Watching Shit

>I don`t watch shit
I keep reading this and I have to wonder if it is just the people who are new to anime, when everything is still fresh.

For people who aren`t complete newfags and who think they only watch good anime:
Have you never watched a show that turned out not so good after a certain point?
Have you ever re-watched something that you thought was great some time ago, but turns out it wasn`t as good as you remembered?
Have you never watched a movie that wasn`t as good as you expected?

>Have you ever re-watched something that you thought was great some time ago, but turns out it wasn`t as good as you remembered?
Kaze no Stigma watched when it was airing went back to it recently and it is absolute garbage in every way.

Maybe you should not use a Sup Forums image if you want to talk about this, even if it sort of fits.

>Have you ever re-watched something that you thought was great some time ago, but turns out it wasn`t as good as you remembered?
Mirai Nikki

>Have you never watched a show that turned out not so good after a certain point?
Every single one that drags out to 3+ Seasons or is "remade", because it usually means that the show is just being milked.
25 episodes are sufficient to build a world and characters, have a nice story line and a fitting conclusion.
Don't make me watch some 1000+ episode shitshow.

>Have you ever re-watched something that you thought was great some time ago, but turns out it wasn`t as good as you remembered?
Lucky Star, watched it when it came out, really enjoyed it and then recently revisited it. Can't pinpoint why, but I don't enjoy watching it anymore.

>Have you never watched a movie that wasn`t as good as you expected?
The Evangelion rebuilds, got excited for each one and it just turned into disappointment.

>>Have you never watched a show that turned out not so good after a certain point?
Parasyte and Ghost Hound
Parasyte had a strong start then went to shit when the MC came home from his trip. Devolved into dumb teen melodrama bullshit and wacky dumb school adventures
Ghost Hound just got into some weird fucking scifi alien shit instead of being a cool psychological/drama/sol about the main characters and their weird lucid dream stuff

The enjoyment from that festering pile semen came from watching/discussing it with /a as it came out.

Also delicious yandere.

>Have you ever re-watched something that you thought was great some time ago, but turns out it wasn`t as good as you remembered?
Initial D. Still is one of my favorites, but after rewatching it a bit I realized its definetly one of my weakest favorites. Genuinely scared to rewatch YuruYuri as Im afraid I wont like it as much as I did when I first saw it.
>Have you never watched a movie that wasn`t as good as you expected?
expectations are kind of on the viewer and not on the movie itself so hard to say. I guess Patema Inverted was overhype for me and I was pretty disappointed. The YowaPed movie too, thought it would be a fun little movie since it was based off cut manga content but it was pretty bland and filler-y

>Have you never watched a show that turned out not so good after a certain point?
All the time. NagiAsu was the most recent.
>that timeskip
What was Okada thinking?
Same with Gurren Lagann. Post timeskip was not so good

>Have you ever re-watched something that you thought was great some time ago, but turns out it wasn`t as good as you remembered?
I used to think SAO was the bee's knees years ago. I still enjoy it for nostalgic reasons and don't really take it seriously though

>Have you never watched a movie that wasn`t as good as you expected?
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time felt like a really mediocre, predictable version of the Butterfly Effect. No idea why it's so loved.

Terrorist a best though.