Why does Trump lie?

Washington Post fact-check shows the President uses "fishy math" and "misleading language" when discussing issues. Why? What do Republicans gain by lying about literally everything?

>Washington post

Stopped reading there.

WAPO was 94% negative towards Trump in 2017. Who cares what they think, their credibility was shot long ago.

Hurr durr OK so the newspaper that's been around for 500 years and just had an Oscar worthy movie in theatres about it isn't reputable?

Pulitzer prizes:
>Trump: 0
>The Post: 395

>Polanski got an oscar after a child rape conviction.

Try again glow-in-the-dark-nigger paper pusher.

How many of their anonymous sources familiar with the thinking of whoever turned out to be right? They said he was a Russian stooge, yet after a year of a special council investigating him they have nothing. They said TRex would corruptly approve Exxon Russia sanction bypass or lift sanction all together, yet that didn't happen. They mocked Trump for not telling everyone his ISIS plan, yet ISIS is eliminated. They said he and sessions was anti LGBBQ and raciats and that there would be death camps or something, yet that didnt happen. They said the stick market would hate a Trump presidency, yet that didn't happen.

When you are repeatedly caught making shit up and are right only as a broken clock is, then you deserve to be called fake news. GTFO back to leftypol and don't come back until you have something of substance to say

OP is always reddit, responses are always Sup Forums



is there an (((award))) for bankers?

>Jews giving each other awards for Jewry.

>an Oscar worthy movie
that movie sukt ass

Have you ever in history, heard if someone who has redpilled so many people before?

Think about it, Trump says something about A, A is something the left loves, something we hate (and Trump) but he says it in Such a way that seems wrong, or maybe even actually a little wrong, number of A that B or something.

Knee jerk reaction from the left (and the media)

"What a blah blah blah!"
At this point 2 things happen

Normies, having understood that the (((media))) might not be the best source, actually researches A. And finds the truth, becoming redpilled, even if it wasnt EXACTLY what Trump said, its always closer to his version than the lefts.

The second thing that happens is the left starts autisticaly screeching about how facts are racists misigynustic homophobic etc etc, further redpilling the normies to their insanity.

Trump is a fucking genius.

If this had only happened once or twice, I might say he is delusional, but it has happened with just about every hot button issue of the last 20 years, at least. Fuck 4D chess, the man is playing interdiminsional Go.

Those numbers.
How will wapo ever recover?

From the same people that told you that Hillary Clinton had a 99.5% chance of winning the election.

They classify any exaggeration or misstatement as a lie.

As if the resident should be a walk-in encyclopedia and compendium of stats

Operation Mockingbird rag

People who are the president:
>Trump: 1
>The Post: 0

I can act retarded too, see?

>and that there would be death camps or something
I think we can all agree his greatest failing was the lack of faggot death camps


Because retards (like the ones here) eat GOP lies up and ask for more. It's confirmation bias, just like this board.

its not what they think...its what the facts ARE.

learn the difference.

shooting the messenger is a logical fallacy.