>Gets BTFO'd by Tara McCarthy
>Gets BTFO'd by Millennial Woes
>Gets BTFO'd by James Allsup
>Gets BTFO'd by Richard Spencer
>Gets BTFO'd by The Alternative Hypothesis
what's his endgame Sup Forums?
Gets BTFO'd by Tara McCarthy
Other urls found in this thread:
Looks fucking lit if not shopped
literally whomst
king of the Alt Right
Also BTFO'd by desTINY.
oh hey Moshe, making the rounds?
to be BTFO champion
He doesn't know when to just shut the fuck up. Must be the spic genes.
James & Dicky, go back to sucking TRS dick
did someone btfo Nick today? link!!!
How's your dead mother doing, Shawn?
Whenever an American makes any sort of political commentary or analysis I immediately disregard it. Why?
Because the average American "thinker" is the ultimate armchair philosopher. They will proudly give their uneducated opinion on anything. They have no context, no real skin in the game because they haven't had war or conflict even close to their own soil since the 1800s. Their 'culture' is a fabrication made by Hollywood Jews to entice their youth with cowboy and soldier genres to serve their military industrial complex to work and die for Israel. 'Tradition' for them is stuffing themselves to the gullet with high-fat high-sugar foods and securing some shitty office 9-5 office or manual labor job enough to afford healthcare for their heart surgeries and medication.
American 'Alt-Righters' and 'traditionalists' are the worst among these. These half-breed mouth-breathing apes are the loudest advocates for an ethnostate, for the "day of the rope". Their genetic self-confusion is so dire that the word 'cuck' immediately resonates with them in any given discourse. Their understanding of the history of ideas has come from Wikipedia articles and state propaganda. They have no sense of nuance: anything even remotely resembling optimal collective activity is deemed "GOMMUNISM" as their own society institutions continues to become more bureaucratic, overrun by nonwhites, stagnant, and impoverished.
This would be all fine in dandy if these mutants were self contained, but since they outsource all their industry to street shitting cultures like China and India which expel the fetid masses of plastic and waste into our environment, the Amerimonkey's uncontrollable lust for consumption is destroy God's green Earth. We cannot tolerate it any longer.
What is to be done concerning the AQ (American Question)?
The Alt Right hates Nick because he's willing to speak up about Israel.
Nick Fuentes
I check in on this guy from time to time. He's a babby but I think eventually he will find his footing. As for right now he uses too much meme language and other shit typical of 19 year olds. I think it's admirable he does an hour show a day, that's impressive at least.
>where he think's he's going
"Leadership" of the christard section of the alt-right
>where he's actually going
Getting his ass kicked by one of the dozens of people he's personally attacked or betrayed and then fading into irrelevance as he attempts to become alt-lite before realizing that once you reveal that you're JWOKE, you will never get any shill bux.
It's a shame it had to end this way. He had a lot of potential but squandered it all. The funniest thing is that he thinks of himself as a "leader" when he can't even resolve business disputes with two close friends for more than a few months without it blowing up in his face.
Nick is the ultimate warning about online-only communities. He has no social skills and develops all sorts of toxic personality traits because he is used to interacting with others through the safety of a computer.
Well that's funny because Spencer and Enoch criticize israel and talk about the JQ all the time. Why don't trumpbot civ nat shills ever try to be more convincing? You are all so fucking lazy lol
u mad nick boi?
pic here, kek
REEEEEE GET OUT! NOW never come back fuck
Spencer apparentlly called him drunk at 1AM and bantzed him.
Pretty funny desu. Nick will be one of the first to go on the day of the locker.
hey sup shorty, hows the air down there?
haha just playin
we cool?
Nick: y-yes
LATER: *sperging online*
Without a doubt there was Israel-Saudi cooperation here, but 9/11 was done by sand nigger Saudi's.
didn't spencer say he was going to kick his ass,lol?
>CommonFilth disappears about the same time Nick appears
>both are young hardcore Christians with the exact same views and associations with Ironybro twitter
>both hate Dickless Dickie Spencer and the TRSodomites
I'm convinced they are both the same person.
He's ok, just needs to grow up a little.
>Spencer is more 'successful' than Fuentes
Spencer is 40 and has been doing this for almost 20 years and has already ruined his optics, Fuentes is 19 and has been doing this for 1
He for some reason gives me a young Trudeau vibe, which plays into the theory that Trudeau is Fidel's bastard.
Wtf are u trying to imply here? Do you listen or read most of these peoples’ works? Most of the people pictured here have spoken out repeatedly about the Jews and Israel.
>implying Nicks going to get anywhere when he can't get along with people that agree with him on 95% of other issues.
That's what Nick said but the kid lies all of the time. I'm sure that Spencer just bullied him and implied that if he kept talking shit he'd get eventually rekt by someone (which is objectively true).
People need to start petitioning Jared Taylor to pull Nick's speaking slot at this year's AmRen. The kid is subversive, adds nothing to the movement, and will inevitably generate bad press when he does his "tell all" to the media about how evil the alt-right is after getting his ass kicked by some member of Patriot Front or another full-fash group for running his mouth.
