I just ended my four year relationship with my gf. I was planning on marrying her and having at least four beautiful white babies with her (we talked about it). I ended it because she was dead set on trannies and faggots being normal. She doesn't care if our children are exposed to it or if the become degeneracy incarnate themselves. Surprisingly enough I redpilled her on race to some degree, although she still very passionately wants to treat everyone as an individual. I'm absolutely crushed. I still love her. I've been thinking about moving some where rural with her and my future children for two years now. I feel like I almost made it Sup Forums. I've been trying to get her to see reason for years now. Did I fuck up? Was this worth it? Am I going down the path of pure ideology and ignoring the pragmatic stance of redpilling several white children behind her back?
What do?
Gabriel Scott
>the current year >having (((relationships)))
Leo Lewis
This is the hard part, but you did the right thinng
Cooper Gonzalez
Pic related is the future of the White Race
Camden Hall
move on
Austin Cruz
You were not strong enough to bend her will to yours. You will be tested in the coming months. Who will you become?
Easton Nelson
Proud of you for putting your money where your mouth is, user.
Josiah Garcia
Damn straight.
Adam Powell
Wow, you fell so hard for a prank website Sup Forums that you actually made real life decisions based on it.
Are you, like, nineteen? Cause that shit is beyond stupid. Enjoy loneliness.
Nolan Stewart
Its your first step in being a man lad.
Brody Bennett
You did the right thing. Some Women just don't get it. Just stay strong, and you will reach your goals. Never cuck out.
David Miller
Its either this or your children getting diddled by her "normalized" paedophile tranny "friends" Cut your losses and live by ideology
Dylan Sullivan
t. roastie whore
Kayden Nguyen
Wow, you're fucking retarded if this is true.
Logan Brown
Carson Cox
You made the right decision OP.
Jose Lewis
Now watch how quickly she reverts to her previous leftist mindset. She's probably not terrible but it's best to solve these kinds of problems early
Gabriel Harris
don't do anything OP just stay numb
Dominic Harris
Great Deceiver! Back to your pit!
Caleb Peterson
>fucking, first year >white baby and marriage, second year >another baby, third year >fucking when time is available, fourth year Stop being a coward and have white kids.
Austin Anderson
Fuck I miss her Sup Forums
Thomas Jackson
Stay away from White Nationalist groups IRL, trust me. Just look for actual traditional women, and stop picking up scraps.
Jose James
dude don't post this shit of her. She didn't fuck with you or anything. You're being a cunt
Wyatt Fisher
My mother showed me John Waters movies and Naked Lunch as a kid and I hate faggots now
Aaron Stewart
Roastie Satan
Zachary Young
You piece of shit. Go back whence though came.
Andrew Rivera
Looks like you deserved it, user.
Hunter Lopez
I am nineteen. I wanted to marry her next year and start having beautiful white children immediately.
Young, beautiful, traditional, white family.
I almost made it Sup Forums.... I-I almost mad it....
Cooper Moore
Angel Collins
>inb4 user died alone
Owen Stewart
yeah, im gonna have to call this a larp. it was a nice attempt, but this post gave it away.
Logan Martin
>Stay away from White Nationalist groups IRL, trust me. story time?
Cooper Gonzalez
Connor Hughes
Now it's time for your Ex to be blacked. I will give her glorious mixed babies and she will cum on my dick and squirt.
Hudson Evans
This idiot really broke up with his girl over trannies. Dude you are a grade the biggest example of a faggot. You really broke up over trannies hahahaha.
Carson Johnson
This is why white females are a mistake. All the 4+4 chan faggots here will tell you some bullshit about how it's YOUR fault that it didn't work out but the truth is that white females are the most entitled and naive people out there.
Look at all the most extreme feminists. Either jewish females or WHITE females
Take the ricepill user, and if not that then at least breed with a white hispanic, at least they educate their daughters on race reality.
White women today are absolutely unfixable garbage trashcan into the dumpster fire they go!
Kevin Miller
its a tarp
Landon Flores
>FBI >Cointelpro >Radicalization >Becoming a media prop
Angel Morris
I mean this is a troll, cmon. Fucking back pages style picture of his "future wife"/
Ayden Reed
Nooooo!!!! It sounds like to me you had a white woman who was willing to have children and was right leaning, which is rare. Now she is going to go hard into degeneracy to spite you, and another one is lost.
Nathan Baker
I assume you went with WN 1.0 stuff then no experience with the newer movements then?
Dominic Murphy
Kill yourself, subhuman chimp nigger.
>implying you aren't really some cucked jewish larper faggot that dreams about getting raped by a pack of niggers
ooga booga motherfucker
Connor Lewis
I like the ricepill, but some of them are degenerate as fuck.
