Be honest, which Illya do you prefer?
Be honest, which Illya do you prefer?
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Honestly, I've come to love Prisma Illya more.
Illya belongs in the role of femme fatale, not cute and innocent girl.
the one thats a SNEK
In what universe could Illya be considered a femme fatale?
prisma illya is a fucking insult to FSN illya, turned a good loli to a generic loli
i like the original design more
looks cuter and more dignified
Same here, while the original Illya is really great there's just something special about prisma Illya.
I like right better because I've fapped to the right one more
Zero illya
the one in his head canon
How is F S/N Illya not a 'dangerous girl'?
I really hope we get a scan of that assassin drawing, it's too damn great not to.
This one
They colored it, nice.
IS that Avenger Medusa Illya? What in the fuck is going to happen next chapter?
>serious girl; serious VN
>flagrant otaku pandering laced with yuri fanservice and nude elementary school girls
Left is far better.
And I think most of Sup Forums agrees.
This one.
You trying to make a new version of the serious VN pasta?
Both. I love all forms of Illya and no one is going to stop me from loving all of them.
>what if we took a serious VN...
>then, what if we took some random, unimportant side character
>and then, what if we made her, and all her irrelevant friends lesbians?
>prisma illya
a complete insult to the Fate franchise.
Both are shit.
The lewd one.
You're missing the image though, it's just as important.
Why is Miyu so sexy and Kuro so unsexy?
Prisma!Illya and Kuro are like two halves of the original Illya.
Everyone who chose right is a secondary fuck. Really, Prisma Illya is bland as fuck. Fate Ilya is probably the best female character of the novel.
Pretty much yeah, that combined with having a happy upbringing.
Or they just really like her and wanted her as more than just a side character in a setting where she got a happy ending. Anyone who really likes Illya would like both anyway.
I do want Illya to have a happy ending, but when the talking wand exposing Shirou's dick and lesbian shit got involved I realized it wasn't for me.
Well 3rei goes softer on the yuri and harder on the GAR.
Also the manga goes waay less strong on the yuri than the anime.
FATE Ilya.
both are incredibly lewd but prisma illya gets more lewd scenes/pics/fanart for some reasons
I like the slutty French cousin.
I've read the VNs and the LNs for the Fate series except Heaven's Feel and I still prefer Illya on the right. She deserves some happiness.
The one who helped save the multiverse.
Not really a surprise considering one is from an over a decade old visual novel while the other is from an ongoing manga with ongoing anime. Outside of perhaps a few extreme fans that only like the original and still do, most simply switched to drawing prisma instead.
I prefer Prisma because Illya is happier, and all I want is to protect Illya's happiness.
Prisma is so full of life and fun.
Love her more.
I really hope we get the prisma event with the english release as I really want to play through that story.
After HF one just really wants her to be happy.
Prisma protects everyone's happiness.
Prisma Illya. I don't really like illya from f/sn ,she's not cute. and gay.
The original.
Prisma is going a bit overboard in the lewd and parody of fate mechanics. Not that I don't enjoy the light lesbianism, just that it won't actually go anywhere and serves mostly as a running joke about fateverse mechanics. I also prefer older, more knowledgeable Ilya because of what she does during FSN.
>Absolute plebs dismissing Prisma because of fanservice
It's legitimately good, not only 3rei, the whole thing is fantastic
I want to take Angelica home.
Left is for cuddling, right is for dicking.
the alive one.
Left is definitely a much firmer character,
Prisma of course.
>what if we took a serious ero VN...
>then, what if we took some random, unimportant side character
>and then, what if we made her, and all her irrelevant friends lesbians?
>lyrical nanoha
How is prisma Illya not a dangerous girl?
>Femme fatale (lit. deadly woman)
Yeah, the Fate series is an indisputable addition among literary perfection. Puts Madame Bovary to shame. How is Shirou not an attempt for self insertion in relation to these "otakus" power fantasies and date simulations?
Berseker + Rider lilya is stacking her installs now.
I want to be Saber Shota and have Angelica violate me as the best girl she is. She's compatible with Gil so she probably likes young virgin boys. Blondes especially
My nigga.
I will always find the "little sister character from an eroge gets a magical girl spinoff series with excessive yuri" comparison between the two series hilarious
Angelica is perfect.
Why the fuck did she turn him into a doll in one of the endings?
This was the last straw that made me drop this garbage called Unlimited Blade Works
New chapter translated.
Illya would have got her mother's massive mammaries if she wasn't trapped in the body of a Loli.
How the fuck is anyone supposed to hold that let alone swing it around
A) To fuck with the rescue party
B) She wants to someone to accept her, Kerry,Shirou, the Einzberns, but Shirou in a doll will suffice.
Prisma is cuter, therefore she wins. It's not even a discussion. Only fedora tippers who think a shitty eroge is a literary masterpiece disagree.
Generic moe loli
She's far cuter than the average loli though.
I want F/SN Illya to find the same love and happiness that her prisma counterpart has.
I think Fate/Stay Night is a literary masterpiece, but I'm not a fedora tipper.
anons understand
the one on the left please
>developed three dimensional character with flaws and strengths vs shitty bland pedobait moeblob
What a hard choice. You're a secondary if you don't pick the original.
That's what the pedo manga claims, but neither actually acts like Illya.
If youre talking about the VN, youre an idiot.
If youre talking about the anime, youre an idiot, because the death scene in that webm is from the UBW movie, not the TV series. Everyone knows the movie is shit.
>expecting a prismafag to actually watch anything fate related that isn't their softcore CP show
Oh user.
>all these fags screaming PEDO THIS PEDO THAT
wow, the Sup Forumsddit meme is real
So what happened to all those souls of magical girls when Helena and Medea went back to the Throne?
>tertiary spotted and trying to deny it
Some redditor on /fgog/ found this thread and is now going nuclear over it.
I read the VN and I never defended or said I prefer Prisma's Ilya. Nice strawman though, dumbass redditor.
See user that's your problem.
Seriously? I thought /fgog/ liked the event, especially after it gave us the best 4* Archer in the game.
Illya on left diedher VA is dead too.
New illya on right is the only answer.
Anti-lolifags plague every inch of this site, unfortunately.
They have the same VA.
I like both for different reasons.
F/SN Illya evokes a million different emotions in me, but the strongest one is sadness, since HF True end will always stick with me. She's a tragic and complicated character who really needed someone to save her.
I like Prisma Illya for the same reason I liked Nanoha in the first series and A's. She was a normal girl forced into fights to the death, and reacts semi-realistically. She slowly learns how to handle herself in combat, going from a useless childish clutz to a stout heated warrior. That really culminated in 3rei with the darker tone, though until now it's been Shirou's story as much as hers.
FSN Illya's more interesting.