What are the downsides, if any, of being Jewish

What are the downsides, if any, of being Jewish

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I dont know what to do with all this money

When the day of the rope comes you'll be the first thrown in the gas chambers.

some pedophile will bite a part of your dick when you are still very little. you will cry out in pain, your family will smile and then the rabbi sucks up the blood that poors out of your penis. you may get herpes.

Jews are basically the nerd race, even more so than asians. That's why so many are scientists or doctors or intellectuals and so few are athletes.

you may end up being associated with Am*ricans while taking shower in gym??? idk

and so much nepotism which is big part of being a nerd.

>What are the downsides, if any, of being Jewish
You have to deal with women with truly amazing tits all the time.
Shit sucks when you're gay.

Burning in Hell for all eternity.

Going to hell

Being associated with the rest of the lot id say, jews are very hard to discern due to copious amounts of europeanization.

Honestly, there's a large negative weight that comes to being Jewish depending on geographic location.

While it may be that most whites treat you as our own even fractions of their nations are torn, muslims, slavs and various central Europeans are pretty unapologetically antisemitic due to Jews history of being ... Well, Jews.

Came here to post exactly this

thats a nice way of spelling "stealing patents"

Jews are 0.2% of the world population and 1.5% of Olympic gold medalists.

Fuck, really?

getting herpes as an infant


1. Be surrounded by Jews.
2. 35 and still living with my mother.
3. I can't share my hobbies with the rest of the world.

Oh my.

>Oh my.
All of these amazing Jewish tits. It really fucking sucks when you don't like tits, right?

144 gold medalists
29,216 total medals award, of which very nearly 1/3rd are gold

I guess the precious metals really up their enthusiasm.

Breathing in all that gas.

In that case, I guess the only downside is circumcision.

>What are the downsides, if any, of being Jewish
No one loves you.

Only the Haredi nutcases do the blood sucking.

>What are the downsides, if any, of being Jewish
Being Jewish.