Will affordable sexdolls be the final deathblow to the birth rates of developed nations?

Will affordable sexdolls be the final deathblow to the birth rates of developed nations?

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>implying anything can further damage the birthrate in western countries

The birth rate will drop temporarily, then women will compensate by not being sluts.

Sluts cost a lot of money to maintain. Much more than a 2 grand sex doll.
Quality sex dolls will tank the market for sluts, and women will be forced to adapt if they want to find partners.
They will be forced to be homemakers again, and I think the long term effect will be a rising birth rate.

The new social contract will be that women will not sleep around in their youth, and men will not buy sex dolls.

>paying for a sex doll

>buying a nigger doll
>when every streetcorner in american cities have the real thing

No because a rubber cooch is no match for a real vagina.

>no smell
>disease free

So you've tried a rubber one?

WHY did they make something like this?
Why would mankind create such a thing on purpose?

No, because the people who use them would not have bred anyway.

You know what might really save the Western Birthrate is basic income. Especially if the parents get the babies paycheck until they turn 18

my dick will be the final deathblow to your mums pussy


Muthafuckas I was just changin.

They’ll just finance them through rim shops or Arron’s furniture rent to own stores.

>then women will compensate by not being sluts.
They will still desire Chad and rather share one good men with multiple women. So the demand for sex/companion dolls will still exist.

It needs something...

Finally you can fuck a black woman without having a clothespin on your nose. Technology has come so far

aaaaaaaand scene

Possible, but sex and companionship are not quite the same thing.
Harems result in unmarried men. Unmarried men tend to be incredibly violent.
If this is due to a lack of sex, then your idea is what will happen.
If this is due to a lack of life partner, then monogamy will remain the default relationship type.

Either way, women restricting their sex life to a single partner is good for society, so it'll be better in the long run than what we have now.

yes but they will not form harems. you dont see many rich men having multiple wifes anymore.

i think we are in a truly fascinating development

Hey was punching the goalie, boys.

>start up gofundmes to paradrop these things into africa enmasse. Tribes use them as currency.


I dunno man, i bought a fleshlight when i was between girlfriends and super horny. It did feel amazing but made me feel super grubby and loserish after every use. I can only imagine this would be compounded by a lifeless fuckdoll with a face.

they need to make the joints more loose and flexible... i want to simulate fucking a passed out drunk girl, not a stiff corpse, that's just gross.... i'm not some sexual deviant

yep, and I prefer the real thing, no contest really.

so all you need is for the fake thing to become as good as the real thing (or better) in terms of physical sensation and you'd be fine with it?


No, gynoids will until the advent of widespread artificial womb usage.

No. They will be the death of feminism.

Not if they look like that. They might sell 2

Sex robots with full body movement to hit market in 2018

Can we subsidize them so that only niggers will buy them?

It's gonna be a long while until they're any good.

Mankind will be fine. Womankind will be made obsolete and ultimately replaced by a superior third option.

Just leave your worn out ones at bus stops downtown.

Artificial wombs and AI's are needed to make this trans-humanism breakthrough really have a impact.

It's also a way to help stop the spread of the Femin Virus(feminism) bioweapon.

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>using technology from "the jews" to make babies
because surely that wont backfire

>The birth rate will drop temporarily, then women will compensate by not being sluts

there are people alive right now that actually believe this

this is the jew endgoal.

just more proof that Sup Forums is 98% angry virgins

Post more sex dolls

You need to get laid asap frankie boy, it's messing with your head

Holy fuck they're cheap

Thank god we're in the right age of. Soon the women will have to offer more to the table other than sex

>The new social contract will be that women will not sleep around in their youth, and men will not buy sex dolls.

Are you seriously implying women can rein in their hypergamy and actually have some self-discipline in regards to their sex/dating life? Oh you sweet summer child.

i like real people in real life for those rare times when everything magically connects, those rare times talking one on one in conversation with amazing connections with a person, even if its a man or woman, and 'just works out perfectly' , its rare but it happens at times, take it from me, but every friendship has its low parts, u gotta stick around for when the good times are back. feeling lonely is a bad feeling, you just gotta get out there. giant dolls is a joke.

Unless the top 10 percent of men buy dolls

UN flag is a joke

Have you faggots even stopped and considered for a second how unfulfilling it will be to have sex with a sex doll? It will be absolutely nothing like having sex with a real woman. I can't think of anything worse than fucking a doll, you couldn't pay me to have sex with one, I'd rather use my hand and never have sex for the rest of my life than a doll be my only option. And think about the fucking shame you will feel after you unload your bollocks into an inanimate object that's designed to look like a real woman. The sheer shame of it. You couldn't get a real woman to let you do it? Are things really that bad? I'm no player and I'm fucking shit with women but even I manage to convince them I'm not a total loser retard dickhead for long enough to get them into bed with me once every now and then. Hell I even had a girlfriend once. I managed to fuck a literal professional model even though I'm probably autistic. If I can do it then any of you faggots can do it. Stop making fucking excuses, this shit is dumb as fuck. Put yourself out there, this shit isn't the answer.

Would you go to a whorehouse if they only used those dolls? cant be long for someone to come up with a virtual/plastic whorehouse.

>sexy mini vagina

fuck, even an europoor can afford it. Sweet.

looking at these prices, theres no way this is legit...

Why would you want a sexdoll in poland, you are literary surrounded by waifus.

go to ali express and see for yourself

yeah, polish waifus.

