Just a reminder that it you hate Islam, you are an ally of Satan.
The only way of life that can stop the degenerate, illogical, Satanic female uprising to power is Islam.
Prove me wrong.
Pro tip; you can't.
Pic related.
Just a reminder that it you hate Islam, you are an ally of Satan.
The only way of life that can stop the degenerate, illogical, Satanic female uprising to power is Islam.
Prove me wrong.
Pro tip; you can't.
Pic related.
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وَإِذْ قَالَ اللَّهُ يَا عِيسَى ابْنَ مَرْيَمَ أَأَنْتَ قُلْتَ لِلنَّاسِ اتَّخِذُونِي وَأُمِّيَ إِلَٰهَيْنِ مِنْ دُونِ اللَّهِ ۖ قَالَ سُبْحَانَكَ مَا يَكُونُ لِي أَنْ أَقُولَ مَا لَيْسَ لِي بِحَقٍّ ۚ إِنْ كُنْتُ قُلْتُهُ فَقَدْ عَلِمْتَهُ ۚ تَعْلَمُ مَا فِي نَفْسِي وَلَا أَعْلَمُ مَا فِي نَفْسِكَ ۚ إِنَّكَ أَنْتَ عَلَّامُ الْغُيُوبِ
And [beware the Day] when Allah will say, "O Jesus, Son of Mary, did you say to the people, 'Take me and my mother as deities besides Allah?'" He will say, "Exalted are You! It was not for me to say that to which I have no right. If I had said it, You would have known it. You know what is within myself, and I do not know what is within Yourself. Indeed, it is You who is Knower of the unseen.
Quran: 5:116.
Have you ever read/listened to the Quran? This is an English audio interpretation if you haven't listened to it before.
Be open minded.
Just a reminder that there's not a single place in the Bible where the messenger Jesus (peace be upon him) tells people to worship him. Let's look at what the messenger Jesus (peace be upon him) supposedly said according to the Bible.
John 14:28
"You heard me say, 'I am going away and I am coming back to you.' If you loved me, you would be glad that I am going to the Father, for the Father is greater than I."
>I am going to the Father, for the Father is greater than I
Jesus, the messenger (peace be upon him) supposedly said according to the Bible that God is greater than him. So why do Christians worship Jesus (peace be upon him)? It is God alone that is worthy of worship!
i dont hate islam i hate islamic subhumans
Why are you generalizing. Do you know every Muslim on earth?
Checked. Jesus is the only true path to salvation
Nothing more than another kike cult. Mohammed sucked Jewish cock, this is why you faggots dont eat pork. All to appease your kike masters.
why do you think all followers of islam are subhuman?
are you an Islamophobe?
I can prove you wrong as I am not muslim and I don't consider myself an ally of Satan.
How can you say Jesus (peace be upon him) was God when he didn't even know when the hour will come. Surely a God is all-knowing?
Mathew 24:36
"But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father."
Mohamed was a child molester and a conman who plagiarized the Bible and codified first-cousin marriage. Islam is in the same vein as Mormonism and Scientology in terms of obvious absurdity, and its widespread adoption among the inbred inhabitants of Asia Minor is a testament to the inferiority of those races.
You speak nothing but lies you pagan!
If I’m an ally of Satan, then so be it. Hail Satan.
you know who satan really is right?
do you know every pig on earth?
>I don’t think I’m allied with the deciever
Pretty retarded bro. Catholics think the same thing.
Mohamed married Aisha at 6 and thigh-fucked her until she was 9, when the real rape began. Islamic countries are ubiquitously shit-holes. Proof that God regards Mohamed's followers the same way all civilized people do: as waste and refuse.
Muslims are cockroaches. Know a tree by its fruits.
the only deceiver is you apparently, are you my friend?
False. Explain this then.
The Prophet (pbuh) didn't have intercourse with his wife until she reached puberty. There was no transgression from an Abrahamic religious perspective. Christians believe Mary was 12 when she married Joseph, so don't be a hypocrite.
