Julian Assange is CIA scum

Julian Assange is CIA scum

Other urls found in this thread:


David Seaman is a controlled opposition jewish shill.




Worst post in Sup Forums history congrats

*laughs harder*

scale hatin

This photo was found on Sup Forums tagged "Pizzagate Lobster"


What did you just say to me? You little bitch? Im a navy seal and have over 600 confirmed kills.

What connection does your image have to your post?

OP is a Rothschild who is scared.

Hi Jangles

Quite the opposite actually.



He can't be because he's been dead for a couple years.


How old is this comic? Im interested in the tie-ins with Nukes and Metors in the News

Forecasting The End: An Asteroid Could Destroy Las Vegas

OP is a Rothschild that isnt scared?

Vegas gunman's brother says it's like an asteroid hit


Not much for me to be scared of is there?


The Greek hero Achilles’ most notable feat during the Trojan War was the slaying of the Trojan hero Hector outside the gates of Troy. He was killed near the end of the war by Paris, who shot him in the heel with an arrow.

The Greek hero Achilles’ most notable feat during the Trojan War was the slaying of the Trojan hero Hector outside the gates of Troy. He was killed near the end of the war by Paris, who shot him in the heel with an arrow. There is a legend that Achilles was invulnerable in all his body except for his heel.[27] Lee Alefantis, rarely mentioned anywhere, showed up in a review of a company called TastingTable.com. The owner of company called the “real star” of a Tasting Table development- LEE ALEFANTIS of TRIBECA [triangle] BUILDERS

Reportedly, Lee described Comet Pizza in Australia as “Very dark and Satanic, Saturn imagery although the theme is ITALIAN FUTURISM. Saturn is the centre piece however. There doesn’t appear to be much Italian Futurism going on. So, triangles, pizza, saturn …”

So, what was averted? A fake asteroid hit in Vegas?

Op take your meds

Love, dad

Danger obviously *rolls eyes*

But why would his brother reference it after?

You were going to be taken away with the aliens to their world of unconditional love and brotherhood and now you get to stay here with us


An extinction level attack, starting in Vegas?
Sounds like a terrible movie.

Already happened. Now it is just us and the AI.

Schrodinger warned us. We should of taken the 2001 concluded audit of Lockheed Martin by the inspector general of NASA a little more seriously.

The Stand

Should have

not that it matters now, the grammar division are dead.

I do not watch films, I do not spend my time in fantasy, i deal with real life stuff

What was the conclusion of the 2001 audit?

We are living it baby

Eric Paddock plans to keep his brother’s ashes in a safe deposit box to make sure that there’s no "hoopla" around the Las Vegas gunman's remains.

Come on, fill me in.

will gorge itself on clay

Well there is quite a lot to take on board...

The Egyptian Hieroglyph for Star is the same as Gate.

In Rome, you will find many Egyptians working in Pizza places.

We find Pizza in Babylon, oh yes we do!

Ishtar means To Irrigate>
Tzion is a dry place

The Star Tarot on The Economist cover features a dark lunar surface in reference to the >Jack Parsons Crater...

However it is in Antarctica which we find The Half Moon Deception... This is a pivot upon which the world spins and we find it within ourselves.

The shizzophrenia is strong on this board lately...



OP has been making threads like this for at least a year.

Sophia is The God Head

since Mathematica is to learn

Sophia is the sum of knowledge, the light of wisdom.

Hence Philosophy is the love of wisdom > Metaphysics

Natural Philosophy > Physics

>see thread and think, “wow this guy seems like a huge faggot and fat in real life”
>see name fag and flag
>confirm my initial thought
Your fedora must be worn out from all the tipping faggot

So retarded. You come as a man, you will die as one.

Tell me, why do Freemasons want to ascend towards the East?


The Black Sun

You are not superior to me.

I met with God and The Devil in person the morning after Las Vegas.

Get behind me Satan.

John 14:6K ing James Version
6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

>The Dog star
God spelt backwards. Are you even trying?

There was an extraordinary rainbow that morning.

I bought God a bottle of water.

Another time a man walked up to me in a bar and told me he was a higher dimension and had to speak to me for a moment.

Alpha and Omega

>> NASA Inspector General

You just unlocked next level my friend, wasn't it obvious this whole time that he was pawn for the deep state.

Revenge is a dish best served garnished with cilantro

>> Julian Assange, The CIA, Hampstead, Pizzagate and Ponzi Schemes for the Imaginary Weapons Industry


One Of The Cicada Clues

The rulers named this shit specifically, I see where you're going with this. Elaborate on this post please.

>I see where
I don't see**

The Finders >

Love of money is the root of all Evil


St Augustine tells us that evil is not in opposition of good but the corruption or absence of it.

The etymology of the word believe, as well as love, finds it-s root in Free

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

But at least there’s a sign of life at the State Theater: Its marquee says “John 8:32.”

A local man quotes the cited passage from memory:

“And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.”

“Do you know what’s important about that?” says the man, a longtime resident who believes the Finders are part of an evil conspiracy. “That’s also engraved in the lobby of the headquarters of the CIA.”

Friendship finds it root in Freedom.

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

“Pettie broke his word,” says Terrell sadly. “When I first met him, he said his only religion was friendship. Now he calls himself a skeptic.”


You guys really are sneaky about how you've gone about twisting the word, I can only guess who helped you guys out with that. Why ascend to the East?

Ephesians 6:10-18
I'm going to stick with Jesus, I don't care what St Augustine said.

How do you interpret these Verses?

Romans 10:9 King James Version
9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

Matthew 10:22 King James Version
22 And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.

>John 8:32.
Funny yo mentioned this because I had already posted the verse later on in the Bible where he explains exactly who he is. Have you read all of John?

Known as Isa in Islam.

Son of Isis.

>Julian Assange is CIA scum

You're a fucking idiot.

user, I know why you travel east.
I can see the writing on the wall...

I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.

Oh sit user, you see this? Must be a sign, amirite? lol

By their fruits, you shall know them.


Not every lodge. Remember, this great nation was built by masons. Just like everything in life, you will find good and evil exist in the same space.

God showed you the way user, Jesus came and died as you need to.
Yes your amazing AI has done a great job, doesn't change anything. It's exactly what the Bible warned us about, the destruction of the Temple.

What does this tweet have to do with Assange?

Anybody can bring up a cicada pic. And that was one of the first 2 from the 2016 puzzle. Mine came from much later in the puzzle. Where are you going with this?

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Checked. And which angle? There are 2, though they are also one and the same. The pedo elite, and the satanist (They are one and the same, to an extent). Is it their time finally? We've been waiting...










>Marcus Aurelius

>the most dangerous man to the CIA in the world is CIA because of muh 80IQ pizza conspiracy
kys boomer retard