Nicholas Phillips
SHe is going to be blacked so hard oh I love how weak you white faggots are.
Adam Davis
You think they don't infiltrate groups anymore?
Henry Edwards
If her, she looks like a fucking gook. I get that vibe. Anyway, what's so great about her when she is taking those basic bitch selfies.. is that also a tattoo??
Naww.. fuck out of here with that thot.
Jackson Gray
no, I mean modern groups make counter infiltration a top priority. start calling for anything criminal and you're out in seconds
Ryan Wright
His slut is going to oogaa booga chagaaa on my big nigger dick and love it. You white males on Sup Forums are weak minded hahaha
Eli Thomas
Tyler Ramirez
Hmm, I've actually thought of looking for one tbqh.
Jaxson James
Since no-one else has expressed doubt, I will - how would her not hating trannies hurt your kids? As an old guy who missed the boat, 4 year relationships aren't easy to come by. Now you've got to start all over again. I think you done goofed.
Nicholas Collins
Fuck you bitch nigger, the only weak white people here are the woman's parents who were probably stupid naive hipper faggots and never woke their daughter to the reality that this country is overflowing with stupid subhuman nigger savages and their rotten jew handlers, like you.
David Watson
Shit bait, quit falling for it, faggots. It’s a white male larper.
Samuel Gonzalez
HHhHhHhahahahaha now she will worship the black dick!!! Please keep making it easy for us.
Andrew Clark
The point of the thread still stands. Women are retards that need to be ostracized.
Sebastian Allen
Reddit faggot.
Oliver Green
She will love the stupid nigger dick which will make her cum stupid nigger hard.
Anthony Morales
>I am nineteen kek
Easton Brown
>us >muh dik
Kayden Campbell
Parker Lewis
you're an idiot. We can't afford to be choosy. The fact that she wanted to have four kids would have been amazing for the white race. You put yourself before your people and your race.
Tyler Moore
? no men who are yet to be men need to become men broheim
Mason Brown
Go find a hill Billy woman in sure she will share the same retarded logic as you do.
William Diaz
you did the right thing, continue posting pics - it will ease the pain
Christian Scott
You have done the right thing. I was married for a long time and my ex was very left. She would tell me that having kids with her was oppressing her. We decided together after being married for 6 years. You cannot change them. They will try to cuck you. The right woman will come, and she will share your views. Believe me, there are a lot of right leaning women out there who don't care for this SJW nonsense. You did the right thing.
Adam Sanders
Just because you virgins can't find I white qt doesn't mean none of us can. Isn't the biggest part of this movement raising a white family?
Carson Walker
>>broke up with my gf >>due to trannies >>no more muh nuclear white family >>"did i fuck up lads" >>trannies
Ryder Parker
If it makes you feel better, almost everyone at 19 feels like they've found 'the one.' Once you're in your mid twenties, you'll struggle to recall how you even felt pain over this relationship.
If you have friends, reach out to them. If you don't, throw yourself at your work. Make your nation proud.
Levi Lopez
If she doesn't care enough about it then you shouldn't care about her. Move on, find someone who isn't a degenerate that would obviously divorce rape you and keep your children from you.
Andrew James
>women give you value as a man Might as well wear a pink pussy hat tbqhwy.
Easton Morgan
You didn't have to end it. If you can salvage the relationship, be a man and take matters into your own hands; make sure they don't get exposed to that shit, and make sure she doesn't allow any of them to make contact with it
Justin Fisher
>4 year relationship You might still have a chance, just stop asking for dating advices from degenerates online
Ayden Richardson
Trust me on this one... if it was a problem now, it was going to be a BIG problem later. Plus if she can be indoctrinated and made to believe paying someone to mutilate your genitals just so you can have a slightly more realistic make believe session is normal, what else would she be bent to believe in the future? Your kids would’ve been raised by a brainwashed tool.
Ayden Butler
I have red pilled my bitch. And that shaming tactic you just threw out... your clearly not who you say you are.
Daniel Foster
You made the right call. I had to do this too. In the end, we really were way different on more than just politics and I always felt too guilty to admit I led her on.
Joshua Wilson
>Isn't the biggest part of this movement raising a white family? Nah, that's just nazi larpers. The Alt Right is mostly anti-natalist.
Xavier Perez
>black hair Not white, user.
Easton Jackson
>Did I fuck up?
Depends on just how lonely you are in the coming years.
You love someone for the things you disagree with, just as much as the things you agree on OP. You must be a bit young if you haven't realized that yet. No woman is perfect, nor is any man, but if you loved her and let her go because of what an online image board told you, well, you're not exactly bright.
