Good fucking job Sup Forums, teachers at my school think this is a white supremacist hand sign, and people have gotten into trouble for it, god damn, what do u have to say for yourselves?
Good fucking job Sup Forums, teachers at my school think this is a white supremacist hand sign...
idk, you should probably kys if you think this matters at all. Better yet, shoot up your school. Clearly nobody is learning anything there anyway.
Your school is gay. Burn it down.
Fake News
Just keep quite and bottle everything up. The school is only there to program us into becoming leftist democrats. Just know in your head that they are retarded and go about your business.
I was just trying to post that meme before you did.
>Being a HSer
I hope they don't find out about @
Damn..... Talking about nail on the head user.
>teachers at my school think this is a white supremacist hand sign
Everything is a white supremacist symbol if you're white. Did you not learn that part yet, OP?
>Alt-Right coded Happy Merchat.jpg
This. Yes.
Underage b&
we always win in the end
If everyone recognizes it as such, it effectively is a white nationalist symbol now
God damn I wish I could go back to middle school where OP is. The things I would do differently.....
Make it so
This is sound advice.
Stop being a faggot and tell them to stop listening to the (((ACLU)))
i think this board is 18+ kid. we dont care what mrs. catlady thinks
At what fucking point will the left realize that all this labeling of white supremacy or bigotry is just another form of censorship?
There are people that are actively anti-free speech. While the pawns may not fully understand the people pulling the strings know what they're doing.
Putting the ACLU logo on that was genius, OP
my anthropology professor today said that racism is prevalent in todays society and that all you need for proof is to look at the highest person in office right now
and at that point i knew
i cant escape this. everywhere i go theres liberals that believe this stuff. my hope sinks a little.
Do you happen to go to school in WV? I had a cousin down there that got sent to the principal's office for making that sign in a class picture.
great job Sup Forums
we've finally done it this time
There's no way that these fags don't realize how silly that shit is, right? Surely they can't actually believe this stuff and just push it as a way to stir the pot.
hooo-leeee shit
Have you also not learned from history? Literally every time it's turned on them.
holy shit they even used the original Sup Forumsack edit
isn't it also a sign for 666?
don't forget about the real meaning behind the 'peace sign'
You guys are the fucking worst... i will never unsee this now...
I still don't see it.
NEXT STEP: Operation ISIS finger.
Let's turn the ISIS finger into a symbol of white supremacy symbolizing ein volk, ein fuhrer, ein reich
>two Venus symbols
you can't be this dumb
>He doesn't know
shoulda been SPLC or ADL way more believable
Venus? Mars is male you idiot!