I wonder if they'll ever release figures for the side characters. At least the popular ones, like Thai and Bike. Any chance?
Xavier Russell
Camden Bennett
Good job Mappa
Dominic Taylor
No one would buy them, they disappear compared to the main trio.
If their roles in the story have bigger impact maybe yes, otherwise I don't think this will happen anytime soon.
Landon Cruz
RLOrbiter did BD changes. Some good stuff
Leo Sanchez
Why does Pig look so angry?
Levi Reed
Noah Hall
That his determined I will win gold and make Victor an honest man face
Sebastian Ortiz
the things bald does for his pig
Alexander Gray
they're no that popular unless they're bring paired up (see bikefairy)
Carter Martinez
Phichit is popular on his own, but he wouldn't ever get a fig. Maybe a nendo at best. Probably not even that.