Just finished my third re-read and had a pretty fun time. Regarding the new chapter...

Just finished my third re-read and had a pretty fun time. Regarding the new chapter, where does everyone think we're heading to? Is Casca going to meet Femto and confront him like Rickert did? What the hell is going to happen when/if Casca gets her memories back? Will you kill yourself if chapter 351 returns to Rickert and co for the next few years before casca is sane?

>tfw wizards sends Guts to dwarf island to upgrade berserk armour

What's the concensus about the art on the new chapter? Seemed better this time.

It was meh. Looking at people looking at memories is kinda boring if you do it during a timelapse.
Elfhelm's gonna get run over by the rape train that's long overdue by now. If everyone has a safe place to stay in, the story might as well be over.

Digital art still shit, it will progressively get less shitty i think

Just finished this today for the first time. 27 years of work in 4 days can't inagine how unberable the wait is gonna be

You're lucky that for the next few months it's monthly. I just managed to catch up after not reading since mid-way through 2015. Berserk is pic related.

Here's hoping it does get better. My main hope is he has better line control since in some area's it seems he had difficulty.
how though? Passage of time from rickerts end doesn't make it seem like the band of the hawk are on the move. Unless world tree is sucking the magic holding the wards up

Eternal best girl

Guts was so fucking perfect during lost children.

It's steadily improving but I'm so sad that quality has gone down the drain compared to older berserk.

I also read some theory that the change in style is because they're on Elfhelm and the art's supposed to match that more light hearted feel, but that's probably just stupid naïvité.

It looked good, some panels were really amazing. After few mediocre chapters I really enjoyed this one.
Easily the best one since Rickert slapped Griffith. Or maybe even the best one of this whole Fantasia Arc.

>we will never get that character development again

What character development?

It was the perfect way to show them collecting the memories and not wasting too much time on this.

>quality has gone down the drain compared to older berserk
Not true. It just became less edgy which is what people like you enjoyed about it.

Elfhelm is warded against inhabitants of the deeper abyss, like incubi, but as the physical and the astral continue to merge and overlap, that barrier will get less and less effective.

It wasn't perfect. The perfect way is to show all of it in detail in one 50 page issue. But that's impossible, because you can't have detail and speed at the same time at Miura's level of energy. He chose speed. I agree that it's the better choice. But it's one with downsides and thus imperfect.

Technically, Puck said it was a paradise after the fight on the Hill of Swords after Griffiths rebirth.

He really don't need a slow take through all this. We just need to get to the eclipse of the problem.

I disagree. We saw these moments. Showing them again in detail was unnecessary. This montage was perfect to show that their journey was long (they feel like an year has passed) and dangerous (all fought all kinds of shadow creatures). It also seems like now they know all about Guts and Casca. This chapter also developed Farnese who pretty much accepted that Guts will never love her, but she's still determined to help him and Casca.

I'm actually afraid that the next chapter will feature some unnecessary fights with powerful shadow monsters because Miura loves wasting panels on this shit.

Miura switched from hand to digital and thats what made it shit you fucking mong

Except this chapter looked perfectly fine.

It would be better if it was without magic loli and her shitty babysitter. If it was just us watching over little casca going throught the timelime it would be much better

I cant agree, im too attached to miuras hand drawings


I disagree. I like Farnese and I'm happy she was there to witness everything. And from the story standpoint Schierke was also necessary (even if I'm not a fan of her character).

I hate both of them i just want the lost children arc to go on forever ;_;

How was the art of this chapter different than his art during Rickert's visit in Falconia? (it was still hand drawn back then).

That's your problem. Why are you still reading it, though? It will never be Lost Children again.


Im hoping for eclipse 2.0 at some point

It will never happen. Miura isn't such a bad writer.

You never know man, we probably have a long way ahead of us. Just imagine if Guts dies or something and the effects that would have on repaired Casca and the other Gutsbowlers. And now that Casca is coming back lots of stuff will happen to all the characters, like everyone getting to know Casca. It will be really great to see.

