Was it "immigration policy changes" or "women's rights" that killed the white race?
Just trying to figure out if we were exterminated or committed suicide.
Was it "immigration policy changes" or "women's rights" that killed the white race?
Just trying to figure out if we were exterminated or committed suicide.
inb4 our mutt
>milk carton
But why? there is already plenty of milk there
Men got soft because females wouldn't let their dicks get hard.
Honestly, I think the 20th century was just too much for the Western collective psyche to handle:
>World War I
>Spanish Flu
>Great Depression
>World War II
>Cold War paranoia
>Mass surveillance rising
>muh white race
Jesus fuck. I am a white guy married to a black woman and never once did I care about some"white race" Because humanity is the only race.
Why not find something aside from skin color.to obsess over?
Immigration Policy Changes
see Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965
We never would have gotten the immigration changes without female voting
Skin color is not the same as race. It's just a component of the larger picture.
We didnt have these problems in the 1900's. It's because of Marxism.
With out women's rights we would not have immigration. I think it's poetic justice that the white women who voted to bring nogs are now getting attacked. Poetic justice at its finest. They deserve every second of it
This is the most iconic photo of my generation
There is no.such thing as the white race
I used to think this way but you can look at white schools vs black schools white neighborhoods vs black neighborhoods and see why it matters
God I want to suck her tits.
America has always been a mutt country. That’s the whole point. American hating illegals and their democrat rulers are the problem.
White people have a weak spirit. The third world went through much worse for much longer and still bounced back.
mutt milkers
Go back to Auschwitz, shylock.
>Was it "immigration policy changes" or "women's rights" that killed the white race?
Fuck she's hot. Got any more pics, especially "milky" ones.
Her body is decent, but that face OH NO NO NO NO NO HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAH.
Both...as an aside, i'd happily stick my dink between those milkers...
the dark age pushed deus vult too much, caused several probelms and solved nothing also much degeneracy at the time, made people lose the indentity of their culture.
they would rather be savages instead of beying slaves.
congrats you never ever saw someone looking racist at you cracka?
its not like the work pays you less than females right?
its not like you're liable to be replaced by an underachiever that managed to land the job because muh opression right?
its not like the media portrays your face like an criminal right right?
Nonsense. First of all "the third world" is hardly a homogeneous zone. Much of Africa never had civilization develop, and hence never had anything to lose to "bounce back" from. And every other civilization FELL. Got effectively obliterated as a political unit, and in many cases the culture got almost completely wiped out.
I do agree about with the previous post about the 20th century. The fact is, WWI was the definitive trauma and everything else has been aftershocks. The west has never recovered a healthy self-image. But once we recognize this, in the next era, which is emerging now, we can find a fresh path.
Fuck OP's question. How wet do you think Brittany was getting arrested by that handsome young officer?
if you say so, rabbi
I'd love to Al Frankenstein those
The other civilizations fell after hundreds, if not thousands of years at the top. Arabs, Chinese, and Indo-Asia had multiple golden ages and thousands of years of history. Ancient Europe has no cities or civilizations pre roman invasion.
After that Europe had a golden age, but has barely been on top 250 (probably less) years and it's already fallen apart.