This thread is about a potential Nordic/Germanic ethnostate in Alaska. Please read the previous thread before raising concerns that have been talked about ad nauseum:
The primary concerns we need to talk about are how we will provide electricity, food, and other essentials to the colonists. No, we are not going to wage war on the United States and secede. No, Antifa is not going to buy up millions of dollars worth of Alaskan wilderness to spite us. No, Jewish assassins are not going to slit our throats while we sleep. No, the government can not force black people to move onto your private property. Issues about which language we'll speak and how the government will be run aren't important right now.
Nordic Colony in Alaska: Part 2
Dumping the introduction to the idea from the previous thread in case you're too lazy to click on it:
I see a lot of different right-wing movements these days about creating an “ethnostate” for white people, but none of them seem to actually be an ethnostate. I have a proposal for what would be an actual ethnostate, a Nordic ethnostate in Alaska. I own several hundred acres in Alaska on the coast, and there is more land around me that could be purchased. While I am an American, ethnically speaking I am Norwegian. And I don’t mean in a mutt “I’m 1/32 Nordic!” way, I mean that my family first came to the United States in the mid 1800’s and founded one of the many Norwegian settlements that popped up in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and the Dakotas. Our family lived in this town and married other Norwegians pretty much exclusively. So with the exception of my Dutch grandmother, I am Norwegian.
With that out of the way, I’d like to get down to the details of what I want to do. Basically, I am trying to figure out if other Nordics would be at all interested in establishing a Nordic “colony” in Alaska, both on my property and neighboring properties if they were purchased. By virtue of being private property, this means that the government can’t step in and enforce diversity quotas and affirmative action like they do to virtually every other white community in the country.
Please follow the thread as I dump a few posts explaining how and why I think this could be the first successful one of these ventures in Sup Forums’s history.
>What is the land like?
My property is located on the ocean, not far from Lake Iliamna and across from the Augustine Volcano (which is very active, something to consider). The prevailing Westerlies blow offshore, and as such, it is colder than other, more inhabited areas of coastal Alaska, but is still nowhere near as bad as inland areas. The land is rugged and filled with lakes, and can be somewhat marshy in the lowland areas. Despite this, the soil, where you can find it, is good. I’ve had luck growing winter wheat, gourds, and other hardy vegetables. Various cedars and pines grow on my property, which I use to build wooden boats from, which I am very devoted to. Being so obsessed, I have made something of a personal harbor over the past 6 years. The bay my property is on is sheltered from most winds except easterlies, which are rare, and provides good bottom conditions for anchoring because of the silt runoff from nearby rivers.
Overall, the land is not the most fertile in the world, and in days-gone-by, I doubt any king or country would fight very hard for the right to call it hers. But it is habitable, and is not dissimilar from the landscape I saw in Iceland when I visited there 3 years ago.
>What type of economy would there be?
The conditions of the surrounding land mean that any colony in the area would be primarily agrarian: this is not a get-rich-quick scheme. Subsistence farming and hunting, household chores, and fishing would take up most of your time, I would imagine. So what hope would there be for an economy, you ask? Access to the ocean means access to fisheries. Pacific cod, salmon, and crab are the obvious examples. Furthermore, while my property hasn’t been surveyed, Alaska is rich in mineral deposits. Gold is the most famous example, and there are many rivers in my region of Alaska with land claims or panning rights that could be obtained, if one were so inclined. My proximity to the volcano means there are likely deposits of zinc and sulfur in the area, and in the past, these industries made up a booming part of the Alaskan economy. The bay, as I mentioned before, is suitable to accommodate large vessels. A harbor means commerce, commerce means trade, and trade means prosperity.
There is also more than enough timber, both on my property and adjacent available ones, to not only provide building materials for our homes and public buildings, but to also supply a myriad of craftsman woodworking products. "Hand Made in Alaska" would have yuppies buying an overpriced pine nightstand in a heartbeat.
>How would you govern it?
To explain what I believe is the best way to govern the proposed colony, I want to explain to those of a modern, democratic mindset how monarchies and despotism came to be. In the past, the only people who could own property were the wealthy. But in the past, the only reason to own property was to make money off of it. The wealthy had plantations that needed to be staffed. In return for allowing the peasants to live on his land, peasants understood that the king was the final say on matters of government.