These things are getting realistic as fuck


To mitigate the weird hands (sex doll), I have them in a "Gable grip" while the arms are tied up. I also wear my ear buds with a solo sexy talk & moans of a woman (my old lady). I put a ballroom mask on them too. Putting a lot of heat-touch lubricant in their mouths is mind-blowing. Mind you, I'm a 48y.o. husband and my wife knows about this. It's fucking weird, but we've done water sports and scat play... So fuck it

no i see them on there, but theres no way youre getting the dolls in the pics for that price...

what the fuck else are you going to spend all your crypto gains on?

You must be really happy to finally have a mini vagina you can fit your mini penis into.

Obviously. When he can't tell the difference anymore it will be the same experience.

The top 10% aren't fucking 80% of women or whatever that insane number was. The top 10% of men are fucking the top 25% of women at the absolute most. It filters down and spreads a lot more evenly than many seem to realise, albeit still very much skewed.

Female nature won't change, and the same goes for men, but also what society will allow them to openly do can and will change, it's more of a question of how it's going to change. Sexual nature has manifested itself in different ways over the years but it's certainly always been the case that the top men would sleep around. It's well documented throughout human history that privileged men would have their wife and they would often take a mistress as well. Throughout much of history this was a relatively hush-hush affair for several reasons that I'm sure you can reasonably presume. It's only now that we as a society are more open to promiscuity and relationships are considered less sacred than they once were that these realities are open for all to see.

Sex robots will undoubtedly change everything, but I think there will be a lot more pushing and pulling than one might presume. Yes, women will most certainly sense the threat of a sex doll, or rather a significant proportion of women will, which will force them to change their actions in some meaningful way or face extinction. The top women will likely not feel any significant effects from this because whatever they're already doing or have already been naturally endowed with is clearly working and the men that select them and vice versa are themselves most likely content with their lot in the sexual market and unlikely to consider sex robots as a viable alternative to the effort they put in to maintaining their social standing.

>he fell for the pure slavic wife meme
everywhere where you give women "equal" rights they start abusing it. We are no exception, you are no exception. No one is.


Excellent post.

Women won't give two measly fucks about a bunch of beta male neckbeard virgin NEET basement dwelling faggots taking themselves off the market... they had no intention of mating with you anyway. If anything you'll just reinforce Tyrone and Chad's roastie monopoly and die the virgin deaths you were destined for.

then why are they in a uproar about the dolls then? Let the betas have their dolls while the top men are being chased by women?

To each his own but watching feminist lose their shit over this is hilarious.
By believing men en masse will favor sex dolls goes against their whole "we're more than just vaginas" belief. This should be detrimental to their movement but women are masters of rationalizing doublethink.
I expect we'll see a spike in female suicide soon anyways though.

>implying men who use 2-5k sex dolls are living in their mothers basement.

t. Smelly vag.

This, it is just the cringe of it.
HAS to be worse than feeling like crap after porn.

the human sized ones with big ass tiddies cost almost as much as a new PC.

Biocunts BTFO!!!

There's nothing quite like leftist buzzword butthurt posts. Thanks, user. Delicious.

It will take civilization collapsing, for women to return to their natural roles.

They are just too brainwashed. So were the women during the end of Rome.

This. We can stop having these threads now.

They already exist.
Some whores complained about one driving them out of business, in switzerland I think.

IF you are honestly unable to attract any female attention and have to resort to buying a sex doll you won’t be missed on the dating scene at all

Honestly I'd like a sex doll for the times when my girlfriend is on the rag. I refuse to fuck her up the ass, and blowjobs aren't the same as slamming flesh. And fuck stirring paint.

These threads will only intensify over the next few years. How does that make you feel?
The more degenerate western women get the more guys will look for alternatives.
Again how does that make you feel?

>tfw when you gotta shill for the feminist agenda but also need to keep birthrates low

i wonder who (((they))) will choose in the end

haha, roastie detected.

Hopefully not but i don't think our women will be able to compete. They're too toxic.

I mostly just thing about if I had one of these or some freaky sex toys what if I die and then my family or whoever finds all that.

>Pic related: Into the melting pot
Pic related.

>design your ideal sex doll
>make it an old fat ugly nigger


>tfw a sex doll is so realistic that a SWAT team kicks down your door after customs officers mistake the doll for a real person and accuse you of literal human smuggling.

A real bitch can leave and go home after fuck while you have to keep this doll shit in your house.

Unless you are ultimate NEET who's never going to change apartment/house/basement or invite anyone, then it's a problematic solution.

Sex bots will destroy the decrepit western civilization but will help build a new stronger civilization in its place.
Dolls won't do much tho

Tbh looks just like the average nigger prostitute I see at night on the tangenziale

Did you make this just now?

gotta be fake

I'm against sex dolls because men need to continue to learn certain things about women to be real men

I'm for this 'new social contract', however, as long as it remains implicitly threat-oriented, as mentioned.

You pay a hooker to leave. Your robot waifu will alway be there for you.


>men need
Go fuck yourself. Men are perfectly fine if you don't count the white knights and simps.

You know it isnt

Ok but I have some friends and social life, people visit my place and I sometimes change apartment when I get a new job or travel.

You just can't bring this shit around with you. Also it's not that easy to store or hide, it takes quite some space.

It will be niche thing for old people and neckbeards at best. Still good for them.
The only kind of women that will lose to these will be prostitutes.

There was even a case where bunch of hookers boycotted a sex doll brothel.