Gen Z is great and all but its becoming increasingly evident their generation has very little interpersonal skills. They are used to interacting online, blocking someone and moving onto the next thread or whatever. You can't act like that irl
>personally responsable for the alt-right entering the mainstream discourse
>regularly generates worldwide headlines, exposing our message to millions of young white men (the only group we need to appeal to)
>coordinates nationwide legal and activist efforts
>decades of experience in rightwing politics
>graduate of two elite universities, an expert on European culture and political philosophy
Nick Fuentes
>the only time he ever made the news is when he got bullied out of colelge
>cannot work with anyone, even childhood friends, for more than several months
>doxxes his former coworkers and releases their private messages
>lives in his parents' basement as an virgin NEET incel
>has never done any substantive activism beyond attending other people's events (which he criticizes)
Fuentes is a deadend
Really don't know why he continuously stirs this stuff up. He talks about how associating with the alt right "brand" is idiotic but continues to give them 'constructive' criticism. He needs to stop this passive aggressive bullshit where he constantly throws jabs at people, if you don't like these people then go do your own thing, and stop creating bitch fights.
take your e-celeb faggotry and GTFO
>in all fields
>Really don't know why he continuously stirs this stuff up
Because he has literally nothing else. He can't participate in IRL activities because everyone dislikes and distrusts him.
He needs to pick his enemies better. Ethnonationalists are not his enemies if he doesn't force them to be.
hmmm.. i would hhmmm more if it wasn't for the fact that they sound NOTHING alike.
Take your shilling and GTFO
>what is voice changing software
No one has seen CommonFilth IRL...
Nobody cared about Spencer up until like 2 years ago. Dude was spinning his wheels off in the middle of nowhere getting nothing accomplished. He jumps on the Trump wave and is suddenly relevant somehow even though his particular flavor of Pan-Europeanism is one of the dumbest talking points in the alt right.
Can't be. CF was deeply anti-Catholic whereas Fuentes is extremely pro-Catholic.
Everyone say hi to the new guy!
Hi new guy!
Fuentes' fanbase is the definition of the Dunning-Kruger effect
Go to bed, Destiny.
You guys are all shills or faggots.
>nick does good work
>Enoch does good work
There’s no need to pick sides it’s not a fucking popularity contest it’s a matter of getting people on our side on the imagination, jq, nationalism
Even if that were true, which it isn't, Spencer is the alt-right's most effective spokesperson and the one most responible for its sucess in the current political climate.
>even though his particular flavor of Pan-Europeanism is one of the dumbest talking points in the alt right
I get it, you're a racist libertarian who thinks that returning to the 1950s will solve all of America's problems. This position (which has been entirely discredited over the last few decades of WN 1.0 failure) would be less tiresome if you people were able to keep any semblence of message discipline and perspective. Debates over what the future world order will look like can happen after we win.
Even Milo does good work!
It's not a flaw of that generation, we're all that way when we're young with little to no life experience. Nick is playing a game he has no chance of excelling in at his age.
How exactly did Tara and Woes BTFO him?
>There’s no need to pick sides it’s not a fucking popularity contest it’s a matter of getting people on our side on the imagination, jq, nationalism
All Nick does is attempt to divide the dissident right by attacking other figures in it.
i thought CF was a pro-catholic spic. Is he orthodox, prot, or what?
Indian jew,
literal faggot,
not even white tier,
crytpo pedo,
literal faggot again.
His detractors are all faggy.
Shamed him for his sexism. There is no room in the Alt-Right for misogynist pigs.
Then tell Nick to stop with these petulant insults.
The way Nick is getting shit on by so many places tells me something.
The kid isn't even 20 years old and they're attacking him like he's an established figure head already. I have to wonder (((who))) is behind this. It's honestly made me question TRS and Spencer since it seems to be coming from their supporters. And that's coming from someone who likes both of them
Thank you, Rabbi. That was much needed.
Problem is, Nick evidently does not consider the AR and its peripheries as being on his side. He's actively worked to damage people who have been a definite good for these issues.
If he wants to go his own way to push these initiatives, that's fine. If he want's to criticize the AR, that's also fine. However, attempting to destroy useful allies' reputations is not acceptable.
Milo doesn’t talk about the tribe
I agree he has a problem shutting his mouth but I think his approach is different than most alt right figures and he’s basically spreading the same message plus the religious angle
I mean, Tara is a dumb cunt, and if you're implying the Alt-Right isn't sexist is retarded. The VAST majority of the males would take away the women's vote in a heartbeat if they could, myself included.
With that said, have you seen that clip of Woes's face when he heard Tara say she was part Jewish and was a "Xth generation holocaust survivor"? It's great
Lmao if Spencer is the most effective spokesperson the "alt-right" movement is fucking doomed
I agree he should stay out of diffs but he seems unable to. Maybe because he is still young hopefully he learns to pick his battles
>useful allies
Who would that be? All the people listed by OP are useless or incompetent. He never attacks Jared Taylor, for example.
