I'm going to post this everyday until you like it

I'm going to post this everyday until you like it.

Other urls found in this thread:


I don't think I wanna have anything to do with this.


Be careful when eating fish.

I am the fin of my fish.

>Mfw people enjoy this trash


I think I heard something

Shitpost once you get banned
Shitpost almost every day for nearly a decade you become board culture

Why is this allowed?

I am indifferent to it.

>Shitpost almost every day for nearly a decade you become board culture
Well? Where is it?

Thanks doc.


>Shitpost once you get banned

If you're a stupid fuck and don't know how to do it elegantly.

I thought I wanted to do it once.


But he did it once.

It's ok

Fish! Calm down!

It doesn't even have to be that long, the "Don't forget to laugh 7 years from now" guy eventually got an 8000 post sticky with music and he only posted it for a year and a half.




Mr J. Otter was convicted of murder and desecration of the body of Glen L. Fish

After being judged Guilty by a fair and equal jury of his peers...

...he was sentenced to a death worthy of a filthy otter.



Not any more!

She's a smug girl.

Is there a fish version of this video already?

>fish version

The prodigal son returns.


333-Mark of the Semi-Christ

Where is what?

You don't know?!


My statue of longest living tripfag in the history of Sup Forums.

Not you

Then who?

My waifu?

Yeah right. Get to it, user. Erect the mightiest statue to my name for I have endured DECADES.

>My waifu

The fish molester!

Perfect size for ants to worship at her feet

It scares me



That is a completely natural reaction to seeing it the first few times. There is nothing to fear.
unless you are a fish

I like it! Thank you for posting this, user!

Is that a hook in your pocket or are you trying to fish me?

>I like it


W-why is she sobbing?


I have an alternative image for you to post daily until people like it.

Erected it is, but I am not sure if it can endure for decade though.



I like it

Allahu Akbar!

>I like it

Allahu Akbar!

What is this meme about, even?

what is the source?

Fate grand order

>Fate grand order
thank you

When the Anons, the Mods and Hiro are all gone, SakuraFish will exist, so long as one fish remains. It'll be lonely, but as long as one fish still lives...

...it will be eternal proof that fishposting ever existed.



But you didn't post it yesterday.


poor fish being eaten every day

I think I'm starting to like it

>tfw one day fishanon will cease to post this thread and we'll never see it again
>one day fishanon will die and we will never know the identity of the most passionate tripfag ever
>tfw one day i might cry thinking of the days sakura fish was a thing

I wish time had mercy

It was a good life...

Cirno can't be stopped. She's already the "Queen" of /bant/, capturing major GETS. Her power there is literally unrivaled.

Yes, he did