Why are people on the right supporting a plan for California to double its representation in the house?

Why are people on the right supporting a plan for California to double its representation in the house?

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those new California threads were being spammed by idiots

Just because most of the left doesn't know how our government works doesn't mean than most of the right does.

in the senate not the house, you dingus

Do you realize that california would be red without illegal immigrants in the major cities?


You fucked it up. Double the senate+1 in the house.

Because it could potentially cripple the Demofags. If they lose a big chuck of their support and it turns out that NC turns into a red state. It would be a devastating and very surreal moment for them and the left.

Also, if we can't have state of Jefferson. We'll be good with this.

OP does not understand basic civics 101

Because "new california" would be republican. So would actually give the republicans 2 new senate seats, and would reduce the number of house representatives from democrat california, as well as allow new cali to remove some of the 55 electoral votes from democratic control.


California Republicans are controlled opposition for the Democrats.

Nobody is going to be controlled opposition once the swamp is drained. Over 9000 indictments waiting to be opened.

Allegedly, the reason Cali wants to split is because the rural areas are tired of the shit.
If that's the case, Republicans with get +2 senators, and the electoral college would be split to maybe D 35 / R 20.
So if New Cali were red, Dems would lose.

Then again, if it were a Jewish mind game, +2 Dem Senators.

They’re dumb niggers, they don’t even realize that New California will eventually turn blue once Old California starts sending their wetbacks to even out the wetback population

That's why they want to include SD in new cali so the population would have a leftist base.

There would also be two new electoral votes created since electoral votes are based on the members of the house plus members of senate.

>Over 9000
Ell oh ell poundsign-relatable tee bee aitch, onomatopoeia for laughter, doubleplusgood meme.

This would be a very bad idea for New California. Rural and suburban retards can’t live without the city people gibs.

How does this argue that it's not a leftist power grab?

The people who proposed it are not leftists.

They're California Republicans, one's as good as the other.

You sound like a dirty leftist.

I sound like a leftist because I point out that California's right wing is a joke.

>New California, the part of the state with absolute disdain for illegals being given sanctuary cities, will take this lying down and not let ICE run wild and deport them
Yeah, right.

Yeah leftists are always saying bad stuff about the right.

People on the "center" left say as much. It's a virtue signal to be against illegal immigration.

I'm not talking about the right, I'm talking about the left's controlled opposition.

this, look up prop 187. the people almost unanimously voted in favor of it.

then one kike judge struck it down.Opening the flood gates and making CA the shithole it is today.

California is a staging ground for globalist kikes to enact their injection of "diversity" and "multiculturalism" upon the whole country.

>the right is just a fake straw-man for the left
Wow, how very leftist of you.

Begone, shill.

>They still think I'm talking about the proper right

>The right isn't proper.
You are just digging yourself into a hole here.

I think it's safe to say we should just ignore OP's faggotry and have a proper New California thread instead.

Eat your dad's clit, you cuck.

The only faggots around here are yourselves.

I just now realized that OP was a faggot and didn't even use the right map. This is the proper map from the website itself.

>jewish mind game
Remember when they campaigned to secede from the US as an entire state after the election? Now that the red counties want to secede from them, it's suddenly a bad idea

>so the population would have a leftist base
Or to cut the liberals off from their unending supply of illegal voters. New California probably isn't going to be a sanctuary state

They're identical, you nigger-headed soyboy.

>New California probably isn't going to be a sanctuary state
>Assuming Cali Republicans aren't mostly cuckservatives

>I'm not talking about this, I'm talking about that
Be less obvious with your pilpul

The hypocrisy of the left at its finest.

Another important part of the equation is the need for a port. With the cutout of Silicon Valley's money, a larger importance will be placed on true industry rather than phone apps.

Pretty good primer on what California geography and demography really is.


We're further right than you lucky faggots that only live around other whites. Republicans in South Carolina keep voting for Lindsey Graham. Bitch at the real cucks not the people living in a breeding ground for white nationalism.


New California includes San Diego, Orange, and Contra Costa counties. That is 500k extra HRC votes you'll never make back. Give up SoCal and Bay water access and you might not wind up with a new state slightly to the right of Vermont.

>California would be red if 70% of its population vanished
The same would be true of every single other state

Illegal immigrants don't make up 70% of the population.

Its the senate we would double our representation you idiot, learn how your government works idiot.

Because everywhere not in yellow is purple to red. Because of LA and the bay area we are held hostage by the democrats who are hell bent on implementing every leftist and liberal policy you can imagine. All the while our representation goes to them.

The democrats basically are guaranteed 30 electoral votes because of California. If the state gets divided it would be more so 20 guaranteed votes for democrat and 10 votes guaranteed for republicans.

this ->

Illegal immigrants aren't required to make California blue

>san diego is left wing

Yes, they are. LA county had like 4x more votes than eligible voters.

Dumb fuck



How does that disprove my point? Even if only non-Hispanic whites voted California would still be blue.

I was wrong. It's 144%


Honestly Southern California is still kinda redpilled. I don't know wtf happened to San Diego county, it use to be solid gop.

Here is the 2014 governor election map.

Illegals, user. Illegals.

yeah but San Diego County is the whitest county in Southern California.

nice fake

There's also voter apathy as well.

>2+2=144% because I heard it from county.
You might as well have stayed with 4x because this there is no source for the data.

Let me put the demographics in prospective for youj user.

San Diego County, CA
>46.1% Non-Hispanic White

San Bernardino County, CA
>29.3% Non-Hispanic White

It doesn't make sense desu, are white voters that influential in San Bernardino then in San Diego?

One complaint by one organization, hardly fact.

That's how

That real bro

Absolutely subversive

Jefferson wont happen and both california's will vote blue and be run by Jews

They only need gibs because their government screwed them

They're not niggers

>They only need gibs because their government screwed them.


California is full of patriots and the place got absolutely kiked by (((comminist))) law students and a commie Governor. The state can be fixed, start running anons. if polaks shitpost their local elections, the place will change FAST.
Scare the piss out of these commies, run for local offices.

They used to make up the agricultural class but they gave that to beaners

Beaners will shack up 5 dudes in a studio apartment

Beaners will live off of a bowl of rice and beans

Beaners dont have families to take care of

Therefore they can work for jack shit and make a profit


this is actually his sister???

Why is he such an ugly then?

why is California so prosperous if immigrants, droughts, earthquakes and lefties all pose dangers? how can one state cause so much butthurt in the rest of the US?

>Imperial County
>Conservative Liberal


The cities look like they're about to implode

The wealth is held by a handful of people while everyone else lives in poverty

Honestly thats not even the worst part the worst part is the culture thanks to the nigger rappers.

>The wealth is held by a handful of people
so basically any red state? lmao having a laff.
you're runoff sentence makes it look like you stutter irl.


You're just making shit up now



I'm an autist so I probably am.

Trust me we do not want more didndus or beaners here. Our sheriff tried to kick out illegals and the govener forced him to stop.

>when you're a Sup Forumsack in LA but then you realize shit's gonna get worse for you in turbo blue California.

You're fucking retarded and failed 9th grade civics.

dude just sell home and move to orange.

obunga tried to move refugees into my city and we all protested and they didnt