Rokudenashi Majutsu Koushi to Akashic Records

What do you call a girl like this?

Other urls found in this thread:

An old hag.

looks like a boy desu

Celica a best. A BEST.

Re=Tard a shit. A SHIT.

Celica a shit. A SHIT.

A very cute boy!


This is my rape slave Lumia.

Say something nice about her.

Fuck off. Celica is best.

Better than Re=Lshit

nice child bearing hips

Made for breeding, if a bit dim

>this last episode

Edgy bitch.

Good taste

There isn't enough lewd fanart of this show.

i want to cum inside sisti without her permission

Re=L a best. A BEST.


Shitty plot device villain with no established personality or motives beyond being evil for the sake of being evil. Will probably be given a tragic backstory out of nowhere to pretend she's not a lunatic and is actually sympathetic because she has a vagina.

a shit

Fuck off Old Hagfag.


Re=L did nothing wrong.

how did you manage to degrade the image wtf

I want to have a litter with the white cat


Best girl.

>false flagging
How typical.


You're the one assuming shit.

I saved this pic from a previous thread actually

I want to trick sisti into sucking my dick with an illusion spell and cumming the moment it wears off


really now

Shh, piggy is sleeping.


I want to take Sisti to the beach and hold her underwater until she stops resisting.

>Lumia has no fans
Worst girl confirmed.


Or you know he's inferring based solid and consistent, cancer-like shitposts Celicafags do but nobody else does.

I want to take sisti to the beach and pour sand inside her butthole and watch as she tries to get it all out

And I told him he's wrong. What about it?



Is this actually a harem or is Sisti the only one playing?

I want to give Sisti a deep and passionate kiss, swapping saliva until she is out of breath.

What baffles me is that Re=Tard has actual fans as well.

>Is this actually a harem
> is Sisti the only one playing?

At least link to the poll

Sisti is a good girl. Please don't be mean to her.

I want to force Sisti to have a sexual relationship with an African American street hoodlum

I need Celica /ss/ doujin a reeeeeeeeeeeeee

My precious Sisti for me~

My precious /jp/ for me~

I can't believe 3/3 arcs are having Rumia kidnapped

>lately something has been missing from this show
>Akashic Records?

I can't believe literally any new character that isn't explicitly related to the main cast is without fail a cackling insane villain. Like every person of authority in this country is part of some conspiracy to overthrow the government, it's fucking hilarious


Zelos wasn't.

Sisti's body is literally perfect.

Just you wait.

Zelos did nothing wrong.

>Lumia is the most popular character in Japan
>Lumia is the least popular character in Sup Forums

I don't get it.

She's generic, japan loves generic nice girls but Sup Forums likes a little variety

She's boring as hell.
Links or it didn't happen. Even their taste can't be that bad.

Right that was the one legit fakeout for the more hilariously absurd alternative.

What the fuck is even their plan that couldn't have been accomplished with "kill the entire royal family instantly"

Filthy slut.

Sisti is a lovable goof and a butt slut. Lumia is boring and frigid.

Sasuga Japan's shit taste.

Where can I buy this gun user
Of course, i want to shoot 12 rounds without reload, too

>Re=Tard above Celica

Now this is unforgivable.

Well you've got to have an entire classroom of good guys so the villains have to come from somewhere. Especially if they keep dying except for the maid.

I'm going to hold my incredulousness about the incredibly vague evil organization back until their motivation is revealed I think. Don't understand why they tried to get Lumia killed in the second arc.

It's probably something obvious, but I bet it'll make sense.

>Old hag is below the other three
Japan doing something right for once.

Celica should be the most popular.

That's so weird. I'm so accustomed to the main girl always winning character polls.

a shit.

You a shit.

A sister loving her brother is never wrong.

Why are Oldhagfags so shit? They ruined these threads.

>japan loves generic nice girls but Sup Forums likes a little variety
but then why is Megumi from Saekano the most popular girl in here as well?

>mfw I like all the girls

Fuck if I know I didn't watch it

Because Megumi is best girl? Also
>implying she's a generic nice girl

But Utaha is currently the most popular.


Shit taste

Kill yourself THK.

>being delusional

>person believing Utaha is the most popular calling anyone delusional

Currently most infamous != most popular, delusional Utahafag.

>he hasn't been here for the whole season to see Utaha taking the lead and Megumi dropping faster than melting snow after she went full bitch

>spamming pics and chasing off fans means Utaha took the lead and Megumi dropped

This is your teacher for the semester.



What id you guys think of the music in this part?

Sistine a cute. A CUTE

Where'd you grab that? I guess pantsu isn't the fastest

wtf i love bbw now

The HS site. Ever since nyaa's death I've just been going directly to whatever "sub"groups site for currently airing stuff. I just use pantsu for old stuff and porn.