Sup Forums, my brother and I are arguing about the validity of the holocaust. Give pills please.
Sup Forums, my brother and I are arguing about the validity of the holocaust. Give pills please
your brother wants to suck your dick
don't argue with your bro, it's bad form
It just takes common sense. Imagine if you had thousands of dangerous political dissident prisoners, you were in the middle of the greatest war ever envisioned on the continent, and your supply lines were bombed into the stone age. Tell me what tactician would prioritize feeding prisoners over the troops and general populace.
Nice sequential numbers, but I have never heard of a "holocaust?" What is that brave soul?
I agree. His argument is that we fed the japs.
Well, we weren't losing and didn't have foreign invaders taking over territory every week, did we?
I wish the Holocaust actually happened.
Wow that is a wierd thing to say...that was loaded with wierdness, you mind is corrupted beond repair filled with incest and believeing it to be are a degenerate and will not come back to being normal. I dont need to tell you to kill yourself, you will.
is that Lauren Southern?
It's a totally valid solution. Somewhat final, but you don't want to solve the same problem more than once, right?
Sup Forums is not the place you think it is. Go back to plebbit.
Dont let Sup Forums let u think its ok to be a wierdo its not, your sick...siiiiiiiick siiiick sickkko woooooooo weeeeee leddle leddle leede
Checks out.
Trips of truth say your brother is gay for you.
This. Incest is acceptable only between sisters or a son and his mother.
I don't believe the Holocaust happened.
But I want it to happen again.
So you're fine with incest,
Just not okay with gay incest?
You want the Jews to guilt you into accepting them so they can take over your country again?
Great idea, goy.
There's literally nothing wrong in wanting to breed with your sister or your mother.