Do you like it?
Turn A Gundam
30 episodes in, yes I like it
Disappointingly mediocre actually.
didn't care much for the show, but the brown trap hentai is pretty swell
10 episodes in and the most accurate description of it is thisAt this point I have to ask, is there a Gundam TV series that's actually good?
I've watched some of 0079. It was good but I never finished it for some reason.
I've heard good things about G Gundam as well.
My favorite is easily Build Fighters though.
Turn A is the epitome of overrated
It was very good but I'm not sure it had to be that long.
i dont like gundam, but it's the best one of them
Your mom is epitome of overrated
havent started it yet
There's some really clever writing in Turn A.
50 episodes is just a bit much though.
Sochie is worst girl
Yeah, his mom is shit.
It is my favorite gundam, and one of my favorite anime.
There is really nothing like it.
I liked it but I wasn't able to finish it. Too long and it drags pretty bad in a lot of places.
Yeah some of them are good. Unicorn is probably my favorite but honestly they usually try way too hard to be smart and convey some kind of message. Then fall flat on their face. Or they're just painfully slow and boring.
I usually prefer macross. It's a lot more fun, still has great stories, interesting characters, and giant mechs to ogle at.
It's one of the better Gundam TV shows, which isn't really saying much.
>At this point
What else have you watched.
Why did you find Turn A mediocre?
>is there a Gundam TV series that's actually good?
No. You need to be crazy about toy robots to enjoy any of them.
Watched like 15 episodes before I had to stop because it's just not interesting in the slightest. Particularly the MC is just a blank papyrus not charismatic in the slightest.
It's completely opposite for me.
/m/fags were always telling me that Turn A starts really slow and might be a little boring in the beginning due to lack of mecha fights etc. But the first 15 or so episodes were fucking magnificent. I enjoyed the story a lot more when it was about their mundane lives and when the war was more about diplomacy than stupid pew-pew robot fights. I'm on episode 38 right now and it really turned into a slog with all that constant and completely pointless fighting.
it's my favorite gundam series
>Why did you find Turn A mediocre?
Mainly because not much happens per episode and even the things that do are not compelling or significant. This seems to be the case for the narrative as well as the characters. The visual presentation is also week and the battles have little variety or excitement to them so you can't really watch it for the rule of cool either.
I really like all the gundam OVAs I've seen though since they get to the point at a proper pace. The TV series feel like 25 episode stories desperately stretched to last 50.
Hello, bizarro me.