‘History of Joseph the Carpenter’ confirms that Mary was 12 years old when betrothed to Joseph. Chapter 3 and 4 states:
3. Now when righteous Joseph became a widower, my mother Mary, blessed, holy, and pure, was already twelve years old. For her parents offered her in the temple when she was three years of age, and she remained in the temple of the Lord nine years.
Lovers bickering. His jew lovers scolded him. You jew faggots are funny. One group bows to a dead kike, and the other to the kikes biggest bitch.
Lies to weak to bother responding too. Burn in Hell.
I don't hate islam, i hate muslims
Satan and Islam are one in the same
why would you disgrace a piece of bacon like that
This is now an elephant thread.
Anyone opposing Islam is either a cuck, shill or brainless moron. This has been the case without fail.
Islam is a religion brimming with masculinity and honor, something that our wretched world hates today and refuses to accept no matter what. And just as the world reviles Hitler and National Socialism, so too does the world despise Islam for bearing the message of truth.
The thigh-fucking is a lie. I've read into it myself, it was made up by the Americans as propaganda against Iran during the 1980s.
And regardless of whether the Islamic world is a shithole or not, at least they still have the heritage, pride and dignity that all the rest of us have forgotten.
Take a hike Ahmed or Shlomo or whoever the fuck you are.
This is slowly becoming an elephant thread
You have one ugly mum there bong.
Thanks for the bump. You are helping the truth prevail. Allahu akbar!
Be she is still me mummy and we love each other
Lol that's not even what the Arabic text says!
It says;
"The Prophet Muhammad let pigs fuck his ass and ate their poop."
PBUH actually stands for poo be upon him, because of the pig and goat shit beards he'd wear on his face that Muslims the world over honor with their own facial pubes
Give me one alternative system in use today that gives men any rights. Go on.
You will realize that they're not our enemy, and that they may very well become the last refuge for straight, masculine white men who refuse to give into faggotry, feminism and degeneracy.
Hitler himself realized that the Islamic world is not our opponent, but rather our closest ally.
your imaginary friend obsession makes me weary, friend.
Bismillah ar rahmeen ar raheem
Is emasculation preferable to Islam?
Be careful what you say you might upset the soyboys on here
that's retarded even if it's shitposting
When the time comes, you'll be going straight to hell along with the Jews you Arab mongrel.
Going to Lokis daughter?
>imaginary friend
>implying it's scientifically possible for the universe to come from nothing
Yes, but I am a white slav in Cancuckda... Will Muslims even accept me?
Just post elephants
I think
Sounds better, bucko
Yes. Race is irrelevant. God is for everyone.
Lord Jesus Christ is the only answer for salvation.
America is the two horned beast.
Muhammad is the false profit.
The papacy is the great red dragon with 7 heads and ten horns.
Islam is sounding pretty comfy right now...
How can you say Jesus (peace be upon him) was God when he didn't even know when the hour will come. Surely a God is all-knowing?
Mathew 24:36
"But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father."
Christianity sucka.... Christian women whore themselves out most of the time. At least with Islam you can easily find a qt that respects herself.
I'm not agnostic and view every religion with scrutiny and criticism. Islam is probably the most unreasonable in practice. What I call a moderate Muslim seems to be a heretic in Islam.
If I am an ally of satan, I can't wait to destroy this world along with all of you.
He didn't say he is G-d, he said he is the answer for salvation.
Let's look at why Islam is objectively superior to every other way of life.
>believes the creator is one not three (pure monotheism).
>believes in the messengers Moses, Jesus and Muhammad (peace be upon them).
>many modest women that dress like the righteous virgin Mary (may God be pleased with her).
>has God's law instead of man-made, conflicting laws and ideas.
>currency of gold rather than paper.
>provides basic resources for citizens (food, clothing and shelter etc).
>if there are sufficient witnesses, a death penalty for homosexual activities, rape, adultery and murder.
>if there are sufficient witnesses, lashes are received for fornicating, drinking alcohol and taking drugs.
