What's it like looking around in your own country and seeing people like yourself?
also general amerimutt feels.
What's it like looking around in your own country and seeing people like yourself?
also general amerimutt feels.
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I just got back from my daily walmart trip and i was disgusted. this country needs some serious firebombing
>another day in muttland
Kill me
>be me
>be 16ish or something (I forgot when this happened)
>junior I think
>so hear about Sup Forums
>use it for le edgy Nazi trolling
>hear shit that actually makes sense
>fast forward like five months
>Me and this hapa are the two most intelligent in this class
>good friends though I despise her racemix
>one day asks me out
>too secretly autistic and my power level is too high
>say no
>she starts crying
>tell her I don't want a relationship even though I had a crush on her
>the only reason is because the politics section of some Cambodian Cave painting forum warned me not to
I'm in my first year of college. Did I fuck up?
you know, im having a grand time down in the south. spics seem to be way more tolerable than the niggers
>live near middle school
>about 30% white students
>always groups of niglets causing commotion outside
>I've seen nigs literally climb out of the windows of classrooms during the day and go off wherever
>constant chimping in all the surrounding neighborhoods the instant school lets out
You messed up.
I hope you mean southwest as the south at large is niggerville
well is San Antonio considered SW?
and you had such high hopes
Those double niggers piss me off when they delete a good mutt thread.
hey where im from its just a way of saying hello, its like your prisoners and they way they greet anyone with "cunt"
>people like yourself?
>be me
>spic le 75% face
>living in rural area
>nearest neighbours are swiss or german
they don't look like me but I love living next to white people
I also have never meet a black or a muslim in my life.
man its like looking in a mirror
If you mould your life on a Tierra del Fuegian glans piercing board you deserve what you get.
Go study how to read social cues. Your autism is a mental strait jacket.
does the 56% mean 56% white population, or the individual is 56% white? Asking for a friend.
its supposed to represent how america is 56% white
Feels good (^:
dios mio... la infinita suma divergente...
As someone that lives in small town rural america it feels fucking great. Cityfags will never know this feel.
move to the midwest of far north east it's whiter the snow there
Ah, thats pretty funny actually. Still love this country though
sometimes I think about the 90s and remember. you youngfags will never know the feel.
we're so fucking doomed
I live in a city of 70k that's 95% white, so I pretty much only see people who are actually not MUTTED.
The few hundred niggers we have are cordoned off into shitty areas to be left by themselves, and the Meximutts all have their little pockets, but don't like to be around the rest of us.
yeah same, its amusing to see how far it can be taken, and its funny to watch other burgerfags cry about it
idk man
>be north italian/german/polish/snownigger mutt
>brown hair + eyes
>friends still consider me white because whiteness isn't exactly nyc's strongsuit
use that privilege while you can user
I mean, what do you love about it tho
i dont really know. i do like stereotypes of any kind, and when it has a kernel of truth to it its just more funny. and of course that all american 100% red meat fueled rage that follows it
>government shutdown over
>amerimutt threads return
>really doodles the old noodle
who would consider you not white? You do realize the mutt meme is just a meme, right? Even european nation states were formed by various ethnicities mixing together. I mean Napolean grew up speaking CORSICAN
This is the state of American entertainment
hey man let us celebrate our $100% free democracy in peace
I mean what do you love about USA
I hate it here. Literally but nothing but niggers/spics/niggerspics. I want to go to the midwest but the germanic/wasp population will probably reject me.
The 56% meme to me is just pure satire. If anyone really thinks they're going to create a white ethno-state in the U.S. you may want to wake up from that dream. And this country is my home and Id feel at home living in any state.
>You do realize the mutt meme is just a meme, right?
My brothers, I fear I bring bad news.
the midwest meme is just that. I grew up in a cold rural part and it has changed immensely over the last 15 years just like everywhere else.
that doesn't even make sense.
move to white neighborhood desu
This whole country is fucked then
I take it you haven't actually lived many places in the states. Its all shit mate. Our culture is shit, and the people are increasingly shit. Not trying to be a downer but Im trying to understand the patriot mindset.
Hitler said americans are mongrels.
I thought weimarica was white????
well that would be hard to pin down. i just enjoy it here. that may be due to me not knowing anything else, but i fucking love the diversity of the land. since i was a chairforce brat, we used to move all over America, and it could be stunning how much it changed from north to south, east to west. i do like the culture we have, and even though its not the best, most of the people i meet are nice. i also enjoy the holidays and of course the mutt shitposting that i can do.
>Being retarded
You do realize interactions with people close to you should be based of them as individuals instead of statistics right? Statistics are for strangers you know nothing else about and need to be careful, retard.
man head to washington. its a great place, and while some of the big cities like seattle are cucked beyond belief, someplace smaller (i fucking love mazama) is always great
I agree that our natural landscape is breathtaking and vast. I treasure it too. Guess I don't associate it with being an American, just land in North America. If that makes sense.
