Meta thread.
Sup Forums says stop making anime threads on their board.
Meta thread.
Sup Forums says stop making anime threads on their board.
check these meta doubles
Ban meta threads
Get metafucked.
Maybe they'd have more things to talk about if western cartoons weren't so awful.
please stop making these low-quality threads on Sup Forums - generals and /e/ spam
Sup Forums says: Fuck off back to .
Ban loli
ban shounen threads
Kill yourself.
kyon kun denwa
I want to fuck a cunny.
I want a loli blowjob
I want a loli to put her cute feets on my errected penis and call me a disgusting pedophile loser.
Meta threads should be rolling stickies on each board so they're easy to find and prevent people from making duplicates.
Why is she sitting in the chair like that
Perhapes her bottom is sore
Ban loli haters
Can we all fucking agree that panda threads belong on Sup Forums?
ban mobile posters
Yes. We have drawthreads even though /i/ is a thing. Panda should come back.
Wasn't this faggot banned a few days ago? Take a fucking hint faggot, Hiro saying boards could have a thread once like 8 months ago =/= lol every day is meta day for the rest of time. He clearly was focused at that time on trying to figure out what boards wanted and had recently tried to talk to Sup Forums etc. That's all.
Meta threads in of themselves bring out all the shitposters, false flaggers and overall fucking cancer, and I bet that is all OP really wants to do is be a little edgy faggot sowing discontent. If he had a real specific issue he would actually bring it up, rather than go "meta general OK go".
Remove captcha
Ban meta thread apologists.
yes please
>Sup Forums says stop making anime threads on their board.
Most of the people that make anime threads on Sup Forums don't browse Sup Forums.
Yes, like drawfag and buyfag threads
Whatever happened to Sunday-might meta threads?
Mods killed anime based bro culture
Ban crossboarder using pedo as insult
Caused by what?
>going to Sup Forums
I bet it's not even Sup Forums the one making these threads.
>Sup Forums
You mean /tumblr/
>15 minutes
This is the longest one of these threads has lasted in days. Where are the mods?
lol pedo
It's the end of the month so he's probably spending his payment right now.
>Waah, mods should protect my feefees
Kill yourself subhuman pedophile.
Meta test
Go fuck yourself, human failure.
Lolifags are disgusting. Ewww
Blow your brain out.
How much he get pay moderating taiwanese carving board?
No one cares.
JLIST is cutting adds on Sup Forums because too many people use adblock.
Serves hiro right for serving malware ads.
I had Sup Forums whitelisted for years before he pulled that shit.
Malware ads, lewd ads on a blue board, ads on the middle of the page. Honestly they deserve it.
Generals should be allowed but only on days that are one day before, the day of, and the day after a chapter/episode comes out.
Ban Sup Forums and /jp/
delete Sup Forums
Autoban loli
Delete Sup Forums
And we say stop making your shitty threads.
Seems neither of us are going to get what we want.
Nothing you say in these threads will ever be implemented. The mods cannot do anything because hiroshima does not want any changes.
We'll see about that.
I want better moderation.
Ban OP, delete the thread. Why so soft on shitposting?
Woah calm down. You're asking for too much.
Fuck off faggot.
I've been looking for this gif, thanks tripfag
Last post
Because there's one fag that keeps making these threads over and over again if they get deleted. I guess their thinking is to just let it wither and die.
Ban OP
Do you actually want them back? I don't see any reason to blow off steam anymore.