Franco-American master race thread

The alliance to bring all other to shame.
The everlasting friendship. :)

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France is like the most anti-American country in Europe kek

It is

Then help us take down this fucking fag flag you useless fucks.

...brotherly competition actually. Really.

Thomas Jefferson, based, from his memoirs: 'So ask the travelled inhabitant of any nation, In what country on earth would you rather live?—Certainly in my own, where are all my friends, my relations, and the earliest & sweetest affections and recollections of my life. Which would be your second choice? France.'

Thank you for this magnificent statue, Frenchbro!

good goys

They're not friends they just ally when their interests coincide

French bros, Im from NYC, and I am a big fan of history. The brits suck. I live in manhattan, and when In paris I feel at home like non other.
I love our french history. Im sorry about the Freedom Fry stuff a couple of years ago.
Good luck controlling your land in africa

viva la france

viva la america

< François Joseph Paul de Grasse, a decisive naval officer in the battle of Yorktown.

(I don't know what the heck happened with his descendants tho, with all my respects from a certain astrophysicist aside)

15 year old american and french muslim detected

He brought it back?

have you ever been to Quebec if you speak english they hate you, France is the same way. They despise us

Soros shill detected.

Merci l'ami. Big fan of the US too... in private as in public.

As for the statue, she's fantastic but you screwed it up with its writing: listen to Mark Steyn:

thats not true, we only despise retarded immigrants who come live here and dont even bother to learn french

There was also a profound ideological mutual fascination too. Tocqueville, Lafayette, etc. admired the ideas of democracy, so close to what France eventually created at home in the Republic.

Shill detected

I don't find the Quebecois antagonistic to Americans, as they instantly detect your American accent and don't expect you to speak any French. But if you're Canadian, they can be resentful if you don't attempt to speak French.

I was there and it was beautiful.

Macron actually is implementing something quite close to what Trump is doing.

I despise him but at least he has a heavy on migrants. But that's not enough. He is an unapologetic Europeist.

I honestly can't imagine why any white man would feel at home in Paris.

'The most interesting parallel to the American sense of universal national mission is to be found in the history of France. Indeed, to a pragmatic and empirical latter day British subject, the long-running alienation between the United States and France often resembles two brothers quarrelling over a shared inheritance.61 For the French state too, like the American, has claimed for most of the past 200 years to represent the heritage of the Enlightenment with regard to liberty, democracy, and progress, and to have the right to spread these ideals to other nations. This belief dates from the French Revolution, but is built on the older conviction of Royal France in the 17th and 18th centuries that it was La Grande Nation, with a cultural mission to lead Europe. Indeed, the ultimate roots can be traced still further back, to medieval Catholic and protonational images of France as “the eldest daughter of the Church.'

Frenchwomen are awesome!

I unironically have a canadian accent because I've spent most of my life in canada but I was born in america and consider myself American, i speak not one word of french ):

For many years after the revolution, France was seen as a “glorious mother who is not ours alone and must deliver every nation to liberty.” As Thomas Jefferson put it: “Every man has two countries—his own and France”; words that could well be applied, culturally speaking, to much of the world today with reference to the United States. Or in the very American words of General de Gaulle, inscribed on the base of his statue on the Champs Elysees: “There exists an immemorial covenant between the grandeur of France and the freedom of the world.” As in the United States, this particular belief can also be made into a domestic political weapon. Thus in January 2004, the former Socialist minister Jack Lang, attacking the conservative government for excessive friendliness to China, declared that “the [French] National Assembly has embodied for two centuries the fight for the rights of man”—a sentiment entirely characteristic of the U.S. Congress, and in both cases, equally surprising to the Vietnamese, among many others.'

'General de Gaulle shared a long-standing French belief that France was intended by Providence to enjoy “an eminent and exceptional destiny.” This belief still exists, albeit to a considerably reduced extent, in the French elites, though as the poll cited at the beginning of this chapter suggests, at the start of the twenty-first century mass nationalism is very much less in France than in the United States. According to Edgar Quinet, only France had “the instinct of civilization, the need to take the initiative in a general way to bring about progress in modern society…It is this disinterested though imperious need…which makes French unity, which gives sense to its history and a soul to the country.”'

La nouvelle vague.


...Paris est devenu ma ville, il suffit d'habiter dans le bon coin.


Just for the Frenchies to know, we have Lafayette honorary US citizenship for his immense help and dedication to our Republic

>Anything good can come out of a republic

I didn't know that.

There is a Franco-American initiative celebrating both Pershing and Lafayette for the mutual help each gave to the other countries.

See >157906130 for the photo. It was a beautiful day. US and French chads celebrating together.

Lafayette and Rochambeau were already American founding fathers though.


< Jean-Baptiste-Donatien de Vimeur de Rochambeau

Yorktown? It was largely a win due to this dude.

A republic is still the way to go, even if we are making a hash of it in recent days.

There was a French-American industrialist who saved our asses during the Great Depression, so we named a square after him. He tried to run for president but was deterred and suspended his candidacy, but was the most liked of all the candidates, his name was DuPointe.

Du Pont I mean

du Pont de Nemours?


You can go on and on with the American cities with French names, here in Michigan you have Detroit of course (once called "The Paris of the Midwest" if you can believe it), Marquette, Au Sable River, River Rouge, Point Blanc, Frenchtown, many such cases.

Yes, he was a very good economist and departed to save his head before the Revolution (good move). A grandiose mind, I've read many things about him.

His contemporary descendancy is less impressive, depicted in Foxcatcher. Not sure if everything is true though.

I am talking of his great-grand-son, Alfred I believe. He created a company called DuPont that is still around to this day and is on the Dow Jones. He spent most of his fortunes to develop Southern Florida from a swamp to one of the three biggest American population centers. He also refused to lay off anyone during the Great Depression.

OK, I didn't know the whole story, except that the famous company was linked to his family. Also didn't know this bit about the Great Depression... meanwhile Ford let his workers starve to death and let his goons shot the rioters.

Yes, he tried to run for president too but decided it wasn't worth it. His nephew (related to the royal side) became a governor and a advisor to President Reagan though in the 80's.

Thanks user, will look into it!

>First name is French in origin
Any tips on learning the language?
What are some common mistakes a burger might make that I should know about when starting?

I hear French are very, very annoyed when you even accidentally mispronounce one syllable so you better sound as perfect as possible

Looking it up it looks like during World War I General Pershing said "Lafayette, nous voilà" on the anniversary of the American Revolution, along with other speeches said by soldiers at the tomb of Lafayette.
Love our friendship, shame US schools don't really delve into it very much.