user here asking pol, why do the shit-tier slide threads get so much activity? Everyone knows to ignore them yet they are front page. Is the autism so great we can't abstain from trying to shit post a shill thread to oblivion while forgetting to sage and report? Mods have failed and forsaken us fellow anons. We must make pol great again!
Why so much trash?
Other urls found in this thread:
Niggers dick is front page material?
I don't care. You fags lost your board culture when you stopped being nazis. It's my shitposting board now
Because sadly user there are more shills than Sup Forumsacks now.
because aliens
they are just lashing out, gibs ending shortly
Fuck Nazis, we are Anonymous. We always have been. We are whatever the fuck the haters want us to be.
Honestly dude, there is a lot of bot activity here. You can tell when you run into a AI post, if you have ever talked to an AI, they sort of just sound like libera... I mean robots. Absolute typical responses (like zero substance slathered with vitriol)
They keep the board flooded regardless and I've developed a personal relationship with them since they've decided to involve themselves in my life, that's why I respond
normie newfags and underageb& have flooded the board in record numbers in the last year or so, and the shitkicker mods don't lift a finger when we report threads that are just a black dick
If you were there during the Jan 22-23 blackout, the true Sup Forums came out. No more shills. No more redditors. No more trumpposters. It showed how bad it really got. Over 95% of the threads here are (((sponsored))).
During the blackout, only 13 threads were filtered. After the gov't shutdown ended and the image servers went back online (coincidentally at the same time the shutdown ended), all of it came back.
I want the ACSII and hate-braille to come back.
No fucking clue, and it's pissing me off. There's some good OC today on Q posts and the #ReleaseTheMemo, but we're fucking bombarded with softcore porn clickbait, and how do we fix women posts, and look at muh white dick posts. Where are the FUCKING MODS!?Q?!
This is the SHIT I'm talking about!!!
Blame the jew Frank and his /atg/ and /cbts/ bullshit.
Sup Forums is compromised and has been for some time.
javascript:quote('157693129'); whatever happened with this? Did anyone ever find out?
they will try and polarize us along any demographic axis that they can think of but anonymous is legion regardless of how many axises it has. Always remember that because that is what they fear and why they are here
Did anything come of that by the way?
this breddy much
I started to D/L it and then thought about it.... what if some faggot wrote a virus, then sent two very baitlike messages to a virus archive for a virus he wrote.... then said nothing else and attacked the servers?
My problem is my internet is too slow, it was 30% after 2 days and I dont have a burner laptop to open a file that could have viruses in it.... I suspect it is infected media though and the contents of that media may or may not be important but its high risk either way
I'm not sure. I have been under a rock for a few days
The election fucking destroyed this place. I'm not even talking about the reddit cancer. We have literal fucking boomer grannies from facebook lurking here and shitposting about "muh q user". I'm absolutely astounded at the sheer level of dogshit we've managed to reach. I actually had a 57 year old friend of my mother talking to me about pizzagate and john podesta and how Trump was jesus christ. She lurks on her phone.
Just how did we fuck up this bad?
I saw someone posted a screenshot from the website and it was seemed kinda fucky
Understood. I'd do it, but I'm on university internet and they're very diligent on blocking torrents and VPN here. I have sacrificial computers to handle suspicious media like that but no way to circumvent the block at the moment.
Basically Sup Forums got shut down to partial capacity (no image upload capability except to start threads). Happened the same time as the shutdown. It's either site error, DDoS, or someone posted something very naughty on the site again.
Got the shot?
who fucking cares? People are hungry for red pills. They are starting to realize for how long we have been lied to. Be a cynical fuck all you want, that's why we love ya but god damn, take a little pride in redpilling old ladies and boomers... both of which have been set in their ways for decades
Who in the absolute fuck even posts in /ptg/ threads? Why are they still being made?
/ptg/ is a containment thread. Very few gold nuggets for the sheer post throughput those threads push through.
All the good stuff seems to be found on derailed threads.
