Sup Forums BTFO

Sup Forums BTFO


Good thread you got here negrito.

Will Volkswagen ever get their shipment of cars?

Why didn’t they design their own cars instead of giving money to germans? White supremacy in action.

Volkswagen was one of the first companies to invest into China when people considered that country a shithole too. Look at China now. Rwanda boosts 8% annual growth. Y'all are memeing Africa would always be poor and backwards, but you are about to be proven wrong. Black people can just be as industrious as whites and asians!

Not surprising, i remember that when vw auto group moved production to mexico they claimed that it would save them $5000 on every audi q5 they produced. If I remember correctly the saving came from dodging tarrifs or import fees or some such shit.

ha. a negro with a sense of humor. after a year they should compare productivity and quality control with any european VW factory. but good for Rwanda, and if all goes well, they could open a factory in djibouti !! XDDDD

I had an Audi. It died because I forgot to change to oil. Fuck beaners.

Chinks are pouring money into you too
You would get legally colonized
And no , you will not get rich from few factories , you couldnt get rich when people were handing you money because you niggers didnt know how to use todays technology properly

>white mon’s magic doesn’t work as well in the motherland
No surprise here, that’s why niggas need to design they own cars.

Rwanda is a very interesting case in Africa. There was a wonderful posting from an add-on who is knowledgeable about African politics who referred to Rwanda as an African Prussia and it's state apparatus and referenced several leading GOP political thinkers who have begun to consider ra wanted to be an African Singapore due to its relative stability and benign governance which is of course palatable to outside investors.

Hey BLM, whatcha sliding?


you let your absent mindedness in changing engine oil fuck your audi up? brutal man, that's 101. lessoned learned i guess. if i let my bimmer shit the bed for that reason i would be very sad. but yes, they should design their own cars. Any competent people to begin that project?

This is actually a good thing. The wealthier African countries get, the smaller the amount of migrants that will go to Europe.

Globalization is actually a good thing for ethnonationalism but many of its adherents are too retarded to see this.

>Get into an accident
>airbag deploys
>airbag filled with shit
Yeah. Great. Just what we need.

That explains the recent stock dive

good for them, I don't want them to be shitholes desu

just fyi, german cars (specifically vw and merc products) are known for burning oil - u gotta watch that shit man. keep a spare bottle in the trunk at all times.

I bet those vehicles will be the bomb


ha i agree in premise, but that might be better the takata airbag recall in which moisture would deteriorate some of internal parts of the wheel, thus turning an airbag deployment into a small explosion with sharp projectiles flying at your face. although after a certain speed, sharp plastic projectiles and shit may have comparable effects on the body

Toyota genocide when


No one here is saying it is bad , but everyone , you too , will agree that nothing is going to work out ouþmof this , niggers cant even live with handout money

>shitty euro cars moving production to shitty nigger shitholes

There's a reason your only notable car is a cheap goddamn teenwagon

>yfw the factory is open for a week before it's completely fucking gutted - cars and all.

