Why does a technocracy does not exist yet?

How do we fix politics? Both the left and the right are completely braindead and just seem to ride on populism and whatever the retarded people want. I was gonna write a lengthy posts about the pro's and cons about both sides but then I realised it's beside the point. The real issue is democracy. People are fucking stupid. So they elect people to decide on things that also don't have a clue on how to run things at all, just riding the dick of populism doing as the public pleases untill the dick runs all out of steam and their term is over.

WHY are people of science/business not in (actual) power and we gladly slowly the gigantic shit that is democracy and HOW can we change this?

Because if you take your shitskin glasses off, you will always find that the person that has no personal interest in the matter will give the more nuanced, better solution

It's starting to get to come to the point i would rather just have a fucking dictator come in that knows what he's doing

Reddit: the ideology

>want to discuss something political
>go to Sup Forums expecting nothing
>get nothing

I should've tried reddit

Fuck you Sup Forums

AI is too racist.


Businesses ARE in power right now. Facebook, Amazon, Google and Microsoft/Apple collectively control much of the Western World's thought and innovation. They're big companies and are only going to get bigger.

In 20 years, they will control the world and it will not be pretty. Before, political power came out of the barrel of a gun. Now, they've zombified the populace: political power comes out of a smartphone.

>Brown hands
Everything is ruined

>Why does a technocracy does not exist yet?
Because it is pseudo intellectual reddit faggotry

Read “democracy: the god that failed” it’s an alright book but the message is great. Basically people are to fucking stupid when it comes to politics and get railed in the ass by ((())). I also see your point with Sup Forums but you can’t expect anyone to have an intelligent dialogue with, it’s just memes and blow here dude

Dump the Enlightenment and go back to Catholic monarchies. Problem solved.

>Why does a technocracy does not exist yet?
But they do.. in nearly every country.

That's the problem.

Nothing to do with AI you retarded Indonesian.

There's no such thing as a technocracy you fucking dipshit

But it does, in China.

Yeah, give Google even more power. This already is happening, you want it in full ass rape mode.

The redpill is that democracy is a technocracy.

Its a hard fact of sociology, economics and politics that broadly distributed power reduces corruption, social strife and promotes capitalism.

why do you assume someone else always knows whats best for your life?

better go restock your soylent

>Big businesses
>Having your best interests at heart

Pick one

Authority is an ultimately self-destructive part of humanity. Only the laws of the universe can restrain things in the universe. When humans try to restrain things with baseless laws, they always end up failing, because humans are not God.

It's a very simple logic to grasp but it's terrifying, so people don't like to think about it.

>become bitcoin millionaire
>buy abandoned oil rig in international waters
>claim yourself a sovereign nation
>watch everyone fail to recognize your claim as a sovereign nation
>create new crypto/token along with technocratic government that utilizes blockchain technology for all your governing needs
>use your tiny nation as test bed for perfecting your block chain government
>convince other countries to use adopt your block-chain into their government
>as your crypto/token gains world wide adoption you become even more crypto rich
>claim all crypto transactions as your countries GDP
>watch as your oil rig sized nation's GDP rivals that of large European countries

it's very simple.