For me it's Tsumugi, the softest and most beautiful of the Keions

For me it's Tsumugi, the softest and most beautiful of the Keions.

I'd rather have a McChicken to be honest.

For me it's Ritsu, the smartest and sexiest of the Keions

For me it's Yui, the cutest and most talented of the Keions.


Posting cuter Mugi

For me too

For me it's Yui, the most low-res of all the keions.

For me it's Mio, the most Reddit of the Keions.

Wow some serious beef curtains there, for me this only confirms that my wife mugi does have the cutest anus

How is Reddit an adjective?


>those eyebrows
fucking disgusting

Liking a BBC lover.

Her black friends like to call me 3 for free. When the creampie her I eat every drop out for free because that's how much I love my wife and her boyfriends

mugi is superior
>pic related


Azusa a CUTE

t. mad whiteboi

For me it's Ui, the most fertile and breedable

She would make a great mother

I consider you one of my own

For me it's Nano. She's a keion, right?

Yes, but she'd much prefer to be a keyoff.

I agree.

Mugi is boring

>most reddit

>the softest and most beautiful
she is rich too. she got it all.


Always wanted one of those. I should have ordered one when I had the money.

I love Azusa but goddammit if Ui wouldn't be the best housewife.

True. I love her too, she's perfect.

good one user

For me, it's the one who loves butt stuff.

I want to kiss her on the nose

Also the lewdest.

Anything can be an adjective

To warm it?

to express my love

Yui is retarded like me

Hey, I'd appreciate it if you didn't talk about my wife like that.

I didn't know you two were married. Congrats!

I'll take Mio, the sexiest and most underappreciated of the Keions.

Please do not sexualize the Keions.