Did (((Nasser))) deserve a life sentence?

Did (((Nasser))) deserve a life sentence?

he's just some random diddler. who cares? he can hange by his balls for a thousand years for all i care.

I can't believe how mad people are that he nationalized the Suez Canal.

He deserved worse

No, he deserved a bullet. Cheaper than having taxpayer money feeding and sheltering this piece of shit for the rest of his life.

Yes, but the judge is a cunt SJW.

he's literally did nothing wrong

A judge should be the last person making the comments. What the fuck

She ought to be disbarred and imprisoned for being a communist.

The case should have been open and closed, and pedofaggot here should have been locked up in a cell with (((Jared Fogle))) immediately.

Instead, we got ZimZam 2.0 media spectacle with a case that these stronk innapent wimminz could not lose. They took pot shots at this helpless homunculus for days on end, and the judge lived out her anti-male fantasies in front of the camera for other women to enjoy vicariously. This was not justice, it was perverse showbusiness and propaganda. This nation is FUCKED. FUCKED FUCKED FUCKED. It's ogre.


He’s Lebanese

Meanwhile carjackers in Chicago get misdemeanors and release.

>treated as liars until proven true

Hold up, hasn't "innocent until proven guilty" been a vital principle of western law for hundreds of years now? Wouldn't accusations with no proof be treated with doubt when they come out?

Then again, those were the days when women weren't allowed to serve as jurors, let alone judges. My bad, I guess I need to get with the times.

Nasser is a mega Arab Muslim name you idiot.

Even more despicable is claiming that our society is the problem.

she looks like a trap

I hope they keep claiming that, the sooner they try to get rid of it and partly/wholly succeed the sooner they realise that the society we set up was actually in their favour more than any other. They won't learn a lesson because truth never comes first in the female mindset, but it sure will teach the sex that actually runs things when times get tough a lesson. Let's hope we keep that lesson and run with it for next time.

i it's true he rubbed his dick on some girls feet and jerked off in front of them and how bad the cp is, i mean, i don't know how old these chicks were when it happened but if it is that bad that probably like 10 years and probabtion at least, like he didn't technically rape a chick? were his messages proven medical techniques? did he finger blast these chicks to orgasm or was it typically very clinical? i don't know the details, a lot of women do lie about this kind of shit though and the judge might have caused him to get an appeal for being a stupid grand standing cunt instead of just doing her job. look at her with that whore makeup one too, trying to look her most whorish for the cameras. she is probably also a pedophile, probably wanted all those chicks to testify for her own twisted perversion.

People like her get off from the power of authority. The more damage she can do to the defendants the more virtue signal points they get.

she was probably finger blasting herself under the robes the whole time.

He was a sick fucking pedo and locking him up for life is justified. He preyed on young girls like a wolf

Another chosenite gets caught with his hands down some kids pants whoda guessed

Regardless what anyone thinks, and I know I'm gonna piss some people off with this one...but seriously:

> you can't keep going back to the doctor for years, and in some cases, a decade or more...day after day for "treatment" and NEVER say a thing OR take a 1.25 mil pay-out to keep quiet about it...and claim you are a fucking victim.

I'm sorry, but the VAST majority of these so-called "victims" are NOT victims of sexual assault.

I mean, seriously...sexual assault is getting dragged into a stairwell in the parking garage by some nig and getting raped in the ass till almost dead.


Getting fingerbanged by the doc once or twice a week when you're a gymnast and under TREMENDOUS pressure to not have sex cause pregnancy can ruin your career, you already know....that doc's finger was probably the closest thing these girls had to a boyfriend and they most likely enjoyed the experiences more often than not, and probably looked forward to it.

You'll also notice how this has all the earmarks of the same shit with the cosby accusations....a bunch of nobody cunts with nothing else better to than ruin a guy over something that really wasn't a big deal (considering I'm sure these girls have had countless chads fingerfucking them since they got into college)...just for the TV time and some possible money's.

> oh boo hoo, I'm just upset that he wasn't better looking, cause then it would've been ok and I would've just dreamed about when I'm banging my husband.

You know it's true.

I'm pretty sure living in jail for all those years will be A LOT worse for him than a quick bullet.

doesnt know how weak willed women are

What is it with Sup Forumss need to always defend, especially these Middle Eastern rapists/abusers (Roosh, Ghomeshi, Manziel, Nassar, etc?)

My favorite part is that she told him "I just signed your death warrant."

I am astounded at the irony of a judge figuratively invoking a power she would literally have if her state hadn't abolished capital punishment.

