
I wonder if they'll ever release figures for the side characters. At least the popular ones, like Thai and Bike. Any chance?

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Good job Mappa

No one would buy them, they disappear compared to the main trio.
If their roles in the story have bigger impact maybe yes, otherwise I don't think this will happen anytime soon.

RLOrbiter did BD changes. Some good stuff

Why does Pig look so angry?



That his determined I will win gold and make Victor an honest man face


the things bald does for his pig

they're no that popular unless they're bring paired up (see bikefairy)

Phichit is popular on his own, but he wouldn't ever get a fig. Maybe a nendo at best. Probably not even that.

You never know. Maybe in the future.

Masculinity increased

Phichit nendo would be the cutest thing ever, imagine the hamsters as bonus. Take my fucking money.

Pig doesn't deserve him.

There was a BaldFat cameo in the SU comic

That's cancerous

Steven universe aka tumblr the animation
I didn't know there was also a comic of this shit. How dare they touch BaldFat?

I'm happy YoI is getting so popular, but thank God they spared Fairy from this indignity.

Kek this isn't the first cameo Yoi in a comic but they never include Fairy

*yoi cameo

>Fujos love bland ikemen with no faults.
Does this describe Bald accurately?


Fairy is not part of the Progressive Queer Couple™, of course tumblrcomics don't give a shit about him.

Fairy is nothing more than a cockblock to Baldfat in official art and you know it.

Not just yet. Wait till he reveal himself as trans.

More like they just don't like him as much like Hot Topic

True. At least there's never third wheeling shit and BaldFat are allowed to always hold hands.

You have a point: terminal shit taste is probably a factor too.

Since they made multiple expression changes to increase the Bald suffering, will SayoKubo ever make a point for BaldFat to have some kind of talk about needing to communicate better or will they just brush it under the rug the fact Bald is putting himself into a role to make the Pig happy since Bald is happy Pig is still skating?

I'm afraid it'll be the latter since the nips are probably too happy about Bald returning to notice how miserable he looks.

desu i need yurio in my life

I love Victor because he's flawed actually.
People who really think he's a ikemen-type are deluded. Not that he's not the most handsome man of YOI for me

He didn't look miserable after Yuuri said he wouldn't retire. Mostly he was upset that he was coming back without him, not that he's coming back at all.

well we need some sort of obligatory couple fight for the movie

They cut it in the last episode, it's 99% certain BaldFat will fight again in the movie, the matter can't be over yet

They did a poor job convincing me he did want to come back. Him being happy seemed more about Pig continuing to skate and getting to stay as his coach. He seemed unsure throughout the series but the beach scene in 10 looked like he finally made up his mind to stop competing. His thoughts in 11 added to that.

I bet there will be a fight but watch as it's over something petty and unrelated

We know the writing of YOI can be excellent if they are given enough time and freedom, and if they don't change their mind at the last second to bait at a sequel.

I can't believe there was a time when I thought Victor would only be a top.

Spoke too soon.

I love him, but why must Bald suffering be so damn beautiful, I need more. Is this why Piggy is such a Hitler to him? I'm sorry but it's just too delicious.


Oh shit no.
Why are BadlFat hippies and BikeFairy dark lords?

>they managed to draw the prettiest boy the ugliest

Who knows?


I still don't understand what change Sayo was talking about right before Fairy's FS. He's not quite as terrified of Victor's hug, but Victor actually looks more sad there than before. The last BD did have a lot of great fixes for Baldfat overall, making things a lot more emotional, which was nice.

Is this from the same comic issue?

That may be what they intended, but it was not pulled off well if so, the other interpretation looks just as, if not more likely. Can't be helped but the writing reflects poorly on this.

>It's a butthurt about the sales/triggered about Yoi/How do we fix anime Gentlemen? thread
Always ignore

I think it's the scene when Yurio gives the tumbs up to Otabek, he doesn't look at him in the eyes in the BD

Really? They barely move his eye a bit. He's still looking.

Why are they so fat
Steven is supposed to be fat in-universe at least

Kek the nips are acting exactly like Piggy. Poor Bald.

I don't know what it is then. I watched that video on niconico with the changes one time, there might be other details that I missed.