Not all of it, bro.
t. Wisconsinite whose city has not changed by more than 1% loss of whiteness in 20 years
absolute unit
lmao dude I'm in Wisconsin and there's fucking mexicans everywhere
you must be in a fishing village way up north or something
Can I pollute pure germanic pussies with my italian seed pls
literally does not happen hardly ever. I am anglo to the core and its beaners, chinks and niggers everywhere, otherwise mutts.
fuck california
yeah and i think that alot of people lose it. maybe it is just because i have had the privilege to visit national parks and move to so many places, but when there are no cities to bee seen, thats when i enjoy this country the most
just make sure to make some good pasta in return
sort of a catch 22 where I live. rocky mountains colorado. no niggers to speak of cuz of cold. but mexicans everywhere. other than the mexicans is white far left liberal scum welcoming more and more mexicans. so, while the majority of my area is white, the whites here are liberals and therefore the enemy. i'm fucked.
Why are amerimutts on here obsessed with being white
riding public transportation in eastern europe and seeing nothing but well dressed, well behaved white people is a true delight compared to the shit we have to deal with on public transpiration here in the united states, i can tell you that much
probably has something to do with living up to the images of our founding fathers, with the idea of true, pure whites fighting for freedom against some kind of tyrannical overlord.
totally. I took a hike today and felt revitalized. but I dunno, you get back on the highway. the billboards. traffic. dead faces...maybe Im just being an emo queer
I can't
Eh. If you're pulling out or using protection, it's not REALLY racemixing. Or unless your balls touch. Or something like that...
why are you living in a city?
atleast dont betray them half way through the fucking, they already had to deal with that once
Don't listen to those thirsty betas. You did good.
Being able to think with your brain instead of your dick is the hallmark of a true man.
It was pretty nice when I grew up. Very safe, I was a child and came back from school and went outside with friends, my parents simply said that I should be back when it becomes dark. Then I went where ever I wanted without a mobile phone or anything. I was only 6, but nobody cared because there where no niggers.
If you are that Anglo move to an actual Anglo nation.
America betrayed people of her own blood over taxes. Our founding fathers were basically ancapniggers who cared more about freedom and sheckles than cohesiveness with their own people
you have an identity and culture so strong that is distinct even from Spain
young whites in America have nothing, NOTHING that comes close to your sense of identity.
yeah i'd have to agree. i guess it may be better day to day with a good group of close friends, pretty much staying shut in until you go out into the wilderness for a little while is enjoyable
I'm not
>being at 16 in college
no you didn't fuck up.
you've got a good head man, keep those guys close as long as you can.
very true is this. its sad seeing the culture of everyone else in the U.S being promoted so much, with the hispanic and black being huge chunks of it, and having the white kids trying to go join one of those instead of being their own unique culture
very bully
italians are better than other humans.
Atlanta was the biggest shithole ive ever been to. But yeah, I haven't been around as much as Id like. I was raised by a pretty patriotic grandfather and father so I guess that love of country is something that's just instilled in me. Im sure I sound like a naive normie but if all you do is spend time worrying about the liberal shithole plague youll probably go crazy. Just find your little slice of paradise in some small community user.
but that kid has light eyes, Sup Forums told me light eyes = white
wtf i hate Sup Forums now
billboards and traffic? sounds like a city to me.
yeah, well you know after college everyone goes their separate ways, and still being relatively new in a city doesn't make it fun. atleast family exists, and they are pretty close for the size of this country
amen. I'm just a little jaded and probably a little older.
why the fuck would you go to walmart, are you poor? get your shit together and rise above the 3rd world niggers.
agreed. did your grandfather do anything special for america, or did he just love it?
could have just as well been a Petco or even better, the mall. have you niggas been to a mall lately?
arent malls becoming kind of outdated? i've heard reports of a couple of them shutting down across the country
Hes a Korean War vet and was Police detective before he retired. I will say it is sad you dont see self made men like that anymore. If anything, that depresses me more than niggas chimping out in chicago
Oh look, it’s another discord nihilism le 56% thread. Enjoy Sup Forumsant, niggers.
walmart is fucking based you contrarian retard
a lot of the small ones have closed. the bigger ones are thriving though. its the premiere spot to bring your 34 brown offspring on a Sunday
cool, well a thanks for your service to him, but i can agree with the sentiment. i know im not one of those men, but it is easy to look back and really think that we arent made like we used to be. I find the Hard times create strong men,Strong men create good times,Good times create weak men, weak men create hard times to be coming true, and with the state of all these soy consumers, we may be in for some hard times soon
This is only an hour away from seattle