Is Guts 7ft tall? Even if she is as short a 3'5 he's double her height

Is Guts 7ft tall? Even if she is as short a 3'5 he's double her height.

Shit scaling.
A lot artists duck that up.

He's the average height for a point guard in the NBA

The Dragonslayer changes size every panel, some of it's transformation abilities bleed over to Guts.

That sounds looks gay as fuck, does Guts like taking it up the ass?

>*fuck that up.

At this angle it looks like Shierke is staring at his armored crotch.

He's like 6'1, she's 5'11" clearly

The armor made him taller.

Also neat detail that Gatts feet is embedded in the sand and Schrieke is not.

Nah, I'd say it's pretty accurate for an adult compared to a child. Also Guts is a really big guy, I wouldn't be surprised if he's 6'6 or taller.

She probably is.

Isn't Dragonslayer 6feet long? He's taller than it by at least half a foot.

He's a big guy.

Taking into account perspective, and nowing that Schierke is closer to the reader, it makes sense.

If there us anything you should be concerned about on that panel it's what Shierke's body is supposed to look like underneath that cape.

/fit/ pls

Griffith is meant to be an Ubermensch and all ubermensch are 6'2, and Guts stands head and shoulders taller than Griffith. Guts is at least 6'10.

He is officially 6'3.


I think in a recent guidebook he was stated to currently be 6'8 or thereabouts (think James Comey-ish height)

Ask Donovan

Is OP a manlet?

>6'1 and 5'10

Things that are closer to the reader are bigger, this would mean the actual discrepancy is even bigger
I don't think it's actually ever stated

>she'd have to stand on her toes to suck

According to the guidebook Guts is 6'8"

That is a popular fan theory (1/2)


That gave me a hard-on thinking about it.


Guts is a lanklet.


Stupid question: what is this panel break stuff supposed to represent?

It's just transition.

Probably just screwed up something during the inking stage and masked it this way.

Apparently he is 204cm which would be a bit over 6'8. He is a big guy.

Jump forward in time, like a screen wipe or fade out.


As someone who's about the same height as Guts this is accurate, even when I was a few inches shorter in my senior year of high school. Standing at 6' 6" next to someone who's 13 or 14 or whatever freshman are was pretty hilarious, they all seemed to be little kids.

guts is about to slice cunts up. thus, the panels are sliced up