How long are you guys going to make threads on this shit?

until yoi is dead and there's nothing left to talk about (which isn't happening anytime soon)

This announcement isn't anime related. I just don't understand why you can't post shit on the correct board. It's the same bad fanart because only women draw fanart for Yoi and they can't draw.

Until your flop anime sell the same

What about the buyfag threads?

What about?

Rebecca Sugar is a well known yaoi fangirl. She drew and still does EEnE porn. She ships Eddy and Doubble D.

I hope the majority of nips soon grow to accept that Baldfat is a switch couple, even if they choose to draw it only one way.


Another way to look at it is if Bald competing and coaching at the same time was something he was even considering. Yes or no it's pretty clear he's doing it to make Piggy happy.

KuboSayo know what to do to make s2 sell more than s1. Are they gonna have the balls, though?

>inb4 s2 completely ignores Baldy's promise until it's announced that BD bonus footage is wedding and sales explode

Pretty sure they're at a ren faire. Of course BaldFat are pastoral pure maidens and BikeFairy are dark edgelords.

I want to kill myself

>Fairy tugging on Bike's sleeve

Ok that's kinda cute

Back to dumblr with you.

Fucking soiled.

That is where BikeFairy is most popular

I love that idea. Somehow I want them to troll us like ep9 preview. They act like they don't care about the wedding but actually preparing the most beautiful wedding we will ever see.

By the way, we also need an explanation about the coaching fee.
I thought they would make a cute romantic/funny scene out of it at the end with Bald refusing Yuuri's money and saying cheesy shit that would make Yuuri blush. I'm sad we didn't get to see how it went.

Fairy's adorableness transcends even the ugliest artstyles.

I always thought that Yuuri was sitting next to Victor in this scene but I only now realized he's seriously straddling Victor's legs. L-lewd

He's a shameless boner-inducing slut

Bald a cute.

Looks like they changed it so it's clear Bald's knee is lodged between Pig's asscheeks.

I hope it'll turn out exactly like that Lifetime Supply of Katsuki Yuri comic.

I can't imagine him actually accepting money for it. Pig (and Fairy) saved a lot this season, choreo and costumes are expensive. But i don't think Bald paid for his stay in Yu-topia either so who knows where the debt would be if they cared to calculate costs, kek.

>Bald's knee will never lodge between your asscheeks

This, it would be perfect. C-can someone post it

To this day, I still wonder if Victor gave Fairy the Agape costume, or if he just absent-mindedly shoved it into his bag when he left, and only noticed he had technically stolen a costume when he unpacked his shit back in Russia.

Man, baldfat is one of those couples who you want to see happy and die old together. Yuri on ice was truly a blessing to us

>sponsor is probably not enough so you and your family do your best to save every last cent to make sure you can pay your coach at the end of the season
>spend 800€ to get real wedding rings for you and him
>you and your coach kissed, b-but he's still a coach and you have to pay his service
>never mention the payment anymore
>some people still think they are platonic bros

One of them would die first though (probably Bald)

Neither Pig nor Bald could accept to live the rest of his life without the other, it will end with suicide

It's satisfying as heck to know that no matter what, these two are gonna stay together forever. I still want that open confession/wedding/explicit kiss/whatever but even if circumstances don't allow for it Baldfat has blessed us in abundance.

>implying they wouldn't die in their sleep together at 96 and 100 years old
Kubo is too invested in her OTP to end it any other way.

They both have heart attacks and die on the ice doing a pairs routine in their 80s.

Old people are pretty good at passing away of old age when they want to; as weird as that sounds. BaldFat would definitely do that.

but hey, pig said he'll pay in installments!

one of them has to stay alive for makkachin

Makka will die in S2.

Bald will suffer and Pig will suffer from his suffering

I see them as those cases were the partner dies shortly after, like 1 or two days later, just because of all the sadness ;_;

>owner accidentally grants you immortality
>yet he and his husband will both eventually die from old age
>Makkachin left to forever wander the earth unable to ever see them again in the afterlife

Yoi is actually a tragic story

Baldy will entrust Makkachin to the mothership after their death. Humans aren't ready to take care of immortal dogs.

what are the chances kubo will do it?

i want to suck his feminine penis

Makka will be fine in the care of Baldy's alien/elf progenitors. They know how to deal with cases like this. Makka will be enjoying happy space adventures forever and visit earth from time to time.