Obviously things have changed. What I propose is sort of a hybrid between a republic and an absolute monarchy. On one hand, we would have the “royalty.” Or, if you don’t have a flare for the dramatic, we’ll simply call them governors. The point being is that the property owners (myself and whoever else has the capital to actually buy land) would have a say in the governing of the colony, no need to be elected. But to curtail some problems that might arise from this, there would also be some form of elected representation. In this way it would be a constitutional monarchy, but not one with monarchs that exist only as ceremonial figureheads as in today’s CMs. The governors would have real, tangible power, and some sort of elected body would also exist. The details of how this would work aren’t important at this stage.
>How would you defend it?
This depends on what we decide the ultimate goal is. Is the goal a completely independent, sovereign state? This dream is a little far-fetched in the modern age. Rather, I believe the goal should more reasonably be to have a de facto autonomous colony within the United States. There is a precedent for this. The Amish are essentially self-governing communities in the US. The village elders decide on matters for the villages and they have little contact with the outside world. Legally, they are still citizens of the United States, they still pay their taxes, and they are still eligible for the draft, but in practice they are essentially independent.
This means that any “armed forces” would essentially be a token militia group organized as a means of keeping law and order, not to repel outside invaders. The sparse population and poor infrastructure in the area makes this matter somewhat moot anyways.
And finally, what you’ve all waited for and what turbo-autists will skip straight to:
I am an American of Norwegian descent who lives in Alaska. I own land, and there is land around me that could be purchased. I propose we establish a true ethnostate composed of North Germanic peoples, including Americans of Nordic descent, in the area. It would be a chance to live a peaceful, agrarian lifestyle, away from the modern degeneracy of the world and away from those who continue to tell us that we must be replaced. I’m not saying it will not be difficult, but this is one of the only plans I’ve seen that isn’t a pipe dream. No, you aren’t going to get an entire state to secede from the Union and populate it with white people, and no, you are never going to deport all spics and lynch all niggers.
Setting up what is essentially a colony in a rural part of America is one of the only chances at anything that could be called an ethnostate.
How about a totalitarian green regime ?
Imposing people to come back to a true viking culture, drakkars, horses, axe throwing competition ?
So what specifics did you want to talk about on this board?
Small coastal villages. Near the edge of town is a large solar field for solar pannels during the eternal sun of summer or those windmills for wind energy during the winters. These power batteries that we put into generators that heat and provide electricity to the houses.
Also we could build water powered generators if we move further inland.
For the government we should just have a monarchy, not even a constitutional one, just a monarchy.
A central king who decides large matters and then smaller lords who reign over their land but owe deference/fealty to the king. Local lords can rule by democracy or by sacred rite of lordship (ie aristocracy vs publicly determined meritocracy)
This needs some kind of Nuremberg Laws but regarding Nordics/Germanics. You need to be white and at least 50-75% Germanic imo
While it is a great idea, you have so, so much you need to figure out first.
Generators and solar panels. Fuel and shipping stuff out there on a regular basis might be an issue?
Farming, but this is not viable in the winter. Greenhouses might help that, but still you would need a lot more food.
>Other essentials
Many things can be made on site, but with supplies from the nearest town.
I'll join you if it becomes a reality.
We can do that when we have time off, but for now the work of the frontiersman never ends.
I asked about this earlier. From what I understood, Whites can join the colony, but they must submit to the culture
Anyone who has grown up on a farm in a cold climate knows that preserves are basically what keeps you afloat during the winter. For the first few years, colonists would really need to be educated in how we're going to survive off the land. The goal is self-sufficiency, not running to the grocery store 20 miles away to buy overpriced milk.
Agreed. We discussed in the other thread that Germanic groups will be allowed to, but the overall culture is still going to be Nordic.
Alright. Just so i'm clear that there wont be any exceptions made for non-germanics. Because at that point the concept wouldn't be true to itself and it's a slippery slope to eventually allowing other "based" people of undesirable genes.
I suggest removing the stars in the flag, this should be something new, but still Nordic in character.
Me again from the last thread.
I understand you point for avoiding english, though a governing language should be something relativly easy to learn by newcomers and the general populace. I love finnish and Icelandic, but they are both pretty hard
Id go for Norwegian or Danish maybe.
Id of course love to suggest German, but that would leave newcomers studying five years untill they got all our tenses right.
The Alaskan Isles (Aleutians) have feral cattle that they don’t want. Propose we take these cattle who are accustomed to the Northern climate and domesticate them.
I agree but what is Germanic? We know Nordics since they stick out like sore thumbs, but as for the Brits and Germs they seem like they could be from anywhere.
"The family is a haven in a heartless world" - Christopher Lasch
Our world has grown cruel, our way of life is threatened, and our nation is staring into hard times.