Charles Green
thats how yo interpreted that? no motherfucker I meant if he can't make a bitch change her tune to his then he aint even in himself yet
Jonathan Ward
You did the right thing, find a sane woman instead that can think for herself instead of bend to lefty peer pressure on this cancer.
She's not mentally strong enough to be attractive imo. You'd have nothing but problems later in life and imagine about bluepilled kids siding with mom looking at you across a divorce court with a bluepilled judge about to drop the rape hammer on your lifetime finances.
Jack Ramirez
OP I can relate. My wife is fully redpilled on everything except the gay question. There may be a chance one of your kids winds up being gay and it wouldn't do to disown them so there's that to think about. There's also no reason why as a father you can't do your damndest to raise them with a proper understanding of what is expected of them gender-wise. She doesn't get the final say on what happens in the house and you have more authority over the kids wether she will admit it or not. You may have fucked up. What can she possibly do to steer their development towards being being gay that you can't undo anyway? If she's red pilled on everything else, go back to her and crank out the kids. Eventually she'll see your side of things. Bitches just have a soft spot for faggots because they think they're born that way and cant help it. Show her some documentary on bug chasers and gift givers and at the end casually say 'wouldn't it be shitty if one of your offspring winded up like that'? and walk away.
Cameron Ortiz
The fuck? The two are wholly unconnected, retard.
>speaking for alt right
Just kys now faggot.
Jaxon James
I am going to fuck the shit out of your sweet little white bitch with my big black cock. She is going to scream KANG KANG KANG!!!! I am going to let her call me a nigger white I thrust her doggy style and sniff her little sweet white ass hole.
Chase Adams
she obviously wants to fuck niggers now kys
Adam Clark
>She would tell me that having kids with her was oppressing her.
Jesus christ I hope you're trolling for the sake of humanity's future.
Gabriel Hall
go back and fill all her holes with cum faggot.
Mason Lee
You ditched her over that?
You did fuck up.
You are an idiot.
Matthew Wilson
At least in my case it wasn't enough to disagree with my ex. She insisted that I accept our children if they turn out gay or with a black man. I told her I couldn't and it was a back and forth with half assed compromises to not rock the boat further, but we were really just procrastinating our break up. She could not accept my views, so why should I have accepted hers? Why should I give children to a woman who is so arrogant to make those kind of decisions for me and my children?
Connor Ortiz
If real, you’re a fucking idiot. Literal retard.
Wyatt Campbell
Self projection.
Who hurt you? Some black dude stole your girl?
Ryder Rodriguez
>not enough pottery NO LARP
Jacob Richardson
Fuck that. We need to change with the times, and start fathering children without raising them. Genghis Khan grew up without a father.
>he doesn't know that the Alt Right dropped breedcucking and pivoted towards cloning
Jaxon Price
I have had sex with my fair share of girls. And to be honest, I'm the opposite of proud of it.
You, however, just gaveaway for everyone else this is a larp, just as I expected.
Your real intention is to try to instill fear of being alone to those here and to associate it with non-democrat views.
I think one day you will realize that your underhanded manipulative ways actually make you less valuable and decent than those you despise.
Have a nice day!
Grayson Jones
You are so fucking retarded to expect any different from a girl you tried to shape from a "normie".
Jackson Morris
You did the right thing, some women / people are beyond saving, you'd of been ideologically butting heads for eternity and it would of just caused strain on the relationship eventually. Don't waste yours or her time, just find someone else that you can have children with and that you see eye to eye with on the fundamentals.
Jaxon Thomas
You fucked up bro, it's the maternal instinct to want to care for all equally and leave no one left out. She still could have been a good mother raised you fine children, but you'd have to be a man and put your foot down if any faggot shit came up.
I know children are a big commitment and you want to plan that shit out real good but it seems silly ending your relationship over such a vague hypothetical (especially when you could just put your foot down when the time comes, IF the time comes.
Noah Parker
That cloning shit is just a stupid meme by a few sexdoll fags trying to push their business here.
Besides, chads have no problem finding girlfriends or wives. The problem is female-side only, and if they came pre-jewed then discard them and either find another less SJW woman or ricemix.
Landon Phillips
>or with a black man This has to be a larp, what woman in a relationship would seriously ask you to cuck yourself because she cheated on you with tyrone?
If not, accepting views doesn't mean you have to like them user, you just have to treat the person with respect and agree to disagree. Not exactly what part of that is so hard, unless you're a teenager that can't handle different opinions or something.
Jason Miller
the hamster site videos selma-blair storytelling
Julian Perry
You would bend your will to theirs? Sounds like my messages were not for OP but for you. Probably why you engaged me son. Get your shit together.