Why do republicans vote against their own interest?

Why do republicans vote against their own interest?


The poster below me is and retarded idiot




Nice going.

seems about right

checks out

You're assuming that grandma and grandpa are thieves like the left/socialists, when in reality they seem to have work ethic and believe that people, including billionaires, have a right to keep their own money.

What choice did they have on last election? They had to choose from a populist telling giving a lot of false promises and from someone who gave them the middle finger and called them nazis.

In fact I'm voting for my rational self interest. I'm a relatively high earner for my age group, a tax payer, and I get my healthcare through my employer. I'm relatively young and have no kids. While I certainly understand the need for a public sector, I view that need as much more limited in depth and scope than most liberals or Democrats.

I'm simply voting my rational self interests and for this I'm accused of every prejudicial "-ism" for doing what everyone else does. I see no reason why I'm expected to be altruistic while others are allowed to adhere to their own self interest.

filter strings:
why do
vote against their own

Grandma and Grandpa have amassed at least 1 million dollars in assets, pretty much a 1300 sq/ft single level ranch style house in California, and don't want the commies in the government to tax the everliving shit out of them.

>Saccrificing bloated and inefficient personal advantages for a stronger future
Sounds fine to me.

>against their own interest
You mean like when lefties say Trump's tax bill is "fantastic" when they're told it's what Bernie Sanders proposed?
Strawman bullshit anyway.

if you're white, and you're voting democrat, you are going against your own interests

And keep in mind that a majority of registered Democrats are still white. Statistically most of those whites are probably voting against their self interests economically. And thats saying nothing of their nation's cultural future.

>minimum wage forces employers to discriminantly hire people from non shitty schools
>wellfare encourages minoriety moms to 1 stay poor and 2 marry the state, ridding their child of a man in the house to act as father, which also happens to be the number one determinant of a good life
>cities like compton and chicago are some of the shittiest holes inn america and have been run by dems for decades....

why do dems vote against their own interest... its what humans do

I agree

because country comes before our own needs

Poor people that vote democrat are still poor. If you vote a politician in thinking it will increase your economic standing then you are probably an idiot.

Your truths are devistating