Fear not! The white man is no stranger to hard times, as our ancestors proved by the conquering of themselves, and the land they were destined to take.
Like the men before us, we will carry our traditions, our culture and our race once again to the frontiers of manhood.
It is slothfulness and complacency that has lead us astray, but this divine task is in our blood. Join us in Maine to not only preserve what is ours but to rekindle the flame of our forefathers and pioneer the revival of our People!
If you wish to join the Colony, join us here:5T5PBAD
We intend to go to Maine, start our families, and take control of the county. We will not separate from the government, but instead we will reform it from within. We already have people on the ground in Maine. Join us; save your children, your family, your Nation.
>Euro Nordic ethnostate
>doesn't mention sauna/banya
I'm down if you don't come.
I wonder what it would take to set up a small desalinization plant. Having salt would be useful for the community
are Baltic peoples invited, including Latvians, Estonians, Lithuanians? (pure Lithuanian myself)
cringe is not a strong enough word
Why Alaska? Just pick out part of Canada you like and take that. What are leafs gonna do?
No one wants to move to Petersburg OP
You can live on the edge.
Broader Europeans like Balts, Slavs, M*ds, and Celts can live on the outskirts in their own communities, but they must live by our customs and language.
Because OP has land there
*U.N. zogbots takeover*
But you know if your state starts to gain any power then the US will intervene. Whereas Canada will submit meekly.
This seems decently less larpy.
Germanics are people with genes traceable far back in Germanic nations such as Nordics, Germany, Netherlands, Austria, Britain (Anglo-Saxons and Danelaw diaspora). They are white with blue, grey and sometimes green eyes. Hair either is light or has been during their childhood. For Europeans tracing your lineage isn't as difficult as in the US and you can easily determine to what degree you are something. In my case i have 100% Swedish ancestry to the 1600s where my family can't trace any longer due to lack of records (on both Fathers and Mothers side). However my hair is dark brown now as an adult even though i was born blonde. I have blue eyes, white skin but i easily get tanned in the sun. My nose is roman-like and that combined with my hair has led me to believe that i have roman genes preserved from old times. However i would be about 95-99% Ethnically Swedish of origin, the rest of my blood affecting my traits are probably southern european from further than 500 years ago.
Yes, strong genes with characteristic traits can be preserved that long, if its dominant enough it doesn't matter how many generations that goes as long as you don't interbreed much.
Nuremberg laws would be a shitty idea because that would only create negative press and make a humble project look like a neo nazi cave hideout, which might even encourage retarded activists or lefty tourism.
I propose a solution similiar to that of the Boer Cities in South Africa. Make a law that only allows people who "associate or otherwise identify as Germanic". Cases will be viewed seperatly and if anyone turns up who doesnt fit a quota that is set up beforehand, that is "Germanic Decent" written in big bright letters, combined with certain outlooks on life/Philosophies and maybe an evaluation of the person in question. Im correct in assuming that this isnt supposed to be anything "too" large scale in the sense that you expect a million people to show up, right? A couple of thousands should be perfectly profileable.
Point is, ethnicity is important, but you dont want Hipsters and Lefties coming to your Ethnostate. They may be German by blood, but not by heart.
And to solve the "What is Germanic" question:
First: People native to Germanic Countries (list would need to be completed).
Second: People who can trace their ancestry to said Nations and identify with both their respective cultures as well as their heritage.
yeah what about the natives?
Bastu/Sauna is obligatory of course
Also yes i didn't meant Nuremberg laws as literally laws on paper but the guy has to have something similar in the back of his head when he allow people to come over and live there.
I thought it was very clear that saunas were to be assumed.
Icelandic is pretty hard, you're right. And when we get to the point of building schools and libraries, I'm sure it would be very difficult to find a lot of books translated into Icelandic. Swedish might honestly be the best choice.
What natives? This was brought up several times in the last thread and it's retarded. All of the natives already have their own communities and shit. Nobody is going to care that someone started a new town.
Desalination isn't too hard if you have the space to do it. Historically, Brittany exported a fuck ton of sea salt. Not sure if they still do or not.
So for people to move there, housing needs to be solved. I have an idea regarding that.
Let's say we come up with a small and simple, easy and quick to build, standardized house design. Something that could be built with (mostly) resources taken from the land itself, like timber.
Any new resident, would on arrival be given one such house. And in return, they would incur a debt, to be paid by building say 2 more such houses to be given to future newcomers.
