Because why not
Black Torch Chapter 1
Is this the Bleach that nobody likes?
I like it, fag.
>five ambulances
>someone dumping it after three threads
So is this good? I'm tempted to pick it up for cute animals.
Posting died for some reason for a second
Art is great, characters are fun, and a cat is fine too so I would say yes
Ah where you get that new Clarks there Daddy?
I forgot that talking to animals was a thing he could do.
Internet died
Press F to pay Respects
And that's Chapter one of Tsuyoshi Takaki's Black Torch
Might do Chapter two, later on, today if I have time
Why not?
>He wears clarks
It's awful. Does it get better?
Just post everything. Any news of the first tank ? I like the titlle. One of the very few new monthly of Shuheisha that I actually like.
Not really, it's at least consistent but not that good.
The magazine's other new series is way better but translations are slow as fuck, pic related.
>Any news of the first tank
It didn't chart.
>The other new series are better.
>They aren't getting translated.
Maybe it's because they're shit.
>1st chapter
>Is it good?
how about, hear me out, you read the chapter and decide for yourself? I mean your in the thread, its dumped, do you really need to hear others opinions to form your own already?
Maybe it's because they don't appeal to the lowest common denominator in a desperate attempt to be relevant.
Oh, look, it's different, therefore it's good, right? Fuck off.
I like it as well
Ragu reminds me of early Ichigo and the main girl panders to me.
Chapter 5 when?
It literally just came out.
Reading through the translated chapters of this now. Jiro was only able to talk to Ragou because of his ability to speak to animals, but his grandfather could talk to Nachi, and the others can all seem to understand Ragou after he possessed Jiro.
I wonder if the animal speaking will be forgotten, if it's some sort of bloodline thing, or if it's just something that'll maybe get explained later. Jiro hasn't even batted an eye at others understanding Ragou.
>I wonder if the animal speaking will be forgotten
I mean, I forgot it was a thing 4 chapters in so who's to say?
There is literally nothing wrong with Clarks
It's honestly a misplaced ability and, when reading this thread's chapter 1, I didn't realize it'd end up just being some shounen. Speaking to animals could be used if it was maybe something less action oriented or if animals were more involved somehow (like Grandpa Azuma having Nachi as a sidekick in the flashback).
Chart as in top 30? It's first tank so that will unlikely. I want to know the number. Well am home so will look up oricon for a while.
>5 chaps in
More like it's too early to judge ? Personally I feel like the mangaka put quite importance into it. He does not bat an eye because he knows Raigo is not a cat.
See Even Ragou acknowledges that he shouldn't be understood, even if he's a Mononoke.
>top 30?
It didn't even break the top 50 volumes sold that week. Even if it's the first volume, that's just bad for a Jump SQ series. It's way at the back of the magazine this last issue too, don't expect it to last much longer.
the main girl has the most generic design I have ever seen a female lead have. Zero personality. Then again it contrasts well with the main character
>that ass
picked the fuck up
Will I be disappointed if I read this for the animals?
all of the best manga have the word black in it
prove me wrong.