Has Kyoani mastered the art of making best girls?
Has Kyoani mastered the art of making best girls?
Connor Foster
Justin Lewis
ueno is shit though
William Evans
I'm not sure why you post stuff like this knowing it's wrong.
Luke Morgan
>Best girl
Ueno never once.
Henry Green
Ueno's bitchiness is the kind of bitchiness you've seen before and are used to it now so it doesn't affect you anymore. I don't understand why normies still hate her.
Kawai is where the shit's at. You know her kind of bitchiness but it still gets you. Worse is she doesn't get her comeuppance.
Benjamin Campbell
A thread for Patricians
Luis Lopez
You only like her cause she's pretty.
That's fine but don't defend her shit personality.
Jacob Bennett
ueno a shit
Aiden Myers
Get some taste you uncultivated brutes.
Bentley Thompson
>"Has Kyoani mastered the art of making best girls?"
>posts worst girl
Good job, OP.