This would ensure there's always homes available so people can keep pouring in. Naturally people don't want to live in tiny, copy paste homes but you can always modify, expand, or build a whole new home once you've gotten settled in.
>The Alaskan Isles (Aleutians) have feral cattle that they don’t want.
Says who?? The big problem they have is some fucking idiot foreign fishermen stealing them.
This shit again..? You have been on this bullshit for the past 4 or something years. It won't happen.
Why not?
I could easily get behind this but im curious what the nordic blood quantum laws would be im a complete euromutt *3/8ths Irish 1/8th English 1/8th Italian 1/8th German 1/8th French 1/16th Dutch and 1/16th Scottish* but i would happily larp as a Nord to live in a pre-industrial white community
No I haven't? I thought this up literally two days ago while I was sitting in my boat fishing.
This is a good idea. We need to foster a strong sense of civil participation. People need to cooperate and come together to help build roads, houses, manage farms, etc. This will help build a common identity, culture, and sense of duty. Just like the pioneers, we live together or we die together.
OP, not seeing any land forsale on the Kamishak bay. Zillow is shit Halp Bls
Try Landwatch, Zillow is shit.
(this one): [decidedly not that]
I'm interested if I'm allowed. Half Norwegian and half Danish. As far as my family knows our oldest known relative was a Norwegian solider who was under George Washington.
lol pussies
Are you on Kamishak? want to know what kind of area/access your proposed area has
>Any new resident, would on arrival be given one such house. And in return, they would incur a debt, to be paid by building say 2 more such houses to be given to future newcomers.
Is it reasonable to expect inexperienced people to build 2 entire houses by themselves, or is it better to assign them partial participation in the building of many houses?
Count me in! Screw the Alaska snownigger larp. Let’s revive the American White Man.
Similar question as you. I have strong Scotch-Irish ancestry on my mother's side (apparently John Brown was a relative of my ancestors), and French ancestry on my father's side
Black "people"? No one is ever going to take you seriously if you keep calling niggers people.
56% here
What kindof boat does the modern Nordic take to tzar from prince Edward to Alaska! Who's with me
>Is it reasonable to expect inexperienced people to build 2 entire houses by themselves
Not by a long shot. Like you say partial participation would probably be what you would actually go by, and instead of a specific number of projects to participate in, you'd probably just do something like, the first X years of residency you must participate in certain types community projects.
I'm near Kamishak, yes, but that is south of me and all that land down there belongs to a game refuge. Access to the area is limited, there are some basic roads near the settlements on Lake Iliamna though
I am capable of building and framing a house, but things like insulating and wiring are beyond my skills. This is why we need to encourage tradesmen to come.
shill shill
The consensus among actual Scandis and Germans that are interested is that we can extend the requirements to all Germanic peoples, but that it needs to stop at that. I've heard others say that non-Germanics can come so long as they're Europeans and they submit to the Nordic culture, but this is really starting to sound like a slippery slope. As of right now, let's put it this way: if the majority of your family didn't speak a Germanic language (German, Dutch, English, Nordic languages), this probably isn't the ethnostate for you.
Like others have said, it already seems like a slippery slope to reddit tier civic nationalism.
The majority of my family does speak English. My father's mother is Cajun; that's where my french ancestry comes from
By speak English, I meant from England proper (not Wales or Scotland). Sorry, I just realized how stupid of a thing that was to say considering half the world speaks English these days.
ITT: a bunch of pagan LARPers who fetishise Nordic “culture” and Vikings (who accomplished literally nothing) want to establish a fishing village where they will eat surstromming and try to speak Swedish like a bunch of autistic faggots
>I believe the goal should more reasonably be to have a de facto autonomous colony within the United States. There is a precedent for this. The Amish are essentially self-governing communities in the US.
Literally just being ancap then.
This is the proprietary community model
The main branch of my mother's family was descended from the puritans who came to the US via the mayflower.
>being this butthurt that you're not invited
Hobbits aren't even people
Pretty much, yes.
Whiter than you, Mohammed.
Sounds like a good idea, and it at least seems pragmatic, as opposed to other Sup Forums ethno-state ideas which have involved secession.
There's already a discord group discussing some very similar ideas that you may be interested in: discord gg/rEy6FR
It would never happen because the government will make sure land is not sold to people that have a white nationalistic agenda. I can't remember the guy's name but he tried it a few times and cannot get the whole property..
