How far upline are you, goys?
Nationalist Pyramid Scheme
>saying nigger is calling for violence
>someone I know irl and hang out with shared this unironically the other day
Apparently the whole message of Martin Luther King Jr. is racist now, okay.
>tfw begin against inmigrants is a hate crime.
>tfw you are standing right below mass genocide.
This basically serves as proof that modern "liberalism" is a bunch of man-hating cunts desperately trying to drag any and every "victim" group into the dirt with them
Where's ethnostate on that list?
Genocide. I won't stop until the Jews are dead.
>tfw jew.
>tfw white (not mutt """"""""""""white"""""""""""").
>tfw white supremacist.
>tfw white supremacists don't want you because you're a jew.
What is this, Maslow’s hierarchy of Jewish deception?
A mix of discrimination and calls for violence
Genocide isn't enough, a lot of Whites need to die as well
I never new calling blacks on welfare a nigger made me a nationalist.
This pyramid graph is made to destroy what ever ethos people who are not racist and don't submit to BLM. If anything pictures like this make people more racist because of the sheer inability of the artist to listen to any half reasonable argument.
What ever, at this point the niggers want to chimp out and be away from the white man. Fine lets round them up and throw them onto some desert island.
Not on there. Clearly it was made by someone who doesn't even know what nationalism is or what it is based on.
It was made by some nigger trying to destroy the ethos of whitey.
Appears to be a list of Jewish fears while strawmanning black people.
If you ignore PoCs you're racist, but if you help PoCs that's paternalism and also racist.
And where's mass sterilization?
According to this picture the progressive left are just two steps from the top. How much longer until antifa have organized killings and try to genocide white males?