What happened to shading? Why is anime so boring to look at now?
What happened to shading? Why is anime so boring to look at now?
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Cherrypick much?
It was because of the switch to computer-based techniques.
However, your current picture is out of date.
Detailed pencilwork is coming back - look at One Punch Man, Kizumonogatari and Koe No Katachi.
JoJos Bizzare Adventure
Came out in 2015
shut the fuck up.
Kirito: "Whoa..this is awesome"
More JoJo
This the only anime where the mens chest are bigger than womens
Has sick music as well m.youtube.com
The manga has been out for decades so of course the anime would follow the style. Now get off my thread JoJofag
Stop making this thread. Or at least use a different OP image so your samefaggotry isn't as obvious.
Right image has 5 tones in the hair alone.
Hate the style if you want, but the shading is still there.
Also you are cherrypicking. you pick badass monsters vs some pussy little bitch pedophile incest lover.
You only point out shit anime when there are good ones.
Dont make me name them if you dont know them then you shouldnt even watch anime .
>badass monsters
Sensui and Raoh aren't monsters
What happened?
Buff manly tanks vs some little girl fucker
>Came out in 2016
I hate that style on the right
You're also cherypicking. You are even picking different genres that calls for different art/color styles.
me on the right
That movie was weird
I know I'm responding to obvious bait, but what happened is that you're not actually watching anime for yourself and merely go along with what the most popular thing is.
OP here. I actually enjoy most modern anime, I'm just trying to make nostalgiafags look bad.
>I was just pretending to be retarded
Moeshit and computers happened, obviously.
It's all about what serves the narration. You don't need overdramatic shadows you need in a dark fantasy/action show at an ecchi show.
Another example is how mamoru hosoda puts near to no shadows and emphasizes on the animation in his movies.
Tell that to berserk.
SOmehow manages to look like shit
Also the weird shadow they put under people's chests looks weird as fuck. They overdid Araki's blockiness in a bad way and it is a trainwreck.
I feel like the dynamism of the manga was lost in the anime too. What a waste of time the anime turned out to be
Shadingfags think every anime back then was 0083 when they were more in line with Victory.
>you can't enjoy old anime without having nostalgia for it
This meme needs to die
this MANIME thread again ?
dis shading, hnnnnng
>Pass user since 2016
spotted the assblasted poorfag
Not him but kek
Pass user since 2013
more o dis
Otaking pls
Cells. /thread
But his movies look like utter garbage.