Bow before the masters of anime.
Bow before the masters of anime
>masters of anime
We are not worthy
*blocks your path*
*destroys your path*
Sorry OP, but that's a just a false idol.
The true master of anime, the only one worth serving is right here
God I wish I worked at KyoAni. I would be plowing Yamada all day desu
When did Kyoani become a meme?
They made themselves one. They have no one to blame but themselves.
April 3, 2006
Shaftfags got jealous of Kyoani popularity and started falseflagging as annoying Kyoani fans to piss off Sup Forums. It sort of half worked. I'm still in the mindset that they make the best Chinese cartoons.
>muh Shaft bogeyman
Today I shall remind them.
That you have poor opinions?
My life is one series of ironic events after another. I sleep every night because it is trendy, but I don't actually rest. Resting is sincerity and honesty, it's a thing that grounds us to the core of being human and refreshes the senses, which obscure minds have ruled out as "completely and totally bullshit". And so, even if my eyes are squeezed shut and my chest heaves gently with the rolling march of involuntary function, I am not at rest. I am simply in a stage of incoherence. Every morning I wake up and drink water, and I smile while doing so, as the central idea of drinking water is done to alleviate a sincere bodily need: thirst. I do so out of artistic and authorial humor. The idea of thirst is is not so much manufactured as it is something to be overcome through the power of irony. My day progresses in this fashion, while I contemplate how tomorrow I can further overcome my own sense of irony and the profound lack of genuine interests in my own life.
That their popularity has slid steadily downhill since 2012?
close, but no cigar.
>only legitimately active in the 21st century
>less than 30 series produced
>zero cultural impact whatsoever
>masters of anime
>zero cultural impact whatsoever
They still haven't been surpassed, or at least one show hasn't.
fake news
>Maid dragon
KyoAni is at their best when they do slapstick.
Fake president.
kyoani cant even do moe right anymore.
This. Lucky Star was infinitely more engaging than their current Ghibli-wannabe stage.
That's not Silver Link.
Also wrong
Your mesely digits can't outweigh mine.
>I liked KyoAni more back when they made Keyshit
>Unpopular opinion hurr maybe people will agree with me
This opinion isn't enlightened, it belongs on reddit
Fact: nothing KyoAni has made so far will matter/be cared about in 20 years.
They basically made moeblobs a thing that has been spamming Anime since 2006. All thanks to Suzumiya Haruhi, Lucky Star and K-On!
The shitty trifecta.
Moeshit is still better than the shounen and LN adaptations that make up the rest of each season
2000-2006 pre-Suzumiya anime was alright and taking the right path.
It could had been a wonderful world full of good anime with high quality content.
Now we only have moeshit pandering everywhere and QUALITY