Seriously, you would be one of a few with the actual ability to do as much, but you can't and you didn't, so why pick that figure of speech?

Judge Roastie will be sentencing you

I'm not even defending the guy...what race he is has no bearing on my point.

This is about women claiming to be victims of something that at the end of the day isn't a big deal.

Funny how you only hear about the guys women have regrets about letting them touch them....never the ones that they didn't.

>This is about women claiming to be victims of something that at the end of the day isn't a big deal.

Actually it’s disgusting either way, but they we’re literally underage. You obviously don’t have kids, young siblings, etc.


Don't molest children if you can't do the time.

Perhaps just don't molest children, period.

In Ghomeshi's case, he might be a bit creepy, but he never broke the law, and the women all conspired to make shit up and lie about it all. They were real genuine cunts who ruined his career and tried to get him locked up and he was innocent.

I tried to explain that to them earlier, but they won't listen. Nasser. Nasr. Nassar. Arabic- victory. Nassrallah - Victory of God. They insist he's a Jew.

>She said she went to Nassar as a child about >pain, adding that he molested her with her >mother in the room.

>“As he was doing that, he also began to >massage internally,” she said. “My mom was >actually in the room at the time and he would >just position me and position myself so that >she couldn’t see what he was doing.”

Bu-hu-hu-hu-huuul shit


I had to get a DOT physical and I had a new Dr. He pus his 2 fingers on the outside of my underwear next to my nutsack and said cough. I said "how come that other faggot Dr. yanks on my balls and tells me to cough. He just said "I guess you could do it that way"

So is he Muslim or Jewish?

Every time there’s an Arab story on Sup Forums people insist they’re Jews.

He should have been drawn and quartered in front of Comet Ping Pong.

Nah 15 years
Serve 80% for parole
Guy fucked up but not worth life.
Fuck the Judge and metoo

Neither. He's a Maronite. His family probably came here awhile ago. It wasn't until more recently that Muslim filth started to build up in places like Michigan and the cities.

I agree. I feel like justice wasn't done, not because he went to jail but because they turned this trial into a GOGURLPOWER horse and pony show, like you already beautifully said. And because of the impartialness and obvious bias with a judge with an obvious political agenda being put off.

Hell I hope Nasser appeals, gets off and walks free just to spite these cunt judges. I think they are already appealing. Feminist judge shot the case in the foot, proving how fucking useless and emotionally-controlled her gender is,

I've seen it with this same name before, saying a Nasser was a Jew. I'm guessing they don't know who Gamel abd-al Nasser was. There are a lot of people named Nessralla in New England who own a big farm company. These are all Lebanese Maronites that came to the US around the turn of the century.

This is Jew behavior, but Sup Forums needs to stay away from fake news.

a semite is a semite is a semite.


Dude take one look at her... . That look is the look women get when they're "winning" an argument by being a nagging cunt or exercising some kind of power over a man. That gaze of lunatic satisfaction as she projects all her insecurities onto the easy to bash, beta male she punishes to feel an iota of security and strength in her useless, padded, safe, life.

Nothing women love more than the chance to harm a Not Sexy.

Not at all. But thanks for reminding me of the beautiful (((Gertrude Stein))) and her towering intellect.

Last week they were saying Bill Gates daughters Kuwaiti boyfriend Nayel Nasser was a Jew too.

a semite is a semite is a semite.

Not quite.

Isaiah 3:12
>As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.
>and women rule over them
>and women rule over them
>and women rule over them

guy was a fucking goon but lol at calling him a "pedophile"

what ages were in this so called CP he got busted with?

hes staring at 14 year old asses every day. that would probably turn any man.

>this girl walks into your doctors office
>"Dr. user I've pulled my hamstring, can you help?"
>wat do?

He deserves to rot in jail for the rest of his life because kiddie diddlers are subhuman trash and should be exterminated.
But the self-righteous judge, being a woman, did all she could to make it about her for literally no fucking reason other than she could have her face plastered all over the news and internet. 80% of twitter right now is just gifs of her staring at the guy and tossing his plea off her desk with the caption "YASS QUEEN".

Hundreds of groomed cunny.

Sup Forums is in flames right now. That's a sign he deserved it.

underrated as fuck. Fucking underagers.

I'd ask you to explain, but I know I'd just get pilpul.

>> oh boo hoo, I'm just upset that he wasn't better looking, cause then it would've been ok and I would've just dreamed about when I'm banging my husband.

>You know it's true.