I assume with time white people will keep going north like they are now. I have plenty of cash to purchase land in Alaska and would do it in a heartbeat, but I am retiring to a 40' fifth wheel where I will be living in the high desert away from minorities so I have my own plan.
I am invited actually it’s just that the entire idea is pure unadulterated autism
I live here. They'd last maybe 5 minutes.
I would say Militia... and a police force for every day community issues. Maybe a stock of older anti tank missiles and a few SAMS? Not sure..
I just assume we would be left alone if it were going to happen.
This is retarded. First of all, I already own my own land, the government has no fucking say in who I invite to live with me on it. Secondly, the government doesn't have a say in this anyways because the land is being sold by real estate agents, not the fucking government.
I don't know why so many of you retards keep coming into the thread and saying "hurrrrr durrrrrr it's impossible." You're saying that it's impossible for a real estate agent to sell you some land. That's literally it. Once you sign your name on the deed, so long as you pay any taxes and payments you need to pay, it is yours. Nobody is going to take it away from you.
And if you're worried about the real estate agent refusing to sell to white nationalists or something, just don't fucking tell them? When you meet with them you don't need to goose-step in wearing a Waffen SS uniform and say that you're going to start a secret Nazi base in Alaska. You don't have to tell them shit. Tell them that you have enough money to buy it, that's all they give a shit about.
Did your glawk 10mm child dozer survive the earthquake?
Try working on a bulker in the North Sea in January and then come back and tell me how tough you are. I live here too, faggot. And guess what? It's cold in Norway and Sweden too, we aren't special.
OP, i need a cove or more specific area. I have been thinking about land for a decade, I always thought Indian would be quaint but fellow /po/acks sounds more comfy.
Also i am a talented metal worker but i may be subject to a nuremburg dna styled test.
I look like Lief Erickson's twin. I had a direct ancestor at Valley Forge with Wahington. Brother? BTW; I work as an Operating Engineer in Alaska.
Just look up land for sale near Lake Iliamna, or land for sale in Lake and Peninsula County, it should come up with listings in the area. There's quite a few.
I went to the water and waited for the tsunami. Nothing happened.
>Try working on a bulker in the North Sea in January
My family lives in King Cove faggot. I fished salmon in the summer and after I got out of grade school I fished grey cod in the winter.
I propose a similar idea but instead we purchase land next to OP and you must be Anglo or from the British Isles.
First order of business is how to take over OPs land and call him a faggot.
I didnt think germanic larping could get any worse
I was wrong
t. 56%
>including potato niggers in the ethnostate
Gr8 another Namibia
My family thinks we're related to Lief Erickson, but we can't be so sure as we don't know that far back.
My ancestor apparently moved to The Thirteen Colonies from Norway after a business he was running closed. He joined the American side during the war and was put under George Washington for some reason.
Germaniggers definitely aren't white.
ok so how do i get my greencard
How could you possibly have a problem with white nationalistic people forming a community? What the fuck are you even doing on this board
>nordic colony
>mutt poster
My sides. Alaska is a US territory and governed by US federal law. Any blacks/non-whites are free to move there and there is nothing you can do about it. How you can you set up a colony with your own rules (white ethnostate) in an existing US state.......
You would be more successful in a place like Iceland, even fucking Siberia. Just set up a village, you obviously couldn't set up your own laws but it's doubtful any niggers will find their way to those places.
They're shills, there were several of them in the last thread spamming shit and trying to subvert things. Just ignore them.
So far the plan seems to be to gay marry Scandis to get them into the US and then get a divorce after you get a greencard cause being married to a guy is gay as fuck
How much is land per acre around the area?
>can't read
Not surprised. If you actually read any of this you'd realize that nobody is trying to form a new country. This is simply creating a community on privately owned land. The government has absolutely no say in who you decide to live with. This isn't the Soviet Union, you slav Untermensch.
Depends. 75-200/acre
It varies, but in general is around $1,000-$2,000/acre. Land on Lake Iliamna is relatively cheap, but a lot of the lake is like protected waters or some shit because the salmon use it for breeding or something. I don't know the specifics, I just know the DNR has a lot of rules for the lake.
Even if I'm 96% N. European, would my non-white wife be invited?
Half of my Heritage comes from Lief Erickson, and the other half from William the Conqueror. I have enough arms and munitions to defend the entire colony. I build roads, bridges, runways etc in Ak. Would I be accepted? My 5 children and Grandchildren are all platinum blond / blue eyed.
$200/acre is really unrealistic, that's the type of prices you'd get if it was seriously in the middle of bumfuck nowhere with no way to get to it.