I really don't know, but Casca has to be restored. Like, saving Casca has been the focus for like 14 volumes or more. Maybe Farnese or Schierke sacrifices herself to bring her back for Guts' sake or something? But that probably won't happen since there hasn't been any build up to it except for Farnese accepting that Guts is already taken.

It's also a bit scary feeling so sure that Casca will come back and be relatively fine. If something goes wrong it will probably hit me really hard.

Well, I was exaggerating a bit and the art has still been really good for the most part. It's just chapters 346-349 (350 brought me back hope) that felt sub par. But I have long had a real dislike for some faces, particularly regarding jaws and noses, like Roderick in this pic.

I agree with you. Last few chapters looked pretty bad. Copypasted characters, badly drawn faces, boring composition. But 350 looks good. I was surprised how much I enjoyed it because I was sure that Miura doesn't give a fuck anymore.

What the heck?

>Casca confronts Griffith
>gets raped by the BHC again

My dick


Why do the latest chapters look so awful?


>tfw you will never get fucked by Guts, allowing him to release his rage in you and making him feel your tender love.

Why live?
who can even compare?


not great

I think the story is going the right way. Hoping for some final battle face off between Guts and Griffith in falconia kinda like the conviction arc with people dying everywhere while guts and Griffith fight all the way up in the city. Fire, death, chaos everywhere while guts splits Griffith in half after crushing his skull with his steel arm

>yfw Guts cuts off Griffith's arm and blinds him in one eye

If guts literally rape griffith that's a win for the hawk, right?

Would be pretty sick.


You mean Griffith would like it?


Why do people think Casca wants to meet Guts or the "child"?

Before going into the dream, Hanafubuku said Casca has a sense of unease around Guts. Then inside the dream mini-Casca is afraid of hound Guts, running from him and fighting him every time the casket is opened.

The "dream" world is Casca's mind behind the Eclipse. The "child" did not exist in physical form before the Eclipse.

Casca wants to meet Griffith.

>Then inside the dream mini-Casca is afraid of hound Guts, running from him and fighting him every time the casket is opened.
You're seeing things. And see wants to meet Judaeu

Look at Judeau's face.

Look at Guts's lack of reaction when he got punched by Casca.

Miura's art is so beautiful. Top tier. Even better than his World Transformation artwork.

No? It was a cross between both. The volume coloured pages are all digital.

How exactly are they speeding up the process? It all seems like wander around>find shard point>watch cutscene>get shard and drop it in casket. Which doguts was apparently already doing.

Roderick looks like that dude from Gigantomahkia.

Same facial structure/hair.

Why don't you read?

I think it's the nose. Delos or whatever his name was was chubbier

I'm okay with that too. Either Judeau or Griffith.

Mah nigga Judeau deserves some brown pussy, even if it's a dream. Even if it's not his dream. And he's fucking dead.

She attacks the hound in the latest chapter, and she hasn't liked Guts since he tried to rape her.

mini-Casca literally hides from dog guts and fights him in 350

do you read?

Every time they pick up a piece, they get attacked by dream monsters. The mad dog would have to take those down all on his own. He's also a dog, so it probably takes him longer to find the pieces. Plus, there's no telling if the dog would be able to deal with the eclipse at all.

It was not rape just sexual assault.

>which doguts has already been doing

Do you know how dreams work? When you dream about fucking a hot girl in class, did she "age" and "grow up" and "had a life of her own" inside your dream? Or was she instantly there, at her current state, when you entered the dream?

The dog hasn't been collecting shards or fighting dream demons for 5 years since Casca's breakdown.

It wasn't either. She's his woman.

>that Casca face in the middle

so... beautiful

why is miura's art so top tier?

Kinda true
Best Japan got

Are you being serious, I can't tell...
You can't forcefully hold down your significant other and put your dick in them whenever you want. That's still rape/sexual assault if they're not willing.