>if there are sufficient witnesses, the hand is cut for stealing.
>destroys racism.
>destroys tribalism.
>unites people under one flag ("There is no god worthy of worship but God. Muhammad is the messenger of God").
You're a faggot.
Prove me wrong.
Pro tip.... you can't
>destroys tribalism
What about the Beduin tribe? I heard they are very respected.
Jundab ibn Abdullah reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said:
Whoever is killed under the banner of blind following, who calls to tribalism or supports tribalism, then he has died upon ignorance.
Source: Sahih Muslim 1850, Grade:Sahih
John 20:28
Jesus would have reprimanded St Thomas for calling Jesus God if Jesus wasn't God.
John 10:30
He claims that the Father and Jesus were one
John 8:58
Look at it from a kike perspective. He said that I Am, which was what the Father revealed to the prophet Moses (peace be upon him. I know this is a Muslim custom but it's pretty cool. )
He claimed to be the Son of God and the Son of Man, which from a kike perspective (Jesus was talking to the Jews, so he showed them stuff from their perspective), meant that Jesus was God.
>tldr: Jesus is God
nice antidegenerate religion though
What about the fact that in 1970 the arab world was just like the christian one? Women were going naked on the beach and weren't wearing their burqas and robes. Men too. Why are you all so religious all of a sudden after 1970?
John 20:17
Jesus said, "Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, 'I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.'"
Explain this.
Pro tip; you can't.
>tl;dr: Jesus (pbuh) is not God.
The Shariah wasn't implemented.
Ofcourse Jesus is not a God. It's only you saying this so far, lol.
Sukran for answering. Who implemented it, do you know?
I was raised Christian you absolute brainlet. The reason why I turned away from the church is because of boomer and evangelical cucks like you, who obsessed more about fighting Islam and supporting Israel than fixing the degeneracy that is plaguing the Christian church right now, corrupting Christians and rotting the soul of Christianity. Truly conservative Christians were shunned, and I was cast out of my church for going against the grain.
The suggestion today in any Christian community that maybe, just maybe, women should return to their natural subservient role, men should be men again and faggots shouldn't exist is met with revulsion, even by evangelicals. Just look at Pastor Anderson and the widespread hatred from other even "conservative" Christians.
Even you cannot deny that the Muslims are far more conservative, traditional and resistant to modern degeneracy than today's Christians are.
And is it really a coincidence that the (((mainstream media))), responsible for reviling Hitler and National Socialism is the same one that reviles Islam today?
It was only a small city minority that embraced Westernization, the countryside was always vastly conservative. Just as in Germany, Weimar degeneracy was concentrated in the cities while the countryside supported Hitler and the NSDAP.
Christians believe Jesus is God?
>hate Islam, you are an ally of Satan.
Satan is a liar, the great deceiver
Islam says it's okay to lie, even encourages it
Doesn't take a genius to figure out the problem with your assertion.
The Greek in that verse says cling. Jesus (peace be upon Him) is basically saying that don't cling onto me and spread my gospel throughout the world. Based off my previous verses, we can see that He is God.
Yeah, yeah. I went through the 'convert to Islam' phase too. It will pass once you realize that Muslims in the West don't really practice it but only fake it. Once you realize that all the scientific "miracles" in the Quran were stolen and were predated by Greek thinkers... Once you realize that half of the Quran is a political movement rules....
>then you will realize it's a man made religion, like all else
Kill yourself, you retarded faggot.
Fuck off with your beta male cucking to Islam. That's pathetic. You need testosterone shots because you are a little bitch.
I’m not wasting my time on quoting verses out of the Koran or Hadith, you can find them yourself, but Islam is LITERALLY full of hate and violence and lies and is therefore a satanic religion. Muslims have been tricked by the devil himself.
Jesus (pbuh) said that the father is "my God and your God". He didn't say "I and God are your Gods".
No, habibi.
He is the Son of God
>too stupid to refute a thing he said.
Islam is the future.
You make a good plea, but the whole 9/11 thing really pissed off Americans who were adults at the time.