>never forget
Never forget
Why isn't trump inviting social influencers to the white house?!
Wtf is that thing? That's hilarious! Saved.
Oh boy, a bunch of criminal niggers. Just what I want to see.
I wanna live in China
What exactly did he do to help African American's other than being a black pres?
Reminds me of that Pikachu from that pokemon porno
He gave inspiration to all the black girls and boys that they can become a president too.
What exactly has trump done to help Americans in his first year as president?
Top kek, a bunch of out of shape manlet niggers btfo eternally
>ehah ehah ehah ehah mother fucker
>thats right, fuck outta here
rofl wtf is this!?
so diverse
That may be the most poorly dressed group of individuals to ever enter the oval office
Literally nothing
I hope they got the smell out by now.
Blacks can wear hoodies and jeans and tennis shoes to the White House and that's totally ok, but melania wears high heels and gets wrecked. Kelly Anne sits on the couch and gets wrecked. Sean spicer gets articles written about how his suit doesn't fit right. Etc etc etc.
When I'm POTUS I'm going to have a literal, stated "no rap/hip-hop" rule for my White House. Simply saying I can't endorse a genre of music and cultural lifestyle that's killing my citizens and destroying the soul of my nation.
>Deported thousands of criminals
>Gave everyone a tax break
>Scared the shit out of our enemies so terrorist attacks haven't happened like they were becoming more common under Obama.
>faggot wearing a god damn africa pendant on american soil
All niggers must hang
I wanna die