
Is there a cure for her autism?

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Lefiya cures her autism in the LN.

We'll see it in episode 10.

And people say that elf is useless.

It involves her coming to the realization that she is trying to obtain power/higher level to fill in the void that she is alone and can't relate to the people around her.

How do we fix Lefiya's autism, then?

There is no cure because it's not a disease. Autism is in fact a Best Girl trait.

She needs to find confidence and be taken out of her comfort zone. She thinks too much about what her familia thinks of her, regardless of it being positive or negative. It probably has something to do with the "School" she was sent to as a kid to learn how to be magic.

An elf's tongue deep inside her.

aiz isn't gay, though.

She just needs a heterosexual relationship with a good man.