>he thinks stuff like spousal rape exists


Guts just didn't understand, everyone else in the series has raped/try to rape casca so he figure why not him too? He just wants to fit in ;_;

She spazzes around like this all the time. Was she attacking the doll in ch349?
There were pieces of Casca in the casket that were disconnected from her. The only they got there after being shattered if someone put them there. Also, he seems to know what to do with each piece. Besides, this might be a dream but the images at manifestation of Casca's subconscious otherwise it wouldn't even matter they are present.

I once dreamed I was building a garage but it was half built with a wooden frame and power tools all around.

I wonder who started building it and who bought me the tools?

you really think a dog with 3 legs and carrying around a heavy as fuck casket can defeat thousands of spectres while collecting broken fragments?

even though as soon as Farnese/Shierke entered the dream, the dog was near death after getting impaled by 7 spikes?

I watched the conviction arc part of the new anime few days ago to see how CLANG it was, how could've I forgotten the part from the manga where Eggman kidnaps Luca because he just wanted even one person to know he existed and what his deal was, and Luca making a bonquet in his memory at the end. Pure kino, I should probably re-read the manga one day because it was so many years ago.


Just finished it yesterday. How the fuck is this going to end? Is his inner demon going to fully possess and transform him through the armors power? Is he going to be the eternal foe of Femto just like SK is to void? I honestly can't see where this is going.

Luca is basically Idea of Good.

luca is top tier waifu

never make a ho a housewife

I can't fucking wait for the memory when Griffith raped her, and the memory where Guts rapes here, and these shitty side characters reactions. Finally they will get to see some actual deep emotions instead of their little shonen adventure

Can we go full DnD, what about Idea of Law and Idea of Chaos?

Don't think we'll see Guts's attempted rape of Casca. The memories are only pre-eclipse.

You're an idiot. Guts' face looks the same in the original panel. Maybe you should check it out.
And Judeau's face is in shadow. Miura often draws simple faces like this if they are in small panels.

Did the animators blow all their budget in the Troll Cave?

That episode was like half in 2D, and the animation was fantastic. The animation on Slan was great.

But this episode was so shit. I hope they fix it on Blu-Ray.

It went from one of the best episode of this season to the worst.

>it looks the same in the original panel

It literally doesn't. Go back and read the same panel when Casca took a stab at Guts. Almost all the revisits look different than their Golden Age counterpart.

>we never got the chance to see potato rape isidro before she recovered

>Did the animators blow all their budget in the Troll Cave?
>That episode was like half in 2D, and the animation was fantastic. The animation on Slan was great.
I guess you could say they blew their load on her

God, why is the new anime so terrible? My mind is still blown since last year.


Go back and look at the panel when she hit him. He looks the same. You don't really make a weird face when you're hit by someone.

Only 3-4 episodes in season 1 were good.

But only 3-4 episodes were bad in season 2.

I would really like to see how season 1 looks on Blu-Ray. Some anons said they were ripping it a week ago, but nothing has popped up since.

Since next episode is a recap episode, I'm hoping the animators are using the extra week to make episode 22 better. Since it IS Guts vs. Grunbeld in full Berserker armour.

Make some sexy Slan webms.


0 episodes in season 1 were good.

0 episodes in season 2 have been good.

Don't compromise for the memes. It's shit throughout.

If it's shit then are you watching it?

You've just got to lower your standards.
Lower them all the way back to 1998

Not that user but it's hard to look away from a train wreck.

>it's a 1997 anime was good meme

So you do like it. Sup Forums memed me into downloading complete series and I've dropped anime 1-2 episodes in before.

If it's shit and boring people will drop it.

This. The whole thing is a mistake. Apparently the next episode will be a fucking recap. It's ridiculous. What is even their budget?

no im just saying berserk reminds me of early CGI shows

Great music, pretty art, very atmospheric. It was much better than this trash.

Reboot creeped me the fuck out as a kid. It still does now.

Why do people like this shit?

>pretty art

Yeah man. I love watching still frames with music playing on top and the frame shaking or getting panned over for minutes.

Next you're going to tell me the OP was good too even though it's Engrish garbage.

>So you do like it
I like seeing just how shit they can make an episode. don't care at all what's going on in the story