The alt right is nothing more than homosexuals, thots and assorted degenerates larping. The alt right brand has been ruined. Look at how Tennys the tennis player dodged being alt right but not being far right. It's a dead meme
2nd to BASED Mike Enoch
Every time spencer gets wrecked in a debate, his faggot followers start a propaganda campaign about what a great spokesman he is. It's hilarious
Someone being widely disliked isn't always the fault of the Jews, dude. Sometimes the person is just an obnoxious cunt
enoch can suck it, mystery religion jews did 9/11. normie fuck.
The fact that all these atheists and communist faggots like Spencer keep attacking Nick only goes to show that he is winning the argument.
I'm not saying he's innocent, but he doesn't deserve the shit that he's getting. I think in 6 months he'll have a much bigger base and everyone will suddenly forget what's going on right now.
"Hello there, fellow neo-nazis and white supremacists!"
>Nick makes enemies with everyone he meets
>just like another group of (((people))) who make enemies everywhere they go, resulting in their expulsion
>but sure it's everyone but nicks fault.
Yeah when you do things like accuse people supporting child porn and calling previous friends/business partners "downie" don't act as if you're innocent.
Who exactly "wrecked" him in a debate?
>he’s basically spreading the same message plus the religious angle
Not really. He might identify some of the problems with our current world (though ignores the partial responsibility of capitalism and Christianity for our current sad condition) He constantly criticizes IRL activism and thinks that the path to victory is electioneering, which is retarded. His religous angle wouldn't be a big deal if he didn't use it as a wedge issue to divide the alt-right between Christians and non-Christians (who he says are inheriently immoral).
Basically Fuentes is trying to bring the flaws of Boomer conservatism into the alt-right.
Excellent sequential digits. Nick gets shit on by everyone (I mean literally everyone but Laura Loomer) because his profile got boosted by other people on the right who recognized his potential. He then used his bigger profile to personally attack the people who helped him.
>hurr durr everyone that thinks Nick is a subversive sperg must be a faggot commie shill!
This infighting is hilarious to watch unfold. White nationalism is hopeless and white supremacy is on it's last legs.
It use to be that you had to be Anglo-Saxon and a well respected member of society to be apart of white supremacist groups and be considered true "white". Over time, people lost interest in white nationalism and these bigoted pricks had to ease up on their standards to bolster their ever dwindling numbers. It's now gotten so bad that Indian women, Hapas, Spics and homosexuals make up the public face of white nationalism. You people are truly pathetic and don't know when to give it a rest.
Spencer wrecks himself by constantly doing retarded things.
Hail ethical child porn.
I'm not saying he's innocent, but he doesn't deserve the shit that he's getting. He's fucking 19. Give him a chance to grow up and get some life experience
>attack the people who helped him
Yeah, he's done some dumb shit. See post above. But there are times when he simply disagrees with people on philosophy and says that and other people took it personally. The Dicky Spence situation is a prime example of that
I can only think of a single time where spencer came out looking better than he went in.
Spencer's reputation gets worse every time he appears in public.
He absolutely deserves the shit he's getting. That doesn't mean he's not a talented kid, but there's no denying he's way too immature and keen to show how much of a "le big brained intellectual" he is, and thinks picking fights with everyone on our own side will accomplish that.
Going after Alt-Hype for no reason really pissed me off, I won't lie
I'm not a jew. 2 of the people listed by OP are LITERALLY gay, 2 aren't even white (1 a jew). Tell me again how anyone supports that? And who in the alt right branded himself as a white zionist? Spencer. He's an idiot
Ok but you still haven't named any specific debates...
Nick BTFO'd, raped and humiliated several kikes in Israel debates.
But the Spencer counter-signalling is pointless and not working out well for him.
Everyone listed by OP has done more for WN than you could achieve in your lifetime
>Going after Alt-Hype
When did he do this?
Not surprising that the atheist fags on the alt-right don’t like Fuentes
I just find it terribly ironic that the purest fags on this board used to hate e-celebs, and now they rally around them and have an entire thread dedicated to this shit.
>Going after Alt-Hype
When did he do that?
>Spencer counter-signalling
All I really saw was that Nick doesn't understand how whites are going to secure our existence when the demographics are even worse than what they are now. Nick still wants to do 14 without full scale conflict, but Spencer has already given up on that I think
>Give him a chance to grow up and get some life experience
People have been giving him chances, but everyone who has gave nick shit has been attacked by him in the past. 19 years of age is enough to know when you're being an asshole.
>implying e-whores aren't the first to hang in the new world
I don't know where you think you are, buster, but this is an online celebrity gossip board. We're like Perez Hilton but edgier!
Maybe I'm missing somethings here. Can someone post a full info graphic or some shit on all the shenanigans going on?
Yeah he does a good job whenever he debates brainless neocons but criticizing Israel isn't exactly a controversial position on the far right.
Every time he's debated a figure farther right than him, he's been humiliated. He was on the verge of tears at the end of his debate with Spencer (which is probably why he's so butthurt about Spencer's leadership).
Daily reminder that the alt-right is communist:
Where is this Spencer debate? I thought I watched it, but I don't remember him being on the verge of tears