Yup, it's true. I say the same thing. Especially since some of the girl "victims" have taken nude selfies and posed nude for magazines. They're sexually aware and sexually active and just mad because A Not Sexy Chad was touching them. If Nassar was some hot dad guy they never would have complained.

Honestly if I was his lawyer I would have cross examined the witnesses with a jury and use their narcissistic sex-indulging to ask if they're credible witnesses here. Ask them how many sexual partners they had. Make them look like whores and sluts that are just being shallow, worrying about their reputation and wanting attention and fame.

she really was quite sanctimonious and loved the sound of her voice.

Right? He needs to appeal. I think this opens up a larger issue that women CAN NOT BE IMPARTIAL AND FAIR IN SEXUAL ASSAULT CASES because obviously she just projects her own inflated female ego onto the victims and has it out for the accused already.

Yep, there it is. Thanks for the reminder.

> oh boo hoo, I'm just upset that he wasn't better looking, cause then it would've been ok and I would've just dreamed about when I'm banging my husband.
Absolutely fucking this. Of all the blackpills one can take, few are more sobering than this. Guarantee if he was Dr. Dick, Chad Extraordinaire, this case would have never even seen the light of day.

All women are liars.

I guess you would call him hebephile/ephebophile, but people don't know what that means. I have a feeling this guy sought out this job because of the access, not that he got sucked into it. There were rumblings about Bela Karolyi and his behavior years and years ago. There was a culture that allowed this to happen, and people probably found out about it and sought it out.

No. He deserved a death sentence.

Honestly, she's my new hero. She totally destroyed that nasty pedophile. Unfortunately, itt it seems there are many pedophiles.
Pic loosely related.

I don't think he needs to appeal or anything (at least I hope he doesn't because either way he's human garbage and deserves to rot in prison) and I'm not sure if he even could because I heard she said all that shit after the jury had given their guilty verdict, but she's still a dumb vain whore who just wanted to hear herself talk so she could get her face on TV and in the history books. No other high profile case like this does the judge make it all about themselves at the end like that.

no he deserved to be brought outside the court and shot in the head to be done with him

fuck this society now he gets board and rent on the dole for the rest of his life

She trolled 1/3rd of men into defending a serial pedo rapist by being a typical cunty woman in power.
Congrats. Surprised she left her pink pussy hat at home.

No he didn't , he only did something he was accessible to. You will be the One killing yourself now since you lack both power and brain.

The judge was a cunt. Hippocratic oath, you don't take your kids to the doctor to get finger fucked. He deserves to meet a slow, painful demise.


What hopefully happens is that the guards don't like him, they tell the other inmates that he's a skinner, and that they'll kill him before he gets put in one of the protected wards with other skinners.

you fags act like you've never seen some egomaniac sanctimonious male judge before. every fucking dateline episode ends in some boomer male judge playing it up for the cameras

i loved the story of him diddling the girl with the mother standing there watching but not noticing hahahah


there's no maybe, they're all getting big time money. MSU has like at least $10M dedicated to future settlements

>treated as liars until proven true?
how did this bitch make it out of law school

gonna laugh if her behavior gets this pedo a get out of jail free card

As a pediatric intern, not gonna lie, it's tempting not to sample the goods once in a while.

>"I just signed your death warrant."
he won't last five minutes in the dog house.


Well, because this was a sentencing hearing, not a trial.

You all understand the difference right, right anons?

I’m 33 bro and I don’t get it.

He deserves death but justice demands a life sentence. What a defendant deserves and what justice is are often unrelated.

S-s-sauce please

Yeah but let's be honest all gymnasts are raped daily by their parents, coaches, and Olympic sponsors. It's never been about anything more than sex slavery.

Also deserves one or two life sentences.

Google Nasser you dumb bastard.

This. He should be a lauded hero here.

What surprised me from what I read is that he did some of his diddling right in front of the parents.

>Mrs I'm going to have to insert my finger's into your daughters vagina to check her temperature

Anyone who abuses positions of power and trust needs to hang.

>non-chad touchies roastie several times
>gets sentenced to jail for 175 years
>the girls continue on to gangbangs with Tyrone and his homies
The absolute state of the US court system


Black gymnasts crave white cock dawg

Honesty is an impossibility for you, faggot marxist shill demon.

Goddamn she may be one very sick fucking bitch. Scary.


When you think about it, Nasser getting harangued by all his victims is a lot like one of those Friar's Club roasts on Comedy Central. Except it wasn't funny, because women aren't funny.