I don't have the actual one but if I remember correctly it was something like this. It's the home page from the host website
The best posts as of late are obscure or subtle references. Those posts tend to draw in the less responses that just sound like bots. Bots aren't great with metaphor
It's dubious to me be cause there is a lot of confirmation bias suggesting that the reasoning for the attack was one thing when it could of been another. I do believe these two posts are related to the attack but it could just be a trap to bait in people who know a little something about Denver Truffles. What if that Denver Airport warning was real and this is a setup to reel in anons who know whats up?
long live Sup Forums and free speech
>not spee freech
Interesting. I think I'd rather not touch this stuff then.
True. That's an interesting heuristic to draw from. Unfortunately they're far fewer in number and are rapidly decreasing by the day.
The volume of junk to sift through is suffocating to say the least. I keep thinking I'll leave this place but I always think I'll find that one little gold pebble again if I just give it one more shot.
Oftentimes that's still the case, but it's more frustrating as time passes.
Looking back on it, this site stores malware. Perhaps it may have something related to a backdoor exploit, something Spectre or Meltdown related?
>no burger refugees
Canada is going to be in for a nasty surprise when hordes of fatasses and degenerates unfit to fight pour in for their maple syrup, should a civil war happen.
Don't lose hope, we can always count on the bots becoming less dumb and millenials growing the fuck up.
Tell me about it. I was the first poster about monkeys being successfully cloned in China, and the fact that the FBI emails are getting much more attention and the initiative to recover then has officially been started. My first thread got 10 replies and was deleted. Second thread got I think 7, and with barely any posts 30 mins in. I think Sup Forums is exorbitantly susceptible to clickbait.
Excuse the spelling, on phone.
Time will tell I suppose.
that would be very likely. "Break the Internet" could easily be a card they play.
The specific thread was related to pizzagate but the namedrop was about the midwest. Recent midwest related Larping suggests it could be related. That same larp said "Expect something m,ore like an EMP rather than a dirty bomb" what if next deep state move is not EMP but some internet murdering software kinda thing? honeslty its so far outta my comprehension that I cant even name the shit anything other than "Break the Internet"
I sense some next level fuckery on the horizon. The MSM are stalling right now, they are scrambling stall tactics so hard its obvious. Thats what concerns me
keeping the normies out with shitposts has always worked
It's out of my scope as well, but there's what I'd guess.
To "Break the Internet" like you've suggested, the most likely targets to hit are DNS servers. That would kill off most forms of communications since most people haven't memorized the IP addresses of their favorite websites. They can also poison DNS servers to redirect you elsewhere, since they're digital rolodexes.
Another to cut global comms is to hit the transcontinental hubs that connect undersea cables to the rest of the world. USA is still probably the biggest consumer of internet services so that would hurt big-time.
If it's EMP or dirty bomb Sup Forums happenings would be the least of our worries.
On the other hand, it's well known that USA Alphabets have computational capabilities far beyond what we'd be able to work against.
They've scrubbed quite a few things squeaky clean from the internet. One example is the rumored ayylmao photo.
If they really wanted to mess everything up, they'd be able to do it and everyone would be left helpless.
This. You need a wall of filters, or be prepared to hide every shill thread manually.
Also, this
True, they pretty much have technology in a vice grip without even needing malware.
I would be willing to bet that they could do this and still maintain complete communication with eachother, giving them a deadly advantage.
They've been setting up their hardware backdoors for years. They've been installing military grade infrastructure as well and they likely have military grade shit that would fall outside of the range of these attacks.
Google is a monster that must be slayed soon. they need a fucking anti-trust suit
I like this extension you've suggested. Already makes browsing this site a lot more efficient just from using it for a few minutes.
It's the bots, user.
Remember when image replies were down a couple days ago, about 2/3 of the front page was still shit tier bait threads.
The mods need to fix their shit.
You're absolutely right on that. They have the resources to employ whatever they want or need to get the job done.
I've learned a long time ago that the laws don't actually matter in the end. If it can be done, it already has been or will be done.
As for Google, who knows what'll happen? I think their SJW freakshow will eat the company in the end but the company may be too big to fail as of now.
google has to be letting shill bots right past their captcha, the jews really want this place shut down
Sure there's excessive funposting on the same tired bait (and fucktards actually taking it) but I suspect much of the sheer shittery going down here is (((artificial)))
this imag make me happy