Shimakaze is confused about traps

Shimakaze is confused about traps

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She should gain a few levels in Thief so she can deal with them.

All of above is fine
>Rensouhou-chan doubles down
>Traps does not exist it's in your heart that is "traped"

Battleships have no gender

What's the issue? I've fapped to plenty of his doujins without even bothering to watch the source. Pretty good popularity for some side trap character.

>Muh Waifus
>Muh Daughters
>Muh Secret other Family

What am I doing all this time?

Why is he so confused when he is one?


With that face and her CV
>10/10 will bang
>any hole is fine

They why people usually refer to a boat as she

Look at this min-maxing munchkin

Exactly my point
>At least let me keep Muh Secret other Family

Ships are objectively traps because they have big feminine guns

Start cleaning that main gun then
>it might not fire well
>do not use secondary gun
>too weak

I want to fuck her (him)!!!


Ironic faggotry is the cancer killing Sup Forums alongside isekai series and rec threads

> I really like shimakaze
> Half of the new draws are shimakaze-kun shit

Fucking faggots.

It stopped being ironic a few years ago.

There is probably more crossdressing Shimakaze stuff than actual Shimakaze stuff, Who started this shit her design is fucking god tier for a female.