit out five times as many children.
The world is ending soon.

Stop projecting your views about your life on to my country...

I get having a positive mindset etc..

But you are simply uninformed if you think that.

They aren't going to take your guns you moron, you have p shooters compared to what they have..... the whole taking guns away is straight up fear porn


You need to straighten yourself out user. Only faggots and communists lose hope and give up. You fight back until you die.

you're right - that will be the opening scenario.
but what role will big data / the big 5 techs play? big unknown. they can unperson you.
who will be "those who knock" in the red states? it won't be the locals or current feds. they need brownshirts and antifa is a mess. all current leftist orgs are a mess, they attract weaklings.

It's been months since I've seen a person with blue eyes, years since I've seen a natural redhead. Everyone around me is growing more and more distant from their community. It's not just a cliche about leaving your door unlocked and not getting robbed like the good ol' days. Everything just feels foreign, international, un-American. You don't see people barbecuing on 4th of July anymore. You don't see skateboarders, arcades, fundraisers, state fairs. You don't even see groups of 4-6 white kids walking around anymore, looking for things to do. People are just so detached and empty. Then you flip on the TV and it's all niggers and racemixers. You play a video game to dull the pain and that's all feminist and cucked bullshit, too. You play old video games and you can't enjoy them anymore like you used to.

I don't know where this country's headed but it's getting less and less American as time goes on. And all we can do is just go further and further into the countryside, because the cities are all but gone. You know, this country used to be known throughout the world for its cities... there was something distinctly American about places like Phoenix, Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago. Now they're just nigger containment zones.

wrong, memeflag - it's the playbook.

Agree. Me....Liberal pro second amenment rights along with all my liberal friends. In fact, we call ourselves Pro Gun Michigan Liberals


The left has been losing ground these past few years. It's slow but it's happening.


Thats why I moved to Thailand. Fuck the West and especially the Jewnited States of Niggers. Good riddance.

Same as OP but for Canada.
I pray for death.

Once the boomers are gone the left will gain full control.

yes... remember to take your daily dose of blackpill goyim. It's all over and there's nothing you can do about it!

small town America is being swamped by Hispanics and refugees are being intentionally placed in the whitest parts of the country right now

maybe in michigan, but here in dc the gray gov't staffers get hives at the mention of guns, the blue staffers HATE HATE HATE red staters and their guns, and disarming the populace is ALWAYS the first step in the international left's playbook.

>spend years wallowing in nihlistic hopelessness as globalism slowly wins

>finally have a resurgent nationalism in the west and now you are hopeless

Fuck off concern shill we’ve been wining for 2 years

No. Stop being an incel faggot and go talk to people. You'll see how many people love Trump and his policies.

No they aren’t, if we have 5 years of solid birth rates and immigration reform the demographics competely change

2016 and 2017 already had majority white births again

Except black folk i know are very pro gun...to protect them from crazy whitey

Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing is the HUD dilution program. you're on the money.

This. The only blue eyed person I see regularly is myself

>it’s been months since I’ve seen someone with blue eyes

Nigger stop larping

Stop worrying about it and focus on basket-weaving

Are you implying you want to trade the bountiful lands of the US with the sub-par lands of Mexico?

and each other.
every brother i know is armed. that doesn't mean they don't want to disarm you.

IF that is the key word.

It is not going to happen.

Also the idea of white births again is a lie.

A 27 year old Thai bar girl I was talking to recently found it very hard to believe I was an American. I am very pale white and she thought for sure I was from England. She told me "most American man usually darker". I fucking wish I was joking, the 56% meme is a real international phenomenon now. The United States is not a white country anymore. What a fucking joke we have become now. I blame all the fucking spics that have flooded our country and are now traveling internationally claiming to be "American". I fucking hope we exterminate all of Mexico some day.

Also, I think the gun control meme is pushed by the NRA to increase gun sales. I've believed that for at least 40 years

He’s not wrong, I live in South Florida and blue eyes have become increasingly uncommon

Great idea. Let's just pack up all our shit and sneak out.

No shit. We will burn it to the ground as we genocide the kikes.

No amazing my as people get older they become conservative

The most liberal people out there are like childlessness urban dwelling 20 somethings

Once people have some kids and money they stop being liberal

And gen z is very conservative for children

Your hopelessness is out of date, look around you

The only reason millennials aren’t a very conservative genneration is due to it being very diverse

>you're all doooooooooooooomed
Christ you faggots are so transparent.

you're forgetting the fact that a good portion of American are obsessed with tanning or are literally rednecks, so their naturally light skin comes off as a bit darker if they've been baking in the sun for a while.

