Name a better country.
Pro tip: You can't
Undeniably True
So good, you all left to be alcoholics all around the world.
What are you talking about ahmed? Rather be a drunk than a cuck.
fuck all paddy O'Harpies and Micks
Reminder that a united Ireland never has and never will exist.
America flag. I knew before I even clicked on the thread. You know how American niggers go to africa and are shocked that the local nigs look down on them, don't accept them as african and treat them like a joke? Go to Ireland ...
Hong Kong
New Zealand
But, muh button is bigger.
Honestly can't.
Irish people are supreme beings. They are literally above all others.
Only the second-best. Flag related.
>Pro tip: You can't
Back to with you, kiddo
Finally a leaf that gets it.
thx bae
>What are you talking about ahmed? Rather be a drunk than a cuck.
There is nothing superior to an Irishman, except maybe a Catholic God.
Who are we mere mortals to judge beings above ourselves?
Names shittier countries. Nice try burger bro.
And we see you have no argument. Show us that Mexican or Turkish flag you literal nigger.
>I'm italian and I'm definitely whiter than you, muhammad
He is retarded if he thinks any of those shitholes compare to Ireland. Especially Sweden, Norway, or Germany. They are all absolute trash.
I am sure you are of 100% sicilian blood right? Holy shit you are retarded.
>doesn't realize that I was making fun of him
>Wanting the gay capital of Europe to own the least gay part of Europe.
Top kike.
>One of the lowest average IQ's in Western Europe
>Launched cowardly attacks during WW1 against the Kingdom apart of which it prospered unlike any time in history and still feels immense benefits from
>"Fought" for its freedom only to hand its sovereignty over to the EU not 100 years later
>Entire country has been cucked out of billions by the Catholic Church, the EU in forcing it to shoulder debts for the entirety of the union and US companies using it as a tax haven in exchange for terrible "account management" and "customer service" jobs
>Many can't even pass the English standards requirements for permanent residency in Canada, Oz and more
>Lead by a gay pajeet
My company has a HQ in Dublin to avail of the cheapo corporate taxes and availability of super cheap low brow workers from Ireland and other busto parts of Europe.
It is a literal joke of a country. Grand ideas of its place in the world, it's moved from one tit to the other in its dependency on others for survival, promptly sticking out its asshole for a fucking when told.
The absolute state of Irish America.
Whatever you say Leaf. You won't be spared on day of the rake.
You'll never be Irish, Plastic Paddy.
I'm an Irish American. You can go fuck yourself buddy.
obviously you don't know what you're talking about comparing 3 different European countries like they were shitskin overrun American states. Norway is not in the EU and never will be and the immigration under the Norwegian psuto AFD is as low as it was in 1992.
Norway is well over 90% northern germanic white and will stay that way longer than any other western country. The vast majority of the population are redpilled on the replacement of eur- I mean mass immigration.
But YOU on the other hand are going to become minorities in a few years regardless of grumpf. However none of this changes the fact that all of the west are facing rapid minioritization and eventual extinction which whites worldwide needs to fight regardless of their nation or ethnicity.
Also, Ireland is one of the countries in the EU that has the highest amount of shitskins entering yearly retard.
I'm 52% italian, 9% polish, 24% german, 6% swedish/danish/norweigen and also 24% french because german and french are basically the same genetically and also 33% german because poland back then was a part of germany and my great grandmother was part irish
You're a fat fuck 56% faced American and that's all you'll ever be. When you go to Ireland they'll smile to your face, take your euros and stick their fingers up to your back.
ireland is a depressing shithole
More hate towards the best country in the world. Kys you spineless cucks who are blinded by kike semen.
Why are you still hiding your flag faggot? Embarrassed of your tiny nigger brain?
>Why are you still hiding your flag faggot? Embarrassed of your tiny nigger brain?
Clearly you know I'm right.