I can't be the only one who found it oddly rewarding to see Akko's terror stricken face after coldly ignoring Ursula's pleas, right?
Little Witch Academia
So did Ursula lose her magic or what?
Why won't you marry her, user?
I'd marry her. She can be Chariot or she can be Ursula. Either way, she could be whatever makes her happy.
So this is a PERFECTION looks like...
Akko needs to get the shit kicked out of her next time she does something stupid. Maybe then she wouldn't be such an obnoxious retard
But I will marry her. I WILL.
>making a new thread just because the other one hit 500 replies
presumably because the other one hit image limit
Endgame right here, tomodachis.
Yo, can I get some Diana facts?
Akko telling Andrew about Diana?
I agree she should be punished for her being reckless she usually gets away with it
It's just like my doujins, but with pollen instead of drugs.
Good morning Akko. Are those seats free?
Awkward but comfy
Why does everyone always REEE about this shit.
That's what you fucking do when the threads at the bump limit. You make another one because the last one is dying.
>They both want to sit next to Akko
Fuck off you blatant crossboard newfag.
Romantic and comfy
Casual but comfy
If Ursula lost her magic, why is her hair still dark?
If you look closely, you can see Ursula casting some kind of shield before diving into the cloud of pollen. Nothing happened to her aside from her glasses cracking and her previous injuries catching up to her.
Man, I hate this, I was expecting to see meltdowns, threats of violence and tons of shitflinging. Where is the rage? I was promised rage in these threads.
There was a really pissed off user ranting and raving about how horrible this show was in it's game thread so I wanted to see the shitshow for myself and I just find a bunch of /u/shitters. it's disappointing.
Maybe you should go back to Sup Forums then and stay there.
Lotte gangbang doujins when?
I go wherever the wind takes me,user. Sadly, it has not picked up lately so I'm stuck here, might as well make the most of it and satify my curiosity. So, why all the dyke images of the ponytail girl and the blond haired one? What's their story?
Kinky comfy
What will be her attitude towards Croix from now on? Towards Ursula?
I dunno maybe you should watch the show and find out.
It's just the standard MC x 'rival' ship.
Lotte is not for lewd
crack comfy
When is Croix kidnapping Andrew and holding him hostage for Akko to rescue?
I can't it's not in english yet. I can't stand japanese voices, they over react to everything and bleed my ears ith their high pitched voices.
So they're rivals,okay, I guess that means they fight alot.
Please go back to Sup Forums.
Akko isn't nearly as fun without Megumi's voice. At least watch the OVAs to get a taste of LWA. The game is likely going to feel closer to those than the actual series too.
only akko does.
everyone else is calm and talks evenly
Why are you so aggressive?
Sorry but no, I already know those videos are not part of the tv show you guys are watching from that guy's rant, not gonna waste my time on something that's effectively unimportant.
See, you say that but I feel that way towards japanese speech as a whole, it doesn't matter if it's a calm person or not, they're way of talking is too loud and too overreacted for me to bare.
LWA is all about the spectacle and not the characters, so the OVAs are great for that aspect. And the show expects you to have seen them since they don't give green team any introduction.
But I said please. That's not aggressive.
Except in this case, it wasn't her fault. Criox lied to her about it being safe and then set off an ambush to trip her up. If Ursula wasn't so much of a pussy and told her the truth at episode 15 or just brought her to the tree to prove it wasn't safe, this shit would have never happened.
Fuck, Marry, and kill
Please murder your entire extended family to ensure that none of them will ever breed again.
Not that user, but typing Sup Forums automatically invalidates any attempt at being nice.
>Akko, Sucy and Lotte will never be this comfy again.
Marry Barb
Fuck Diana
Kill Hannah
>it's not Akko's fault because she's just too stupid to know better
Fuck Barbara and her canon big butt
Marry Diana
Kill Hannah
Fuck Barbara
Marry Diana
Fuck Hannah
L to R
kill marry fuck
Dude, I already said I'm not watching the videos, stop trying to sell me on them already.
holy shit this is levels of comfy i have never seen before
it is too powerful of a force
Because constantly continuing a discussion simply to have a thread up = a general. That is highly frowned upon here.
It's possible to neither be nice nor aggressive at the same time you dunce.
Just go back to Sup Forums already
It's so cute when you deny it but still want to munch that Asian rug.
Fuck off.
They're a part of the series, and are needed. And they're simply a joy to watch and the frist one is like just 30 minutes. And even has a horrible english dub you can enjoy.
Except she asked Criox, an intelligent teacher that she and the rest of the school trusted, who said it was safe. How the fuck is she suppose to know better than the people teaching her?
Croix wants to make Akko happy.
Criox wants to fuck Chariot while forcing Akko to watch.
See? Just pointless argo for no real reason.
For the last time, give it up. Not watching them, end of story.
Ursula told her the pollen would soon be releasing and therefore she should stay clear until it's completely safe, and Diana somewhat backed it up. Then Croix showed her that the pollen hadn't been released yet, and somehow Akko reasoned that Ursula and Diana were wrong and the pollen storm wasn't going to happen any time soon.
But what the hell does it matter? A discussion will continue anyways.
Stop liking shoehorned romance and shoehorned characters.
So what are the odds that this retarded nip gets competent with more than one spell before the series is over? No the words don't count.
So what exactly are you doing in this thread?
>no real reason
You're a retarded Sup Forumsirgin who doesn't belong here
go back to Sup Forums you dumb fuck
Because Criox showed her proof while Ursula didn't. I mean, to believe the one without any proof is to put feelz before realz here. Nevermind the fact that Ursula was the one known to fuck up a lot at school and hiding stuff from Akko, while the other is a rockstar teacher that saved the school and seemingly knows everything.
She technically knows other spells. Whether she fucks them up or not is the question.
poor hannah
Is Akko basically just a shittier version of Naruto?
This show would be a lot better if Akko's roommates didn't exist.
Killing time, I believe I said that before. I wanted to know more about the lesbian girls and then people like these
Started attacking me out of nowhere and I'm the badguy. You know what, I'll just go elsewhere you guys clearly have some kinda weird thing going on here.
She knew the spell to ignite the canon that fired her at the flying broom. She also knew how to turn a small hamster into a kaiju.
I wanna put a baby in Ursula
But it wasn't proof. That's the point. The only thing it "proved" was that it hadn't begun yet, not that it wouldn't happen any time soon, and Ursula explicitly said that it would start soon instead of saying it's already started, so there was no contradiction either. Only a literal retard would take it as proof of anything, i.e. Akko and you.
>wanted to know more about the lesbian girls
Yet doesn't want to watch the movies that started the franchise in the first place.
A very likely story.
Akko has roommates?
i'm sad for hannah, if she was real, it'd wear down on her self-esteem
Akko learning about Chariot Sunday or will it be a last episode thing?
Flip a coin for Hannah or Barb
Whoever lost the coin toss.
Akko will not be learning about Chariot this season.
Shereo gib rod or kill
You are too optimistic, user.
this dumb Sup Forumsermin makes Akko looks smart
I believe in Netflix.
It was proof in that Criox showed it wasn't ready to bloom yet, and that she knows better than Akko. Why the hell would Akko not believe Criox here? Did Akko suddenly become a master gardener that knows everything there is to know about plants in between cuts?
Lets hope those filthy western shekels are good enough to make Trigger do it.
How are you faggots still replying to him? Just hide the posts and move on.
Croix of Earth, you have great butthurt in your heart...