I'm not American but it's pretty obvious it's fucked beyond repair.

>the gun control meme
ask californians if it's a meme. ask law abiding citizens of deep blue cities and states if it's a meme.

Stop that, i did not come here to feel

Why would you blame the spics it’s the elite class and politicians that want brown serfs as labor and tax cattle
For a global world feudalist order

we are all trapped in the belly of this beast and the beast is bleeding to death

When I lived in Miami some years back, I would maybe see one white person a week (and no, Cubans are not "white"). On the plus side, those hot ass Latina girls treated me like a rock star, but godamn South Florida is literally a third world country. The major cities in Thailand are much more developed, orderly and safer than that sprawled out, disgusting shithole.

Yes it is literally happening whites have kids when the econemy has good, 1st two years of good economics and amazingly whites had kids again!! Who could have guessed!

Immigration reform is happening

(You) guys are a bunch of retards thinking that this country is even remotely close to how bad some other countries are. (You) clearly havent been anywhere else. The problem with the newer generations is to put it simply,is that they are getting softer, too much soy perhaps.
This is the greatest country in the world. Stop whining all the time and man the fuck up.

All the Europe is left today, Canada, and now finally the heart of capitalismus US. It were our soviet agents that worked on it in 60s frankfurt school yeah fuckin R.A.F fucking french nouvelle vogue that blockhead jerk Godard and Truffo. Western is fucked up you fucking faggots suck my leftists dick

They're only subpar because of the mexicans.

Doubt it, rednecks dont travel internationally, especially to places like Thailand.

>years since I've seen natural redheads
Literally how?

I've pretty much had the same ideas all of my life, it's just the older I get the more I start to believe that genociding the Jews is the only logical option remaining.

Yeah, I blame both and both will get the rope.

Because he’s lying

I know redheads that are literally full mexican and blonde Cubans

60% of the country is full European and of the minorities many of them are half euro and a bunch have light hair skin and eyes

It’s a concern troll

When will we stop this shitty 2 party system that prevents any actual progress as a country, it only promotes dividing citizens and staying on the same, mundane path

I'm a Mexican and I agree, the government and cartels have ruined Mexico beyond repair as well. Now there's welfare for refugees and not the citizenry? What?!? Let it all burn too...


>being a defeatist

autism knows no race or ethnicity. thats the target demographics. fear mongering on both sides....nothing new. like i said, i've had this belief for at least 40 years. besides they can try, but it will always go to the supreme court, and at this time, never gonna happen.

It hasn't even begun yet.

It begins when open conflict starts. It ends when open conflict finishes.

"I got my signing bonus and I put that s--- in the bank and I went and got some motherf---ing wings," he says.

No we're fuck there's nothing we can do to stop it
The future is brown

I lost hope that our issues can be solved through the federal government. However, local communities and regions can still organize and make America great again at smaller scales.

By voting for trump in 2020
Get it
It's a joke
Your country is FUCKED and will be hard left by 2024 whether you like it or not

How do we fix modern women, Sup Forums?

For example, look at this slut in public (pic related)eqo

can you believe she goes out dressed like that?
I'm pretty sure there's a video of this too. Why are women so slutty?

we're teetering on the edge of the abyss

Hello fellow burger I plan on moving to Austria. I’m a mosleyite fascist and have nothing to live for in a socialist america.

A lot of boomers vote left becuase they hold onto retarded values like 'this family always votes Democrat' because the Democrats were not far left in the past. Their disappearing might actually be a good thing.

He probably lives in the city. Here in the midwest I see redheaded women pretty often, although the males are more rare. I saw a whole giant family clan of redheads the other week at the store.

I know how you feel. I've always been an americaboo, as in, I'm a fan of your older movies and music, pre-1990 for most, but even late 90s is still fine, that's when I started liking it. And I went to America too. I know a lot about it.
But even before I was blackpilled, I knew something was very way off. The protests, the vulgarity in the news, the vulgarity everywhere. The obese people, the mexicans, the asians, the riots. People like Bernie Sanders and college students. Giant pick-up trucks that lack the class and the finesse of a Chevy Impala or a Cadillac. I fell in love with a version of America that disappears day by day.

You could say the same about my country. It's the direction that the world has taken, the globalization, internationalization, bastardization of everything through abusive consumerist culture and social media. These last two are particularly to be blamed.

I'm so sorry that things became the way they are. It could have been so much more.

Fuck off Pedro. Yeah red and blonde hair with wide flat noses and indio chinky eyes. Gtfo of here with your bullshit.

We kill the Jews first and try to salvage what humanity is left.

That’s why I’m moving back to Lake County someday, those spics wont last a minute over there