Why were the nazis so weak?

why were the nazis so weak?

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Don't you have any other images fag?
This is becoming sad,i can fix you some if you are that incapable.

>blacks in ww2
>in germany
i wish i could ignore things like facts, reality, and history to draw black dicks in comics over and over and over
maybe ill go work for marvel or netflix

Come on guys, let him pretend.

Just kys already nigger, you know you will never win, even in far future beyond your life time its questionable you will ever be considered human.
Just end it all already , why bother.

you have BLACK TURKISH BLOOD in you, why do you say these things brother?

Because he is mixed with wh*te blood

But this is just pathetic.They don't put any effort at all. German women,who is going to get triggered by that? Germans are cucked aniway.
He should have used an asian girl,half of Sup Forums have yellow fever.How will we ever improve if the opposition is so pathetic?

Whatever helps you sleep at night in ghetto Tyrone.

they got kiked. Bankers in London couldn't handle the strength of the German people : hard working, intelligent, and unified. So they mass genocided them. After WW1, the british fully infiltrated the German society - thats what the hushed 1919 german communist unprising was - it was the British infiltrators killing off the patriotic germans in power and installing jews and brit agents. The nazi party was actually a brit-jew construct. designed from the start to mobilize 2 generations of german men and send them into the Russian winter to freeze to death. The end result was 15 million Germans dead, and Germany crushed and an independant state. Very sad. The old germans were the best caucasians - and thats why they got kiked. There's still a few modern germans that carry the old german genes, but they are rare or watered down with russian or merifat genes, or even these days nigger genes.
The holohoax myth was reintroduced ( british subversion tried to push it during WW1, but they dropped it during the 20s and 30s )
What a waste of good genes. Bastard kikes. Wish they'd progress beyond killing goys to keep themselves in power.

"why were the nazis so weak"
Pic related, literally took this to take them down.

Based greek telling the truth.

Was stonkest

This. Nice synopsis of reality.

As western men, our main goal should be to deprive these people of control by any means.



Don't worry guys, I found the superior edit

why do nigger thoughts always originate from their ass?

Some one post the invasion of Okinawa version

It's so easy to make white men freak the fuck out. They pretend they aren't triggered, but question their masculinity even slightly and they completely fly off the handle. Everything they do stems from a subconscious fear of losing their women and being inferior.

Also this

cause they were socialists

Where's the artist's signature?

Don't know, I pulled that image off of /aco/

You know what I meant...



Drumpf BTFO!!!!!!

why are niggers so weak?

>why were the nazis so weak?

they were SOCIALISTS, so it was their destiny to be little weak cuck bitch losers.

bump. stay mad, 3rd world shit bag.

They fought the whole world. They did pretty good with what they had to work with.

>why were the nazis so weak?
Because it's hard fighting a horde by yourself.


>muh dik

See, leaf.This is exactly the lazy thinking i am talking about.While what you say is true for most men,the whites have been targeted in such manner so much,that they are actually the most resistant.
Interracial couples are promoted by all the media,everione has seen it already,there is no shock value. Frankly people wold be more trigered by porn of our 2d waifus,but the left is to dumb to realize it.
Its sad realy.

youtube.com/watch?v=3t-2_q6D12w WE WUZ KANGS

Wow this one is actually good.

Went to johnpersons.com but it’s all paid stuff, anyone got a link to any free comics?

this is hilarious

That ia not a Jewish woman.

>brainlet cant into diplomacy
>muh kda
>fight me 1v1 and see what happens

Autism, look at their kill ratio and call them "weak" also is coca cola socialist?


>Takes in two world powers not to mention the rest of Europe at once and almost wins
Pick one

You fucking nigger. Majority of the niggers in the military were just the rear supply chain, only a select few platoons ever had any assistance on the front line. And those fuckers were not looked upon as saviors or heroes especially to the Germans.

Everyone in that photo looks disgusting.

lel like clockwork

Globalist puppets.

Germans are euroafricans. Their country has been taken over and raped so many times you can't really consider them white.

m.youtube.com/watch?v=-YmTdMW9uSQ Stop fucking me jewtube

>americuck flag
Checks out.

There was never any red embroidered SS runes design on German shoulder boards. The GI also appears to have poor trigger discipline.

found it


>big tits

Yeah they where weak alright!


they look better than the niggers

Lol why do all you weak internet Nazis get triggered and reply to bait threads 24/7? Do you really think you are going to argue with a nigger or lefty cuck who loves black cock?

New fags learn this:



Obvious slide thread

projection and strawman attacks are not argument, little man